Ye Elf helplessly helped her forehead and said to herself, "Oh, this uneasy master! I guess the master can control her."

After Ye Elf finished speaking, he waved his hand and the other two Pokémon elves chased after the black magician girl who was flying towards the... strange skeleton.

Ye Elf also said something to Xiao Lei who was full of strange atmosphere in the distance: "Xiao Lei, let's go after the black magician girl first, you will come to us after you recover.

I left the coordinates for you."

Stormwind and Minas have always been Pokemon spirits who can say one word and never say the second, so they have always followed the leaf spirit as the backbone.

Because they knew that the Leaf Elf, the leader of their squad, would never deceive them.

So Storm Flying Dragon and Minas are too lazy to use their brains, anyway, they know that Ye Elf will not harm them.

As for Xiaolei, she was originally a militant, just like the Black Magician, so the two of them got along well.

But she was ambushed by a ninth-level undead unit because she was too impulsive when they first started.

She suffered some injuries, but if her body is still healthy, Xiaolei's main injuries are her soul.

The one who attacked her was a level [-] necromancer, who was good at and refined undead summoning skills and negative psychic attack skills.

Even a team as strong as Ye Elf and the others took a lot of twists and turns to kill this ninth-level necromancer.

But this ninth-level necromancer is too insidious.

Xiaolei is also a little reckless.

After thinking that he killed the ninth-level necromancer, he rushed over and wanted to give this ninth-level necromancer a strong blow.

Completely annihilate the soul fire of this ninth-level necromancer.

But when Xiaolei rushed to the... ninth-level necromancer about fifty meters in front of her, she suddenly felt her head dizzy, and then the overwhelming pain spread from Xiaolei's brain.

Crazy stimulates Xiaolei's Wang Qian's nervous system.

Maybe it's that... the necromancer of the ninth level is too confident or because his sanity has not reached a certain level, he thought that his hard and hidden last blow had already defeated these abominable bugs. .

even killed them.

After all, since this ninth-level necromancer "made his debut"

Since then, his hidden last lore move has basically been unprofitable.

Chapter 348 The anger of the black magician girl 【Customize】

Chapter 349 Eggs? 【Please customize】

The egg, which was transformed from Xiaolei's injury, was shaking slightly.

And for a short while after Ye Elf and the others left, the egg that Xiaolei had transformed into just trembled slightly, and did not emit any special energy fluctuations.

There is no deterrent.

This also caused the first-level skeleton soldiers around the egg that Xiaolei incarnated to slowly surround.

After all, although the strength of this egg and her powerful momentum have been completely restrained.

But the life fluctuation of the egg that Xiaolei incarnated into is no way to hide these first-level skeleton soldiers, these evil undead.

But after the egg that Xiao Lei incarnated into was surrounded by nearby first-level skeleton soldiers and evil undead.

As a result, the skeleton monsters who were closest to the egg in front of them couldn't open it no matter what, and they couldn't break the egg shell of the egg that Xiaolei transformed into.

And those first-level skeleton soldiers with simple minds and well-developed limbs in the back still crowded into the skeleton monsters in front of them as if they didn't know anything.

This resulted in a somewhat embarrassing picture.

The good first-level skeleton warriors who were standing in front, including the more advanced undead skeletons, did not expect that a strange power that belonged to their own companions would suddenly come from behind.

In this way, these eggs that were originally very strange because of Xiaolei's injury became a little "cute"

The skeleton warriors who didn't even have to change their expressions suddenly turned into "turning on their backs"


Maybe it's because these skeleton monsters have become: very

Stronger, but Chi is still the same as those one-year-old or two-year-old brats.

That's why they were knocked over by their own people.

This is what is happening now.

But at this moment, the person Xiaolei incarnated into trembled rapidly, and then I saw that many blue lines began to climb on the white eggshell.

It didn't take long after that, the egg that Xiao Lei had transformed into suddenly radiated a purple-blue light, and then it was like a god thunder came into the world, accompanied by "Boom".

one sound.

The egg that this little Lei incarnates into is completely absorbed from the inside out.

