And as long as Lin Hao kept his distance, they would not take the initiative to attack, or even pursue.

This is very different from other bugs.

Other bugs only have killing in their minds, they will kill instinctively and go on and on,,,,.

These bugs, like builders under human control, build the Zerg territory step by step here.

"If you follow this scale, let this Zerg territory be formed.

That would be a huge threat to the whole of China.

This is a ticking time bomb that could explode at any time!"

Lin Haoming muttered to himself.

Sister Disaster ran out of the Poké Ball and sat behind Lin Hao.

"There are two powerful beings below."

"The two are level [-]."

Lin Hao asked.

"It's not the ninth level, it's just that kind of... There are at least five or six lifeforms at the ninth level, there are dozens of lifeforms at the eighth level, and there are hundreds of them at the seventh level! And I said The two powerful lifeforms are very likely to be two tenth-level creatures."

The lady said solemnly.

Lin Hao sucked in a breath of cold air. Two tenth-level creatures can't do it. After looking for so many places, he finally found the prey, but when the prey came, two came.

Lin Hao began to look around with his white eyes, but there was a very strong magnetic field below, which blocked Lin Hao's ability, making it impossible for Lin Hao to detect what the two tenth-level creatures were and where they were.

"This is a powder keg, and there are two tenth-level creatures.

I can't attack abruptly, otherwise the creatures of the eighth and ninth levels alone are enough to consume most of my elf's stamina.

I have to figure out a way to lure the snake out of the hole, and directly get that… tenth-level big guy out!"

Lin Hao thought about it.

But if you want to lead the snake out of the hole, you must make a big enough movement.

With a big enough movement, the corners of You Linhao's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought of a very, very suitable good thing.

Lin Hao took out an iron barrel-like thing in his hand, which seemed to be a bullet.

That's right, this is the small nuclear bomb that Lin Hao has stored up to now.

Don't look at it as a small nuclear bomb, this is an ultra-purity nuclear bomb with a mass of 100%, and its power is several times greater than the nuclear bombs of the same size built by those countries before the end of the world.

It's just that this small nuclear bomb does not have any auxiliary devices.

Only the worst delayed detonation can be performed.

Chapter 238 Small Nuclear Bomb 【Customize】

Chapter 239 Cracking Seat vs Hive Lord? Nightmare Black Flood Dragon 【Customize】

At the same time as the explosion sounded behind him, Lin Hao's system also produced a large number of prompts.

[Lin Hao killed the first-level larva] [Lin Hao killed the second-level face-hugging bug] [Lin Hao killed the third-level baneling] [Lin Hao killed the fourth-level wingworm] [Lin Hao killed The fifth-level Hydralisk] [Lin Hao killed the sixth-level crypt lord] [Lin Hao killed the seventh-level Corrupted Cannon Beast] The power of this nuclear bomb can even destroy the seventh-level Corrupted Cannon Beast.

In just a few seconds, the data in the system task skyrocketed by a large amount.


Lin Hao didn't have time to think so much, and the shock wave generated by the explosion behind him swept in.

This shock wave is the second wave of damage, even more terrifying than the first wave of explosions to a certain extent, all the bugs affected by the third level and below are directly paralyzed if they don't die.

This shock wave quickly caught up with the fire-breathing dragon.

In the shock wave, the fire-breathing dragon began to be a little unstable and ups and downs.

"Come out, Latias Latios.

Use Mystic Guardian!"

Lin Hao immediately summoned Latias and Latios, and let them use the mysterious guardian.

A huge aperture surrounded them, and inside the aperture, they were protected from shock waves.

"Fire-breathing dragon, you can stop now."

Lin Hao stopped the fire-breathing dragon and looked at the direction of the nuclear bomb explosion.

It is roughly estimated that they have flown nearly kilometers in these tens of seconds.

But even so, Lin Hao still saw that... huge mushroom cloud.

Lin Hao summoned his elf again to prepare for the next real battle.


In the mushroom cloud of explosion, a huge monster drilled out from it.

The shape is a bit like the kind of creature known as the devil fish in the sea.

