Huang Liang laughed.

The woman next to Shen Qi covered her body in horror.

"Get away from me."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Huang Liang and the others.

A man and two women came in from outside the alley.

"Stinky boy, the axe camp is doing business, get yours away from me!"

Huang Liang turned his head and said sternly.

"Brother Huang, look at the two women behind that kid.


Huang Liang's younger brother looked at Sister Li and Guo Shuang behind Lin Hao with glowing eyes.

Huang Liang also noticed these two beauties.

"There are two more beautiful women who came to the door."

Huang Liang looked at Lin Hao who was approaching and threatened: "Boy, get out of here, these two women stay for me"

Lin Hao suddenly took three steps and made two steps before coming to Huang Liang.

Then, with a palm of his hand, he directly pressed Huang Liang's head into the wall of the alley.

"I said get out of here, didn't you hear me?"

Lin Hao said coldly, Huang Liang, who was pressed into the wall by him, was bleeding from his head and his body was twitching continuously.

Chapter 105 Every five seconds, I kill one! 【Please customize】

"Brother Huang Huang."

Several younger brothers were dumbfounded when they saw Huang Liang being pushed into the wall.

Huang Liang, a third-level awakened, was slapped into the wall by a man, and his life and death are unknown.

Lin Hao continued to move forward. No one of the remaining group of younger brothers dared to block Lin Hao's path.

"Miss Aqi, long time no see."

Lin Hao greeted Shen Qi.

When Shen Qi saw Lin Hao, she immediately recognized this man who had a special performance in Yuncheng.

"Mr. Lin Hao!"

Shen Qi exclaimed, "Why did you guys come to Tianhai City?"

"There are a few things that come along the way.

You seem to be in a bit of trouble."

Lin Hao stood beside Shen Qi, and glanced at Brother Huang and Brother Huang's men.

"No, Brother Jiang's side!"

Shen Qi suddenly reacted: "Wang Shao from the Axe Gang and the others have gone to our camp, something must have happened to Brother Jiang! But Wang Shao from the Axe Gang is very powerful, and we are not opponents at all."

Lin Hao comforted him by the side: "Aqi, if you have something to say, please tell me slowly.

Is there any trouble, do you need my help?"

Shen Qi looked at Lin Hao, her eyes lit up, Lin Hao showed the fighting power of a Level [-] Awakener in Yuncheng before, if he could help.

No, the fourth-level Awakened is still a little unqualified in front of the Axe Gang. If Young Master Lin Hao is involved, they may be implicated.

Seeing Shen Qi's tangled appearance, Lin Hao said directly: "Then let's talk while walking, we fought side by side before, and we were considered friends.

Just say something straight.”

Lin Hao took Shen Qi and his party out of the alley, completely ignoring Huang Liang's group... little brother, it was as if they didn't exist at all.

Shen Qi and Lin Hao hurried towards her camp.

On the way, Shen Qi also told Lin Hao about the situation.

An Axe Gang member Wang Shao was eyeing them, and he might be in their camp now.

"The Axe Gang is very strong"

Lin Hao asked.

"The Axe Gang is one of the three forces in Tianhai City, and Shao Wang himself is an ordinary person.

But his brother is a fourth-level awakener, and his father is also a fourth-level awakener.


"Brother Huang Huang."

Several younger brothers were dumbfounded when they saw Huang Liang being pushed into the wall.

Huang Liang, a third-level awakened, was slapped into the wall by a man, and his life and death are unknown.

Lin Hao continued to move forward. No one of the remaining group of younger brothers dared to block Lin Hao's path.

"Miss Aqi, long time no see."

Lin Hao greeted Shen Qi.

When Shen Qi saw Lin Hao, she immediately recognized this man who had a special performance in Yuncheng.

"Mr. Lin Hao!"

Shen Qi exclaimed, "Why did you guys come to Tianhai City?"

"There are a few things that come along the way.

You seem to be in a bit of trouble."

Lin Hao stood beside Shen Qi, and glanced at Brother Huang and Brother Huang's men.

"No, Brother Jiang's side!"

Shen Qi suddenly reacted: "Wang Shao from the Axe Gang and the others have gone to our camp, something must have happened to Brother Jiang! But Wang Shao from the Axe Gang is very powerful, and we are not opponents at all."

Lin Hao comforted him by the side: "Aqi, if you have something to say, please tell me slowly.

Is there any trouble, do you need my help?"

Shen Qi looked at Lin Hao, her eyes lit up, Lin Hao showed the fighting power of a Level [-] Awakener in Yuncheng before, if he could help.

No, the fourth-level Awakened is still a little unqualified in front of the Axe Gang. If Young Master Lin Hao is involved, they may be implicated.

Seeing Shen Qi's tangled appearance, Lin Hao said directly: "Then let's talk while walking, we fought side by side before, and we were considered friends.

Just say something straight.”

Lin Hao took Shen Qi and his party out of the alley, completely ignoring Huang Liang's group... little brother, it was as if they didn't exist at all.

Shen Qi and Lin Hao hurried towards her camp.

On the way, Shen Qi also told Lin Hao about the situation.

An Axe Gang member Wang Shao was eyeing them, and he might be in their camp now.

"The Axe Gang is very strong"

Lin Hao asked.

"The Axe Gang is one of the three forces in Tianhai City, and Shao Wang himself is an ordinary person.

But his brother is a fourth-level awakener, and his father is also a fourth-level awakener.

Wang Shao has always been doted on by his brother and father, and he is also showing off his power in Tianhai City, often doing things to bully men and women."

Shen Qi said.

Guo Shuang was held by Sister Disaster, she frowned and asked, "Then the managers here don't care.


"No matter how dare the people above, it's too late to care about the zombie mutants outside, and the food problem has to be solved, who will control the life and death of the people in the city.

Anyway, there are tens of thousands of people, and a few hundred people will not be so good.”

Shen Qi shook her head mockingly.

"You said just now that the Axe Gang is one of the three major forces in Tianhai City, what are the other two forces?"

Lin Hao asked.

"The other two forces are the forces headed by City Lord Guo, they are fairly fair, they won't oppress the people, but they never care about the affairs of Tianhai City.

The other group is based on the Brotherhood. Before the end of the world, those people belonged to the Tianhai City Fitness Association. They have good physical fitness. After the end of the world, most of them became awakened people. There are not many strong people, but the second and third levels Awakened people occupy [-]% of Tianhai City!"

In this apocalyptic environment, the Brotherhood, the Axe Gang, and the City Lord Guo are still doing this kind of sectarianism, which is why Lin Hao hates it.

There are many people in the base, and people are separated from each other.

"Two blocks ahead is our camp.

Sir, the Axe Gang is the three major forces in Tianhai City. If you offend the Axe Gang, then Mr. Lin Hao, you will definitely be implicated.

It will be difficult to move in this Tianhai City! It is too late for you to leave now, if your two female relatives are seen by Wang Shao, Wang Shao's lecher will never let go."

Shen Qi said so, but

There is still hope in his eyes.

She knew that their power alone would not be able to fight against the Axe Gang.

But forcing Lin Hao to help them seemed too selfish.

Lin Hao smiled slightly: "Since I'm here, how can I not meet Captain Jiang, an old friend."

After that, Lin Hao quickened his pace, because he had already felt the sound of fighting coming from a large courtyard several hundred meters away.

Inside the factory building with a sign of a freight company hanging on the door.

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