Lin Hao confidently looked at the cracking seat, he believed that the cracking seat could give him a satisfactory answer.

Because it's a rift seat! Lin Hao's strongest elf.


Rift Seat directly used the 'big sound', a huge and shocking sound, as if announcing the arrival of its own king.

The whole mountain and river reverberated with its voice.

That powerful aura caused some mutant creatures hundreds of kilometers away that survived under the insect swarm to crawl toward the ground, as if they were on a pilgrimage to the king.

[Split Empty Seat Level: Billion 84 Billion Attributes: Dragon Flight Skills: Tornado, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Air Slash, Dragon Dance, Primal Power, Dragon Wave, Divine Speed, Loud Sound, Reverse Scale, Sunshine Flame, Destruction Death Light, Meteor Swarm, Finishing Touch, Power of the Earth] and its two enemies are [Tier [-] Hive Lord] and [[-]th Nightmare Black Flood Dragon] Jiu.

Chapter 240 Prey should look like prey 【Customize】

Risakuza didn't choose who to attack.

Because the strong never needs to choose an opponent, and those who stand in front of it are the opponents it wants to defeat.

Kaizazu directly faced the two guys in front of him, and both released 'Destruction Death Light'.

The Hive Lord and the Nightmare Black Flood never thought that this sudden appearance would attack both of them at the same time.

Although the other party's aura is a bit special, don't forget that they are also the kings of the tenth level! Their pride cannot be violated! They each use their means to resist the attack of the empty seat, and at the same time find a way to counterattack.

The battle that followed was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Six One Seven"

At first, Lin Hao thought that this would be a three-pronged battle.

But at the moment when the battle started, Kakuzuza completely regarded the two guys in front of him as the target of his attack.

It can be said that Rift Seat is using the skills that he can use.

In close combat, use dragon claws, dragon tail, air slash, and speed.

Use Primal Power, Dragon's Wave, Sunshine Flame, and Destruction Death Light in long-distance battles.

In a one-to-two match, there is no downside at all.

Even the Hive Lord and the Nightmare Black Flood Dragon began to rhythmically besiege the Rift Seat, taking this guy as their primary enemy.

"It seems that Korakuza still has the pride of being a divine beast."

Lin Hao sighed with emotion.

At this moment, lightning, venom cannonballs, and black shock waves appeared on the ground.

All of them aimed at the Risakuza and the Nightmare Black Flood Dragon in the air.

This sudden attack made the Nightmare Black Flood Dragon and Kakuzuza not expect it.

The Nightmare Black Flood Dragon was slammed into the ground, raising a large amount of dust, and many scales fell off its body, but it flew again without being seriously injured.

And as an attack, the cracking seat was directly blasted into a mountain.

The Hive Lord also seized this opportunity and released a lot of skills against the position of the Rift Seat.

And released thousands of wing worms, swarming towards the position of the cracking seat.

"Empty Seat!"

Lin Hao cried out with some worry.


A huge wave of dragons came out of the mountain, directly blasting all the wing worms that were trying to attack them into powder.


Risakuza didn't choose who to attack.

Because the strong never needs to choose an opponent, and those who stand in front of it are the opponents it wants to defeat.

Kaizazu directly faced the two guys in front of him, and both released 'Destruction Death Light'.

The Hive Lord and the Nightmare Black Flood never thought that this sudden appearance would attack both of them at the same time.

Although the other party's aura is a bit special, don't forget that they are also the kings of the tenth level! Their pride cannot be violated! They each use their means to resist the attack of the empty seat, and at the same time find a way to counterattack.

The battle that followed was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Six One Seven"

At first, Lin Hao thought that this would be a three-pronged battle.

But at the moment when the battle started, Kakuzuza completely regarded the two guys in front of him as the target of his attack.

It can be said that Rift Seat is using the skills that he can use.

In close combat, use dragon claws, dragon tail, air slash, and speed.

Use Primal Power, Dragon's Wave, Sunshine Flame, and Destruction Death Light in long-distance battles.

In a one-to-two match, there is no downside at all.

Even the Hive Lord and the Nightmare Black Flood Dragon began to rhythmically besiege the Rift Seat, taking this guy as their primary enemy.

"It seems that Korakuza still has the pride of being a divine beast."

Lin Hao sighed with emotion.

At this moment, lightning, venom cannonballs, and black shock waves appeared on the ground.

All of them aimed at the Risakuza and the Nightmare Black Flood Dragon in the air.

This sudden attack made the Nightmare Black Flood Dragon and Kakuzuza not expect it.

The Nightmare Black Flood Dragon was slammed into the ground, raising a large amount of dust, and many scales fell off its body, but it flew again without being seriously injured.

And as an attack, the cracking seat was directly blasted into a mountain.

The Hive Lord also seized this opportunity and released a lot of skills against the position of the Rift Seat.

And released thousands of wing worms, swarming towards the position of the cracking seat.

"Empty Seat!"

Lin Hao cried out with some worry.


A huge wave of dragons came out of the mountain, directly blasting all the wing worms that were trying to attack them into powder.

