Chapter 951

Sikong didn’t take care of him. After we have known him for so long, he still doesn’t know what kind of urination Shan Ye is?

Young Master Sikong dared to swear by Yazhen’s bright and bright forehead, as long as he let go now, the two bowls in his hand will immediately have the surname Huang!

Don’t look at Huang Dashanbang’s big waist and round appearance that can scare lonely ghosts and ghosts into tears. In fact, this guy is “pampering”, and he hasn’t treated himself badly.

There is no need to worry about the poll tax, no need to feed a family, of course, no need to feed a whole team.

Eat, drink, drink, and wave, in the entire wilderness, apart from the dog king wandering demon, it seems that I really haven’t heard of any other than Huang Dashan’s life.

Besides, they are now the princes, they may use golden hoes for farming~

Ahem… It’s far away…

Huang Dashan has never been picky about food, but it is difficult for a certain chef’s craftsmanship to be truly in his sight.

And this one is still a land-duck, and he has to lose one star for seafood and other things.

This bowl of chickpea flowers, so it’s worthy of Shan Ye’s play with the donkey?

Thinking of this, Sikong gently blew the contents of the bowl.


The mudslide-like octopus tofu is not good in appearance, but has a unique temperament. The loose and soft structure of white or gray or yellow is coated with a layer of crystal, like the fine golden yellow foam that appears when salted egg yolk is fried in oil. It also reminds people of the steamy peeling of shrimp shells when grilling prawns, and the surprise of seeing the shiny shrimp brains at first glance.


The entrance of a spoonful of soup and water, the aroma derived from the arrogance of the ocean is like a lively shrimp and crab, waving a big ao to attack the city aggressively.

The domineering atmosphere of the seafood was a hit, and Sikong was a little dazed.

“This morning, is it really appropriate to eat so much?”

Although few people care about coldness and warming these days, they just come up with this taste, afraid that it is not for breakfast, right?

But then, the seemingly weak clear soup just now refreshed Sikong’s cognition.

Hmm, rap three days with a mouthful of incense~

(The remaining sound can go around the beam for three days, and it will take three days for Yuxiang to go around the tongue to be fair. Rao Rao Rao Rao Rao Rao Rao Rao…Forcibly thinking about explaining…Forget it.jpg…Come on. …Please come forward to Sanmou’s Wubigong who has been eating for a long time! Drag the pinyin out and chop it out!)

Sagong has drunk the rainbow hazel chicken soup more than once. The deliciousness is still unforgettable, and it is naturally known as Sagong’s standard for judging a bowl of soup.

But this clear soup is like water, there is no one-star oil flower in it, it is really hard to see.

He couldn’t help muttering,

“Linzi must have spent much time on this soup. Didn’t you just cook a boiled cabbage all day?”

If you have to describe it, a word “run” is enough to moisturize and moisturize people’s tongue.

Took a breath,

“Taste more tofu…just this spoonful is full of octopus tofu…”


The tender and smooth texture of the chickpea flower is written with the word exquisite everywhere, as if swallowing a big mouthful of pudding.

Sikong only sighed with a short tone.


It is not easy to make chickpea flowers, and the step of just cutting the minced chicken to remove the fascia will scare a lot of people away.

Chicken breast meat is used to make chickpea flower. Less fascia does not mean that there is no. If you put it directly on the cutting board, those fascias, membranes, and small blood vessels will not withstand the torture of a kitchen knife. Figure-hey, until after the entrance.

The clever way is to find a whole piece of raw pig skin to scrape off the grease, place the chicken breast on the skin and slowly tap it into a puree with the back of a knife.

In this way, the fascia will not be broken and cut, but it is convenient to pick it out completely and without any leakage, so as to ensure that the finished chickpea flower is refreshing, delicate and smooth.

After making the velvet, it is seasoned with egg white, starch, salt, etc., and the broth is used to make the paste.

After completing these preparations, you can really enter the topic:


Use the paste from the minced chicken to “punch” the heated upper soup. When the upper soup and the minced chicken collide, the shape of chick-pea flower is “pushed”, the flavor of chick-pea flower is melted, and the elegant chick-pea flower cloud rolls out. .

Particularly difficult.If it hadn’t been for Sikong to have heard the explanation of the chef who was particularly fond of showing off in Bayishanfang before, he would never have imagined how this thing was made.

