Just blame her.

On the contrary, these Pokémon girls also took the initiative to help themselves, to help themselves destroy those monsters that they could not destroy.

In fact, the black magician girl is also a cheerful and generous, outgoing girl.

It's just because the Dark Magician girl at that time may have just come here.

Her own personality is slightly introverted.

But every time I get along with the girls incarnated by Pokémon spirits, 4.

At 6 o'clock, the dark magician girls will also take [-]% of the enthusiasm to treat these gentle and understanding girls.

In this way, she was originally just a somewhat introverted black magician girl, and gradually interacted with these gentle and understanding Pokémon elves.

The Dark Magician girls are slowly getting acquainted with them.

Chapter 346 Black Dragon Missile 【Customize】

The black magician girls are responsible for some of the monsters in the rear of their squad, as well as those monster shooters who can attack from a distance, such as the necromancer.

The black magician girl carries out this task very seriously.

So all the monsters their team encountered this time suffered.

Whether it's those monsters who can attack at a distance, or those first-level skeleton soldiers who can melee combat.

Anything that is a certain distance away from them is considered by the black magician girl as a "remote type of attacking monster"

!So 23, the dark magician girl started from the first monster that her team met, and the movements in her hands never stopped.

The skills of the black magician girls have been continuously firing skills around their squad.

Those poor skeleton undead in the sea of ​​​​the undead are constantly being blown up by these dark magic.

Until they also met one - a tenth-level skeleton leader.

This level [-] skeleton leader is very special.

His skull is large, with two soul fires in it that are different from the skulls of other skeleton warriors.

Its soul fire may be the reason for its own large skull, so its soul fire is also much larger than the soul fire of other skeleton warriors.

And its soul fire is still orange, which is very special.

In addition, there is a big character on the big skull of this tenth-level skeleton commander, perhaps because of this striking symbol.

And that... extra huge skull.

When the black magician girl saw this skeleton eye, she felt that this skeleton warrior was not simple.

So she just fired the "Black Dragon Missile"

Towards this skull there are two orange spirits

Soulfire's skeleton warrior shot at it.

It turned out that the Dark Magician was right.

There are two orange soul firemen in this skull, no, it should be said that it is a tenth-level skeleton commander.

I saw that the two orange soul fires in the skull of this tenth-level skeleton leader flickered faster, as if to a certain extent.

Then the tenth-level skeleton leader took out a scepter covered with the skulls of the first-level skeleton warriors.

It is directed towards the "Black Dragon Guide" of the dark department.

The black magician girls are responsible for some of the monsters in the rear of their squad, as well as those monster shooters who can attack from a distance, such as the necromancer.

The black magician girl carries out this task very seriously.

So all the monsters their team encountered this time suffered.

Whether it's those monsters who can attack at a distance, or those first-level skeleton soldiers who can melee combat.

Anything that is a certain distance away from them is considered by the black magician girl as a "remote type of attacking monster"

!So 23, the dark magician girl started from the first monster that her team met, and the movements in her hands never stopped.

The skills of the black magician girls have been continuously firing skills around their squad.

Those poor skeleton undead in the sea of ​​​​the undead are constantly being blown up by these dark magic.

Until they also met one - a tenth-level skeleton leader.

This level [-] skeleton leader is very special.

His skull is large, with two soul fires in it that are different from the skulls of other skeleton warriors.

Its soul fire may be the reason for its own large skull, so its soul fire is also much larger than the soul fire of other skeleton warriors.

And its soul fire is still orange, which is very special.

In addition, there is a big character on the big skull of this tenth-level skeleton commander, perhaps because of this striking symbol.

And that... extra huge skull.

When the black magician girl saw this skeleton eye, she felt that this skeleton warrior was not simple.

So she just fired the "Black Dragon Missile"

Towards this skull there are two orange spirits

Soulfire's skeleton warrior shot at it.

It turned out that the Dark Magician was right.

