level monsters, take the elves back to the Poké Ball, leaving only the flame spirits and Chao Meng.

Then he returned to Yunshui Villa.

And these unorganized monsters are also instinctively moving in the direction of Yunshui Villa.

It was still the same as yesterday, and even the expression was still excited! The natural disaster monsters kept falling and advancing, relying on the large number of their own, they forcibly crushed them under the blanket of human cannon fire.

When the soldiers came on the field, the screams of killing were also heard in waves.,,.

It also pushed the atmosphere of the entire battlefield to the apex.

In the midst of continuous artillery fire, the natural disaster monsters roared and rushed towards the human beings. The warriors took the bloody swords in their hands from the bloody energy in the beginning to mechanically tirelessly slashing the monsters over and over again.

But they still tightened their bodies very cautiously, because they would be swallowed up by cunning monsters if they were not careful.

Only in this way, their spirits are also very easy to fatigue.

This day has been extremely long and hard for everyone, because the types of monsters have increased, and this is just one of the reasons.

All in all, compared to yesterday's results, today can only be described in two words: appalling.

Lin Hao heard the system's voice in a dull sense. Although he was rewarded with a lot of things, he was still excited.

8 Can't get up.

[The second day has been passed safely, the statistics are underway, please wait a moment] [Statistical results: 322 people were killed in this battle, 111 were seriously injured, and 110 were lightly injured.

Total kills: Level 10 monsters: [-].

Level 10 monsters: [-].

Level 10 monsters: [-].

Chapter 386 The Fourteenth Level Boss

Level 50 monsters: [-].

Level 20 monsters: [-].

Level 50 monsters: [-].

Level 2 monsters: [-].

Level 1 monsters: 2] [Please wait while system rewards are being issued] [Congratulations to the host for getting the rewards: Host level +2, overall building level of Yunshui Villa +2, overall Pokémon level +[-], strategic supplies will be supplied later The hair will be distributed to the strategic supply bank in each region.

In addition, 11 rewards for killing monsters by leapfrogging: At present, only Pokémon spirits and items below the diamond level can be strengthened at the primary level. The number of people with minor and serious injuries has more than doubled, and even more than [-] people have died. .

According to the introduction on the system task, tomorrow should be the last day.

I don't know if I can survive it.

Lin Hao thought of it this way, although he is now very comfortable with the warm current of upgrading, but it still can't offset the concerns in his heart.

At this time, Chao Meng came to him, and Chao Meng at this time had turned into the appearance of a silver-haired girl.

Chaomeng seemed to be talking to him, but also to himself: "No matter what happens tomorrow, we should persevere, and don't be blinded by the fear of the unknown."

Speechless all night.

The next morning, it should be said that it was the third morning, a ray of dawn shone on the earth, symbolically saying how beautiful the holiness is.

But only after suffering can there be divine baptism, as they are now.

Then, let me use these hands to lead mankind and cut through this unknown fear.

After a second grade, what should be prepared is still what should be fought.

This time, everyone almost spent all their contributions, they were all equipped with weapons, just for today's final battle! Everyone stopped joking.

everyone will

My breath mentioned the best, and I prepared for the next final battle.

As usual, Lin Hao led the Poké Army to fly out of Yunshui Villa's range from the air, but it was different from usual.

The remaining human beings in the countries below pay their highest respect with their own military salutes! In particular, Huaxia Heguo is the most eye-catching.

Lin Hao felt the respect from below, he also raised his right hand and returned a military salute.

He brought the personnel of the Poké Army to a place slightly farther away from the black circle that appeared today.

even if everyone

Level 50 monsters: [-].

Level 20 monsters: [-].

Level 50 monsters: [-].

Level 2 monsters: [-].

Level 1 monsters: 2] [Please wait while system rewards are being issued] [Congratulations to the host for getting the rewards: Host level +2, overall building level of Yunshui Villa +2, overall Pokémon level +[-], strategic supplies will be supplied later The hair will be distributed to the strategic supply bank in each region.