The egg, which was transformed from Xiaolei's injury, was shaking slightly.

And for a short while after Ye Elf and the others left, the egg that Xiaolei had transformed into just trembled slightly, and did not emit any special energy fluctuations.

There is no deterrent.

This also caused the first-level skeleton soldiers around the egg that Xiaolei incarnated to slowly surround.

After all, although the strength of this egg and her powerful momentum have been completely restrained.

But the life fluctuation of the egg that Xiaolei incarnated into is no way to hide these first-level skeleton soldiers, these evil undead.

But after the egg that Xiao Lei incarnated into was surrounded by nearby first-level skeleton soldiers and evil undead.

As a result, the skeleton monsters who were closest to the egg in front of them couldn't open it no matter what, and they couldn't break the egg shell of the egg that Xiaolei transformed into.

And those first-level skeleton soldiers with simple minds and well-developed limbs in the back still crowded into the skeleton monsters in front of them as if they didn't know anything.

This resulted in a somewhat embarrassing picture.

The good first-level skeleton warriors who were standing in front, including the more advanced undead skeletons, did not expect that a strange power that belonged to their own companions would suddenly come from behind.

In this way, these eggs that were originally very strange because of Xiaolei's injury became a little "cute"

The skeleton warriors who didn't even have to change their expressions suddenly turned into "turning on their backs"


Maybe it's because these skeleton monsters have become: very

Stronger, but Chi is still the same as those one-year-old or two-year-old brats.

That's why they were knocked over by their own people.

This is what is happening now.

But at this moment, the person Xiaolei incarnated into trembled rapidly, and then I saw that many blue lines began to climb on the white eggshell.

It didn't take long after that, the egg that Xiao Lei had transformed into suddenly radiated a purple-blue light, and then it was like a god thunder came into the world, accompanied by "Boom".

one sound.

The egg that this little Lei incarnated into was completely shattered from the inside out by a dark purple, purple black light.

After the purple ray of light dissipated, I only saw some first-level skeleton soldiers and second- and third-level skeleton monsters that had been gathered by the breath of life. They have long since disappeared in this world.

Apparently, it had been completely burned by the deep purple light that had a high temperature like a star just now.

There was only a dark purple elf floating in the air at that time.

The body of this dark purple elf is seven or eight similar to its original form before evolution, but it is still different.

The difference is that this dark purple elf has two little devil-like horns.

There is also a pair of blue wings on her body, with dark purple stripes on the wings.

When the light shrouded in this deep purple elf was completely absorbed by herself, it would be great.

Chapter 350 Duped! 【Please customize】

This dark purple elf turned into Xiaolei.

It's just that the current Xiao Lei is different from the previous one.

The main thing is that there is a change in the atmosphere.

She spread out the purple wings made of purple thunder and lightning behind her, and with a slight incitement, she sent her delicate body into the air.

Then after glancing at the ground coldly, Xiaolei was like a shooting star in the sky, and she "[-]" towards Ye Elf.

They followed in the direction they were going.

However, the difference between Xiaolei and Meteor is that wherever she passed, two or three purple lightning bolts would fall from time to time in the sky, landing in the dense sea of ​​undead below.

She was specifically looking for some skeleton monsters with a level of [-] or higher to chop them down.

This will reduce the pressure on their Yunshui Villa.

After Xiaolei found Ye Elf and the others, she found that Ye Elf and the others had fallen into the siege of high-level undead monsters.

Ye Elf was in the middle at this time, her delicate little face was very serious at this time, and at the same time she increased the gain for the black magician girls and the others.

From time to time, they release a wide range of negative skills and throw them into the group of level [-] monsters that they are fighting against.

Yes, they really fell for it.

The strange skeleton with two different orange soul fires in its head led them here and never appeared again.

On the contrary, this place has always been: Wuzhi, high-level skeleton monsters are emerging to attack them.

It's not easy for them to get hurt, but it will keep their physical strength, and there is that... the tenth-level monster commander is staring at them in the dark.

This made Ye Elf and the others very worried, because they were very bad.

Tyrannosaurus and Minas

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