The chef Fu’s master of the treasures of others told the God of Wealth without reservation, but Sikong didn’t even remember a single word.

I just remember “rushing” over and “rushing” over and over again and again and again, and I feel very proud and showy.

After Chef Fu’s beeping was over, Master Sikong was already pretending to be Venus, and it could be said that Man Naizi was a brain.

The familiar and majestic quality N Company still echoed in his ears:

How to charge?

How much is it?

When to charge?

Can I become stronger after charging?

If you don’t charge, you don’t even have the chance to become stronger!

Uh…cross out…


Is it plausible!

What are you thinking about!


Wouldn’t you please bring our Golden Diamond Supreme VVVVIP15 dedicated recharge channel to Master Sagong? !


In fact:

How much, how and when is the key to this dish.

“Chong” is one of the 38 cooking techniques of Sichuan cuisine, which is relatively difficult. It cannot be explained clearly by a quick hand and eye. The speed, direction and amount of the cooking, the consistency of the soup and the paste of the chicken, and the control of the heat. It is directly related to the final shaping of the dishes.

Well, according to the Fu’s chef, it seems that it doesn’t matter what the final steps of the dishes are.

It’s important to go on horseback!

It’s too early to make the soup, and it’s out of shape. A pile of under-cooked chicken minced can easily write you a big tragic word in charred fonts on the bottom of the soup pot.

It’s too late to make the soup, hey, it’s more fun:

Not only can’t the chickpea flower become the perfect Yunjuanyun Shuhe family reunion alternative marshmallow shape, on the contrary…

So what, have you ever seen a young boy?

Imagine that the moment when the minced chicken is put into the pot and the whole pot of broth is whitened, it is really a huge cloud, just like a mushroom cloud from a bomb explosion.

That cloud energy can not only transform horses, but also donkeys, mules, giraffes, and Cthulhu…

In short, absolutely nothing to do with the imagined “Yun Juan Yun Shu”.

Sikong was a little bit reluctant to swallow the bean curd in his mouth. It was tenderer and smoother than the chickpea curd he had eaten at the foreign restaurant, and the taste was lighter and creamy.

Mentioning the keywords “lightness” and “cream”, Sikong suddenly thought of the pillow that Sagong gave him when he was a child, stuffed with Qiongqi’s velvet.

——When sleepiness hits, only when the velvet pillow is on the side can you feel at ease and return home.

Sikong muttered to himself,

“It’s morning… I really want to… Hugging a pillow… Get back to sleep…”

Huang Dashan: “???”

What are you doing, old iron!

What you eat is tofu brain, not a sleeping pill!

Ye Shan is stunned, okay?

“Could it be that the brain circuits of this rich man have been corroded by circulation points?”

“What’s the matter with money? I have money and I eat your rice? Whose brain circuits are you talking about corroded?”


However, Sikong did feel at a loss for a moment:

Brain circuit 1, Dou Hua is not Dou Hua, nor is Lu Er. Lin Chou, you are really afraid that it is not because you have any misunderstandings about Dou Hua.

Brain circuit 2, mother no longer has to worry about whether I choose sweet or salty. Tofu, I only choose seafood flavor!

Brain circuit 3, it’s so fragrant~

Sikong solemnly said,

“Well, it seems to be a bit watery like the’sweet braised squid’ that I have eaten before… It’s decided, I won’t drink tofu nao for breakfast in the future, that’s it!”

Huang Dashan twitched the corner of his mouth.

“Hey! Eat this every morning? How good is Lin Hei’s mood! Ah~?”

Shan Ye’s “Ah” looks special and deep, because half of the “mouth” and “阝” came out, and the other half was still not up. When the card was stuck there, a card was shot on the table in front of him. .

Sikong was clearly confident,

“Be sure to believe that I have this ability.”

Huang Dashan tried not to read the words on the card, but he couldn’t control how many he sent.

“Liang blinded my Tyra Stone dog eyes…uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…you have the ability to fart…you have the ability to use money when you step on horses…uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, the winner of life… ”

There is a saying, don’t care about black cats and white cats, the ones who can find catnip are good cats.

Fortunately, Lin Chou only eats this set. At any rate, the food chefs in the base city can still swipe your face without swiping your card when you are shy. If you don’t swipe your card in Lin Chou, you can only swipe the plate-premise. It was someone who succeeded in grabbing a job from a beautiful Big Sister sister who was able to interact with Cold Tyrannosaurus.