Riftza reappeared, its complexion was a little dull, but it was not seriously injured.

It stared at the Hive Lord, and at the fellow who attacked it.

It turned out to be a bug that survived the nuclear bomb.

And there are some high-level bugs.

Five ninth-level poisonous cracking flying snakes, more than twenty thunder king insects, hundreds of corrupt cannon beasts! Even under such a terrifying attack, the cracking seat is safe and sound, one can imagine the horror of the cracking seat.

"Korakuza, you can fight with confidence.

Give me these guys below!"

Lin Hao shouted.

Splitting Kongza glanced at Lin Hao, nodded slightly, and flew towards the air, venting his anger at the worm hive lord and the Nightmare Black Flood Dragon.

Lin Hao lowered his head and stared at the prey with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Prey should look like prey."

Lin Hao raised his hand and pointed at the prey.

"Fire-breathing dragon super evolved fire-breathing dragon! Latias Latios super-evolved! Those five ninth-level poisonous cracking snakes will be handed over to you!"

The fire-breathing dragon horn exudes blue flames all over the body: braving: blue flames, staring at those poisonous cracking flying snakes.

[Fire-breathing dragon level: 52 million [-] billion Attributes: Fire flight system Special abilities: Super evolution skills: smoke, dragon claws, dragon rage, flame vortex, flame teeth, flame splash, jet flame, throw on the earth, dragon tail, Purgatory, Explosive Flame, Tornado, Big Character Explosion, Dragon Dance, Air Slash, Dragon Breath, Dragon Dive, Dragon Wave, Flash Charge, Destruction Light]'s fire-breathing dragon, the terrifying aura is no better than those ninth-level bugs The weaker half Lattias and Latios also completed the super evolution after the purple flash, their whole body was purple, except for the unique eyes, it was almost impossible to distinguish these two guys.

[Latios Latias Level: 52 million 4 billion Attributes: Dragon Super Ability Special Ability: Super Evolution Skills: Mysterious Guardian, Dragon Claw, Dragon Breath, Clean Light, Dragon Dance, Healing Fluctuation, Tornado, Mind Shifting , Mind Hammer, Destruction of Death Light, Spiritual Strong Mind, Farewell Gift, Reverse Scale, Meteor Swarm, Self-Regeneration] And these two guys are also [-].

Three 8 super-evolution elves face five ninth-level poisonous cracking flying snakes.

The three elves were not at all worried about their low level, fighting more with less, on the contrary, they could fully feel the fighting spirit emanating from them.

The fire-breathing dragon attacked first, and with the dragon bonus, it directly used its own housekeeping skills, dragon's anger + breath! The thick dragon's breath was as dazzling as a blue laser cannon.

And Lattias and Latios used the meteor swarm, the meteors appeared in the sky, and the special effects of the scene were quite gorgeous!

Chapter 241 Let me treat you bugs well [Please customize]

"Absol super evolution! Fast dragon super evolution! Stormy dragon super evolution! Let those thunder king bugs who don't know what to do will witness your horror!"

Lin Hao saw that the three elves in front of him had also completed their super evolution.

Sister Disaster's hair has grown longer, and a pair of wings have grown from her back.

[Absol level:.

Billion Attributes: Evil Favorability: 10 Special Ability: Prediction of Calamity, Super Evolution Skills: Claws, Lightning Flash, Provocation, Cyclone Knife, Sword Dance, Shadow Clone, Destruction Death Light, Evil Fluctuation, Dark Attack, Spiritual Blade , Yan Return, Ultimate Impact, Hell Stab] [Fast Dragon Level: 95 billion Attributes: Dragon Flight Special Ability: Super Evolution Favorability: 10 Skills: Electromagnetic Wave, Tornado, Dragon's Wrath, Dragon Tail, High Speed ​​Movement, Water Flow Tail, Dragon Dance, Dragon Dive, Reverse Scales, Steel Wings, Lightning Fist, Freezing Light, Flame Fist, Dragon Breath, Destruction Death Light] The fast dragon grew dragon horns, exuding a powerful aura, a The eyes are more like a king.

A red and blue light radiated from the Storm Dragon, and then in the light, the Super Storm Dragon appeared.

The conspicuous huge moon-shaped wings on the back are there, and the eyes are full of fighting intent.

[Flying Dragon Level:.

80 Billion Attributes: Dragon Flight Special Ability: Super Evolution Skills: Flaming Teeth, Lightning Teeth, Anger, Sparks, Dragon Tail, Dragon Breath, Head Hammer, Dragon Claw, Mind Hammer, Jet Flame, Steel Wings, Sacrifice Clash, Dragon Dance of the Dragon, Dive of the Dragon, Blockade of the Rock] These three elves are only grade 7 or above, and they have to face twenty or thirty, the eighth-level Thunder King Insect.

It has to be said that this is a battle with disparity in strength in the eyes of outsiders.

Sister Disaster was the first to launch the attack, and she first released waves of evil against a piece of thunder king insects below.

The huge black beam, although it did not cause substantial damage to the group of... Thunder King Insects.

But it has already played a role, and Sister Disaster wants to make a "sneak attack"

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