There are two orange soul firemen in this skull, no, it should be said that it is a tenth-level skeleton commander.

I saw that the two orange soul fires in the skull of this tenth-level skeleton leader flickered faster, as if to a certain extent.

Then the tenth-level skeleton leader took out a scepter covered with the skulls of the first-level skeleton warriors.

It is directed towards the dark "Black Dragon Missile"

Shake a finger.

I saw that... the dark "Black Dragon Missile"

Before reaching the front of the tenth-level skeleton commander, it exploded in the air.

That energy wave directly shattered the first-level skeleton soldiers on the ground in that place.

What you need to know is that this skill is a skill that even a black magician girl thinks is a bit of a drain.

Not 730 is better than the Dark Magician Girl and the Leaf Elf.

Ye Elf is simply a must-have companion for survival in the wild! Not only is she capable of milking blood in battle, but she can also cook in terms of life. That taste is enough to make the black magician girl have endless aftertastes.

I just saw my dark "Black Dragon Missile"

After being detonated by this somewhat strange skeleton.

The black magician girl's eyes narrowed, then she pouted and said to herself: "This is the first time I have encountered such a monster! It seems to be a bit higher than the previous rookie monsters. .

But this is also interesting! Let this princess have a good time with you."

Chapter 347 Fire of the Soul [Customize]

The black magician girl, she is about to use a fifth-level dark magic trick.

It's just that this is the black magician girl, but Ye Elf next to her is holding the black magician girl's shoulder and said, "Ace, don't be impulsive."

When the black magician girl heard the words of the elf, she still said indifferently: "Eya, alright! Isn't it a special skeleton with a higher level? Ye Ye, you just stay here and watch. How do I play this disgusting monster in the palm of my hand! Hahaha"

Before the last words of the black magician girl fell, the black magician girl's body left the team.

In the sky, it flew towards the skeleton with two orange soul fires flashing in the skull.

Ye Elf helplessly helped her forehead and said to herself, "Oh, this uneasy master! I guess the master can control her."

After Ye Elf finished speaking, he waved his hand and the other two Pokémon elves chased after the black magician girl who was flying towards the... strange skeleton.

Ye Elf also said something to Xiao Lei who was full of strange atmosphere in the distance: "Xiao Lei, let's go after the black magician girl first, you will come to us after you recover.

I left the coordinates for you."

Stormwind and Minas have always been Pokemon spirits who can say one word and never say the second, so they have always followed the leaf spirit as the backbone.

Because they knew that the Leaf Elf, the leader of their squad, would never deceive them.

So Storm Flying Dragon and Minas are too lazy to use their brains, anyway, they know that Ye Elf will not harm them.

As for Xiaolei, she was originally a militant, just like the Black Magician, so the two of them got along well.

But she was ambushed by a ninth-level undead unit because she was too impulsive when they first started.

She suffered some injuries, but if her body is still healthy, Xiaolei's main injuries are her soul.

The one who attacked her was a level [-] necromancer, who was good at and refined undead summoning skills and negative psychic attack skills.

Even a team as strong as Ye Elf and the others took a lot of twists and turns to kill this ninth-level necromancer.

But this ninth-level necromancer is too insidious.

Xiaolei is also a little reckless.

After I thought I killed the ninth-level necromancer, I rushed over and wanted to give this ninth-level necromancer again.

The black magician girl, she is about to use a fifth-level dark magic trick.

It's just that this is the black magician girl, but Ye Elf next to her is holding the black magician girl's shoulder and said, "Ace, don't be impulsive."

When the black magician girl heard the words of the elf, she still said indifferently: "Eya, alright! Isn't it a special skeleton with a higher level? Ye Ye, you just stay here and watch. How do I play this disgusting monster in the palm of my hand! Hahaha"

Before the last words of the black magician girl fell, the black magician girl's body left the team.

In the sky, it flew towards the skeleton with two orange soul fires flashing in the skull.

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