There are several houses with a large open space in the center, and several off-road vehicles are parked at the entrance of the open space.

In the open space, dozens of injured people were lying on the ground.

Dozens of Awakeneds surrounded them, and there were also forty or fifty people who looked like thugs.

"Captain Jiang, you still refuse to give up your resistance, what I want is very simple.

Give me the female police officer, and those good-looking chicks, and I can let you go."

A blond Wang Shao sits in an off-road vehicle.

And a woman in a bikini was squatting under him, floating up and down.

Wang Shao didn't care about sitting in public in the slightest.


Jiang Zhiwei covered his abdomen, which was full of blood, and stared at Shao Wang angrily: "Wang Yuan, you are doing such a thing to bully men and women.

Aren't you afraid that City Lord Guo will punish you?"

"Criminalize me hahahaha, Captain Jiang, you are too naive.

My brother and father's Axe Gang are the mainstays of Tianhai City, you think City Lord Guo will offend us for the sake of you and offend us, who will fight for them and fight zombies."

Wang Shao laughed.

"Master Wang, we just caught a few women, children and elderly people from the back door."

At this time, a younger brother came out with a group of people escorting a group of women, children and elderly people.

Jiang Zhiwei's pupils dilated.

The people behind Jiang Zhiwei also shouted and cursed.

"Beast, let go of the old and the children, if you have the ability to rush at us!"

"Bastard, goddamn bastard."

Wang Shao didn't care about the abuse of the other party at all, and an excited smile appeared on his face: "Just right, then let's play a game.

Within a minute, the women I called just now came over obediently.

I will let these people go, and if no one comes by then, I will kill one person every ten seconds.

Now, the game begins."

Wang Shao took out his pocket watch and showed a devilish smile.

"You devil!"

Jiang Zhiwei roared.

"Captain Jiang, why don't you hand me over?"

Officer Xiao Qiu with a sniper rifle stood up. Okay, the sniper rifle in her hand was out of bullets.

"I'm going with Sister Qiu too."

A young girl stepped out timidly.

Jiang Zhiwei gritted his teeth: "No.

When you fall into the hands of that beast, you will be tortured to death!"

"But we can't just watch them slaughter! And if you don't hand us over, Wang Shao and the others won't give up, and everyone here will die!"

Officer Xiao Qiu said with complicated eyes, her body was shaking, and she knew what would happen if she fell into the other's hands.

Jiang Zhiwei was furious, but he felt powerless in his heart.

"You like playing games a lot, don't you?

Then I will also play a game with you, from now on, if your people don't get out of here, every five seconds 5, I will kill a tortoise."

A voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone's eyes turned to look over, only to see a man standing at the gate, above the iron gate, with his hands in his pockets, looking at Wang Shao and the others with a mocking smile.

106 I am the rule [please customize]

Chapter 107 It's too late, our Tianhai City is over! 【Please customize】

Axe Gang headquarters.

Located in a block on the east side of Tianhai City Inner District, this is a slightly better-preserved community.

Completely controlled by the Axe Gang.

A middle-aged man and a young man are sparring with Tang knives in a community park.

"Help Master! Young Master Wang!"

A man hurried in.

He swiped a Tang knife and shot it over, and pinned it in front of the person who came. As long as he moved forward a few tens of centimeters, the knife would pierce the person.

"Didn't I say that.

When my father and I are cultivating, don't disturb me!"

Wang Yong frowned and looked at the person who came. This was still his cronie. If it was someone else, he would have died by now.

"He's your confidant and knows the rules.

If you came in in such a hurry, there must be something important.

Let him finish first."

Wang Zhi looked kind.

In fact, everyone who knows Wang Zhi's personality knows that this is a smiling tiger.

And the cronies know very well that if Wang Zhi is not satisfied with the answer he gave, then his body is estimated to appear in which trash can tomorrow.

"Wang Yuan and Wang Shao had an accident and was murdered in the 11th block!"

The confidant's voice just fell.

Wang Zhi grabbed his neck.

"What did you say, what happened to Yuaner!"

Wang Zhi changed from the kindness he was before, and he looked gloomy and cold.

"The young master was murdered in the 11th block, and his life and death are unknown"

In fact, the cronies have already received the news that Wang Yuan is dead, but he dare not say it now.

He was worried that if he said it, he would die, so he could only lie and say that his life and death were uncertain.

"Damn! Wang Yong, bring someone to save your brother! Catch the person who dares to hurt your brother, I want to see who dares to oppose our Axe Gang in Tianhai City!"

Wang Zhi directly threw the man out and shouted angrily.


Wang Yong was also angry.

They all regard Wang Yuan as the treasure in the palm of the Wang family.

"The contingent that came back this time has gained a lot, cleaned up the zombies and mutant creatures in a county, and brought back five carts of food.


Axe Gang headquarters.

Located in a block on the east side of Tianhai City Inner District, this is a slightly better-preserved community.

Completely controlled by the Axe Gang.

A middle-aged man and a young man are sparring with Tang knives in a community park.

"Help Master! Young Master Wang!"

A man hurried in.

He swiped a Tang knife and shot it over, and pinned it in front of the person who came. As long as he moved forward a few tens of centimeters, the knife would pierce the person.

"Didn't I say that.

When my father and I are cultivating, don't disturb me!"

Wang Yong frowned and looked at the person who came. This was still his cronie. If it was someone else, he would have died by now.

"He's your confidant and knows the rules.

If you came in in such a hurry, there must be something important.

Let him finish first."

Wang Zhi looked kind.

In fact, everyone who knows Wang Zhi's personality knows that this is a smiling tiger.

And the cronies know very well that if Wang Zhi is not satisfied with the answer he gave, then his body is estimated to appear in which trash can tomorrow.

"Wang Yuan and Wang Shao had an accident and was murdered in the 11th block!"

The confidant's voice just fell.

Wang Zhi grabbed his neck.

"What did you say, what happened to Yuaner!"

Wang Zhi changed from the kindness he was before, and he looked gloomy and cold.

"The young master was murdered in the 11th block, and his life and death are unknown"

In fact, the cronies have already received the news that Wang Yuan is dead, but he dare not say it now.

He was worried that if he said it, he would die, so he could only lie and say that his life and death were uncertain.

"Damn! Wang Yong, bring someone to save your brother! Catch the person who dares to hurt your brother, I want to see who dares to oppose our Axe Gang in Tianhai City!"

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