In addition, 11 rewards for killing monsters by leapfrogging: At present, only Pokémon spirits and items below the diamond level can be strengthened at the primary level. The number of people with minor and serious injuries has more than doubled, and even more than [-] people have died. .

According to the introduction on the system task, tomorrow should be the last day.

I don't know if I can survive it.

Lin Hao thought of it this way, although he is now very comfortable with the warm current of upgrading, but it still can't offset the concerns in his heart.

At this time, Chao Meng came to him, and Chao Meng at this time had turned into the appearance of a silver-haired girl.

Chaomeng seemed to be talking to him, but also to himself: "No matter what happens tomorrow, we should persevere, and don't be blinded by the fear of the unknown."

Speechless all night.

The next morning, it should be said that it was the third morning, a ray of dawn shone on the earth, symbolically saying how beautiful the holiness is.

But only after suffering can there be divine baptism, as they are now.

Then, let me use these hands to lead mankind and cut through this unknown fear.

After a second grade, what should be prepared is still what should be fought.

This time, everyone almost spent all their contributions, they were all equipped with weapons, just for today's final battle! Everyone stopped joking.

everyone will

My breath mentioned the best, and I prepared for the next final battle.

As usual, Lin Hao led the Poké Army to fly out of Yunshui Villa's range from the air, but it was different from usual.

The remaining human beings in the countries below pay their highest respect with their own military salutes! In particular, Huaxia Heguo is the most eye-catching.

Lin Hao felt the respect from below, he also raised his right hand and returned a military salute.

He brought the personnel of the Poké Army to a place slightly farther away from the black circle that appeared today.

Even from a distance, everyone could feel the terrifying energy emanating from the black circle.

And groups of natural disaster monsters emerged from the black circle.

Lin Hao asked Chaomeng next to him: "Are you sure about this black circle?"

In Chaomeng, a layer of white film appeared on her eyes, and then she calculated it. Within three seconds, she said to Lin Hao: "If there are no monsters above the fifteenth level, it is [-]% sure!"

Lin Hao was overjoyed to hear that, since there is a way, it proves that their efforts together were not in vain.

It was just at this moment that a transcendence level came from a distance, that is, the aura of a monster that was no longer within their range.

Chao Meng felt carefully: "It is a fourteenth-level natural disaster, and it contains a lot of energy in its body. I'm afraid we have to be careful this time."


Lin Hao cautiously nodded his head, agreeing with Chaomeng's words.

The other Pokémon apparently also felt the power of the monster in the distance.

Lin Hao frowned slightly, should he be called Kaikongza, but can he defeat the monster in front of him? There seems to be no other way!

Chapter 387 The battle begins!

Lin Hao had already called out to the Firing Seat in his heart, but her response was that it would take two minutes.

But that one has already found them.

With a roar, two thirteenth-level monsters rushed towards them.

Seeing this, Lin Hao quickly summoned the equipment and attached it to his body, holding the black spear in his hand, and became nervous.

The rest of the Pokémon Army also summoned their own equipment, while others turned back into their bodies.

They all faced the enemy with the strongest attitude.

A thirteenth-level monster yesterday was enough for them.

Today, two of them came at once, but because there are vacant seats, they will come to support them.

They only need to hold on for two minutes.

But for the strong, two minutes is enough to do a lot of things.

In a moment, two thirteenth-level natural disaster monsters and other monsters surrounded Lin Hao and the others.

Lin Hao's face was now covered with black armor, with a pair of mechanical wings behind him.

He held the black gun in his hand and stared at the monster, no one knew what he was thinking.

The same goes for the rest of the Pokémon.

Mewtwo changed back to her body and flew towards a level 87 monster alone. At this time, she was already level [-], based on her abilities.

Enough to stand with a level [-] monster.

Lin Hao, the super-evolved fire-breathing dragon, and a few quite powerful Pokémon greeted another level [-] monster.

The rest of the monsters were blocked by the remaining dozen or so dreams.

Although among the monsters, there are still four twelve level monsters and eight eleven, as well as countless tenth level and below.

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