But if they are more careful, they can hold on for two minutes and wait for the support of the zodiac.

The natural disaster in the distance saw Lin Hao and the others resisting like ants and elephants, and smiled disdainfully.

At a stage like him, the IQ is already the same as that of ordinary people, or even smarter.

Naturally, he knew who was stronger and who was weaker in front of him, so he didn't rush to go to other places, just quietly watching Lin Hao and the others resisting from a distance.

Because after he came to this world, he found that there was no life body that could resist him.

At most, it's a guy who can barely resist his blow.

that guy is fast

Lin Hao had already called out to the Firing Seat in his heart, but her response was that it would take two minutes.

But that one has already found them.

With a roar, two thirteenth-level monsters rushed towards them.

Seeing this, Lin Hao quickly summoned the equipment and attached it to his body, holding the black spear in his hand, and became nervous.

The rest of the Pokémon Army also summoned their own equipment, while others turned back into their bodies.

They all faced the enemy with the strongest attitude.

A thirteenth-level monster yesterday was enough for them.

Today, two of them came at once, but because there are vacant seats, they will come to support them.

They only need to hold on for two minutes.

But for the strong, two minutes is enough to do a lot of things.

In a moment, two thirteenth-level natural disaster monsters and other monsters surrounded Lin Hao and the others.

Lin Hao's face was now covered with black armor, with a pair of mechanical wings behind him.

He held the black gun in his hand and stared at the monster, no one knew what he was thinking.

The same goes for the rest of the Pokémon.

Mewtwo changed back to her body and flew towards a level 87 monster alone. At this time, she was already level [-], based on her abilities.

Enough to stand with a level [-] monster.

Lin Hao, the super-evolved fire-breathing dragon, and a few quite powerful Pokémon greeted another level [-] monster.

The rest of the monsters were blocked by the remaining dozen or so dreams.

Although among the monsters, there are still four twelve level monsters and eight eleven, as well as countless tenth level and below.

But if they are more careful, they can hold on for two minutes and wait for the support of the zodiac.

The natural disaster in the distance saw Lin Hao and the others resisting like ants and elephants, and smiled disdainfully.

At a stage like him, the IQ is already the same as that of ordinary people, or even smarter.

Naturally, he knew who was stronger and who was weaker in front of him, so he didn't rush to go to other places, just quietly watching Lin Hao and the others resisting from a distance.

Because after he came to this world, he found that there was no life body that could resist him.

At most, it's a guy who can barely resist his blow.

That guy is rushing towards here quickly.

It is probably the hope of these worms in front of me! I just don't know how he will think of the picture of these worms having no love when he will tear up their hopes by himself, he can't help but ".

Jie Jie.



Mewtwo and the dinosaur-like carrion monster did not have any ink marks after confronting it, and directly put "instant amnesia + elephant art + wave missile + want to cut"

A series of throws were thrown at it.

The carrion monster was caught off guard by Mewtwo's hand, and half of its body disappeared instantly, but with its tenacious vitality, it did not die.

It was extremely angry, ignoring the black blood with maggots that flowed out of its body and its internal organs that had been spoiled for many years.

Zhao Zhaohao, who was extremely fast, grabbed it directly to Chaomeng, because Chaomeng had just released his ultimate move, and his energy was a little bit behind.

She used up all the energy in her whole body and staggered to avoid the blow, but the hair on her left arm was rubbed and turned black.

the other side.

Lin Hao was holding a black spear. At this moment, it was like a god of war. He and the thirteenth-level monster were in front of him.

What he was facing was an extremely large orangutan, but its skin had also rotted away.

Chapter 388 Gorilla Monster

Chapter 389 Spider Monster

This time, it can be very harmful, and I saw the orangutan holding his butt and roaring heart-to-heart.

Even Kaikong Seat couldn't help but feel a chill in his butt, for fear that his master would take a shot at him one day.

But she didn't forget to seize the best chance while thinking about it.

Directly use [God Speed ​​+ Dance + Power of Beginning + Power of Earth] to throw the orangutan into the sky at once.

Afterwards, the dragon mouth of the split sky seat was opened, and a black ball of light condensed inside, and then the orangutan who was completely stunned to the sky.

Send it straight to hell.

The final blow of Risakuza is naturally [Destruction of Death Light + Bad Light].