The two pairs of wings are spread out, which is as long as a kilometer, and there are many disgusting insects and nests on the body.

Lin Hao stared at this creature, a strange light flashing in his eyes.

[Tier [-] Hive Lord] That's right, this creature that looks like a flying aircraft carrier is this time Lin Hao

At the same time as the explosion sounded behind him, Lin Hao's system also produced a large number of prompts.

[Lin Hao killed the first-level larva] [Lin Hao killed the second-level face-hugging bug] [Lin Hao killed the third-level baneling] [Lin Hao killed the fourth-level wingworm] [Lin Hao killed The fifth-level Hydralisk] [Lin Hao killed the sixth-level crypt lord] [Lin Hao killed the seventh-level Corrupted Cannon Beast] The power of this nuclear bomb can even destroy the seventh-level Corrupted Cannon Beast.

In just a few seconds, the data in the system task skyrocketed by a large amount.


Lin Hao didn't have time to think so much, and the shock wave generated by the explosion behind him swept in.

This shock wave is the second wave of damage, even more terrifying than the first wave of explosions to a certain extent, all the bugs affected by the third level and below are directly paralyzed if they don't die.

This shock wave quickly caught up with the fire-breathing dragon.

In the shock wave, the fire-breathing dragon began to be a little unstable and ups and downs.

"Come out, Latias Latios.

Use Mystic Guardian!"

Lin Hao immediately summoned Latias and Latios, and let them use the mysterious guardian.

A huge aperture surrounded them, and inside the aperture, they were protected from shock waves.

"Fire-breathing dragon, you can stop now."

Lin Hao stopped the fire-breathing dragon and looked at the direction of the nuclear bomb explosion.

It is roughly estimated that they have flown nearly kilometers in these tens of seconds.

But even so, Lin Hao still saw that... huge mushroom cloud.

Lin Hao summoned his elf again to prepare for the next real battle.


In the mushroom cloud of explosion, a huge monster drilled out from it.

The shape is a bit like the kind of creature known as the devil fish in the sea.

The two pairs of wings are spread out, which is as long as a kilometer, and there are many disgusting insects and nests on the body.

Lin Hao stared at this creature, a strange light flashing in his eyes.

[Tier [-] Hive Lord] That's right, this creature that looks like a flying aircraft carrier is Lin Hao's target this time, the [-]th Hive Lord! "Hohohoho!"

Because of the explosion, a pothole appeared on the land that was almost ruined. Inside the pothole was a black dragon-shaped creature, but there was something like a black conduit inserted around its body.


[Tenth-level Nightmare Black Flood Dragon] No wonder there were two tenth-level energy reactions before, it turns out that there is a tenth-level mutant creature underneath.

However, he looked very weak and looked like he was imprisoned.

Lin Hao estimated that they should have been suppressed by these bugs, doing indescribable things.

Fortunately, Lin Hao used a nuclear bomb to shatter all of these, which gave this nightmare black flood dragon a chance to escape.

Angrily roaring Nightmare Black Flood Dragon broke free and flew into the air.

The worm hive lord saw that his experiment had escaped, and immediately.

The attack is launched, and a large number of insect swarms are released from the body at the same time.

Nightmare Black Flood Dragon saw the enemy, and it was extremely jealous, and it was an attack directly.

But just escaped from birth, this combat power is obviously not as good as that of the worm hive lord.

"Hey, you are all Lao Tzu's experience.

And here, Lao Tzu is the protagonist!"

Lin Hao took out the golden Poké Ball.

He didn't want to waste the experience points of these two tenth-level monsters.

"Come out, Cracked Seat!"

Lin Hao released the split empty seat.

Compared with the pseudo-dragon such as the black flood dragon, the dragon might released by the split air seat is the real shock.

And at the moment when the cracking seat appeared, these two tenth-level big guys all cast their eyes on the cracking seat.

And Kakuza also naturally knew that his opponent in this battle.

It looked at the two prey in front of it with excitement and pride in its eyes.

"Go to Risakuza, this is your battle!"

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