After Lin Hao settled here, the battlefield was obviously a lot more empty. Lin Hao jumped on the back of the cracking seat, and then the cracking seat carried Lin Hao to the sky, his eyes staring at the small natural disaster in the distance.

With the help of Chaomeng, Fire-breathing Dragon and Sister Calamity also crushed the monsters they were fighting against, and then went to help Princess Roy and the others. After a while, the four [-]th-level monsters were buried in Huangquan.

In this way, apart from the small natural disaster in the distance, the remaining natural disaster monsters are only level [-] monsters.

With their only wisdom, they can feel that they can't beat the group of creatures in front of them, so the eleventh-level monsters can use their power to surround them with low-level monsters and make shields for them.

Lin Hao didn't care about these monsters, but after adjusting his missing breath to the best, he stood up, holding a black spear, and beside him was a small body: Kaikongza and Mewtwo, who had turned back to his original body.

Next is Princess Roy, the flame spirit, and others.

In the distance, Xiaotian is feeling that the life of his subordinates has disappeared.

Afterwards, he looked at it with interest.

There is no intention to intervene, and they target him when Lin Hao.

The little natural disaster looked at the formations lined up in the distance and Lin Hao's soaring fighting intent that was condensed on their bodies and did not disperse.

Immediately, he roared angrily, and just like the substance, a white shock wave visible to the naked eye attacked Lin Hao and the others.

Seeing this, Lin Hao did not use his skills, which was obviously too wasteful, but then Chaomeng next to him used his "psychic power"

, to offset the white shock wave.

The little natural disaster in the distance saw this scene and smiled disdainfully, and then stood up from the original lying motionless figure, only to see that its body was as huge as a giant, and it had eight legs.

This time, it can be very harmful, and I saw the orangutan holding his butt and roaring heart-to-heart.

Even Kaikong Seat couldn't help but feel a chill in his butt, for fear that his master would take a shot at him one day.

But she didn't forget to seize the best chance while thinking about it.

Directly use [God Speed ​​+ Dance + Power of Beginning + Power of Earth] to throw the orangutan into the sky at once.

Afterwards, the dragon mouth of the split sky seat was opened, and a black ball of light condensed inside, and then the orangutan who was completely stunned to the sky.

Send it straight to hell.

The final blow of Risakuza is naturally [Destruction of Death Light + Bad Light].

After Lin Hao settled here, the battlefield was obviously a lot more empty. Lin Hao jumped on the back of the cracking seat, and then the cracking seat carried Lin Hao to the sky, his eyes staring at the small natural disaster in the distance.

With the help of Chaomeng, Fire-breathing Dragon and Sister Calamity also crushed the monsters they were fighting against, and then went to help Princess Roy and the others. After a while, the four [-]th-level monsters were buried in Huangquan.

In this way, apart from the small natural disaster in the distance, the remaining natural disaster monsters are only level [-] monsters.

With their only wisdom, they can feel that they can't beat the group of creatures in front of them, so the eleventh-level monsters can use their power to surround them with low-level monsters and make shields for them.

Lin Hao didn't care about these monsters, but after adjusting his missing breath to the best, he stood up, holding a black spear, and beside him was a small body: Kaikongza and Mewtwo, who had turned back to his original body.

Next is Princess Roy, the flame spirit, and others.

In the distance, Xiaotian is feeling that the life of his subordinates has disappeared.

Afterwards, he looked at it with interest.

There is no intention to intervene, and they target him when Lin Hao.

The little natural disaster looked at the formations lined up in the distance and Lin Hao's soaring fighting intent that was condensed on their bodies and did not disperse.

Immediately, he roared angrily, and just like the substance, a white shock wave visible to the naked eye attacked Lin Hao and the others.

Seeing this, Lin Hao did not use his skills, which was obviously too wasteful, but then Chaomeng next to him used his "psychic power"

, to offset the white shock wave.

The little natural disaster in the distance saw this scene and smiled disdainfully, and then stood up from the original lying motionless figure, only to see that its body was as huge as a giant, and it had eight legs.

Apparently it was just a spider.

It made a shrill scream again, and then jumped straight up, rushing towards Lin Hao and the others.

Lin Hao and the others were initially stimulated by the screaming god of the spider monster, their heads went blank, and after they reacted, they found that the spider monster was rushing towards them.

Lin Hao didn't dare to underestimate this, and quickly tightened his body.

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