At the other table, Xiaopang and Lao Zhong are enjoying the envy of others.

Excluding some blatant “relationships” such as Cold Tyrannosaurus, Big Breast Sister, Huang Dashan, Wu Ke, Sikong, Si Gouzi, Gungun adults, etc., the octopus clip tofu did not reach half of the first round. Time is gone, and those who are a step slower in the queue have only chickpeas in their bowls.

What else can we do, everyone is desperate.

Because if you look carefully, you will find that in the long list that can be classified as “Lin Family God”, you can’t be surprised except Wu Ke.

Eating from one’s own bowl, looking at others’ bowls, I always feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

“Hey…that octopus clip tofu…”

“Please tell me!”

“What, isn’t it just chicken with seafood, can it go with it, huh… can it be a great taste?”

“Look at the expressions on their faces, it’s too greedy, eh mother, just watching them eat my saliva is going to come down…”

The sour tone before took a few vicious glances, and quickly picked up the bowl.

“Break haha~”

“I said, brother, what are you doing?”

“Beautiful and delicious!”


Hearing this, Lao Zhong turned his head in silence.

(Hehe… beautiful and delicious…hehe)

Touching own’s shameless face and said,

“Little fat, what can you see from my face?”

Suddenly when he made such a sentence, Xiao Fatty’s swallowing movements were a bit sluggish in fright, as if an old-fashioned DVD player had been stuck.

He wiped the corners of his mouth carefully, and tentatively said,


(Vicissitudes? The one that always appears with melancholy?)

Old Zhong shook his head.

“To see with your heart, you must see the essence through the phenomenon! The level is deeper!”

Little Fatty said gravely,

“Lao Zhong…you have kidney yang deficiency…”

Old Zhong: “???””Lao Zhong, have you noticed that you have suddenly gained a lot of weight recently, sweating, shortness of breath, and pale and dull…”


Lin Chou handed the billowing share out the back door of the kitchen, and asked as if he remembered something as he watched the big bowl flying up to the sky.

“By the way, big breasted sister, how about you? I just saw her. Why is there no sign when I was eating?”

Big breasted sister said casually,

“Bao Er came before when you were busy, and he said that the Su family in Yourong had a sudden illness and many people died.”

What kind of sudden illness, it was clearly struck to death by thunder…

Lin Chou is called a guilty conscience,

“You allow her…”

Big breasted sister snorted,

“The little girl is in a bad mood. It’s weird. Whether she can match those names and faces is two different things. What’s so sad about her.”

“Just relying on their surnames Su?”

Before coming to Lin Chou, Su Yourong was said to have been trained as the master of a family. More importantly, maybe these people Su Yourong didn’t know or met… Well, it shouldn’t prevent her from being the Su family. Worried?

Lin Chou smacked his lips,

“Wait? Bao Er is here? He is here to tell You Rong the news?”

Then this kid is a bit broken–

What do you want to do? Let Su Yourong go back to the funeral or something else?

Big breasted sister shook her head,

“That’s actually not, the ordering machine hasn’t been repaired yet. Bao Er wanted to order some food for Su Wang to take away. I saw that you didn’t have time and I pushed it away.”

“Su Wang said that he was very happy to accompany the elders at the banquet to drink and drink. Those elders insisted on ordering a table of the best dishes to pay tribute to the assholes of the Su family who were struck by thunder. Oh, yes, Bao Er emphasized a lot. Let me tell you this time, and say the original words of Su Qiang before.”


banquet? Happy? Memorial?

Lin Chou didn’t know what to say.

The boss of Linda pinched and pointed out that the egg hurts suddenly, so you haven’t had the first seven months, right?

How sad is this handsome poor disciple-even if he is extra strong without being blown up by her unreliable brother.

No, no matter how happy you are in your heart, you have to make a sad expression on your face, right?

This kind of big family is playing like 6 now?

Or it is said that Su Wang’s attitude is the attitude of the Su family…

At least Bao Er’emphasized’ Su Wang’s’original words’ several times, there is still something in it.

Lin Chou is not a fool. Strictly speaking, he just has a low panel intelligence value (well, much lower)-the imaginary panel attributes-what’s the use of looking good!

“It seems that the dog beep system really won’t produce meaningless things…”

“Xiao Yourong has been here for so long, it’s time to learn some real technology!”

Lin Chou didn’t bother to think about these things at first, which upset him.

People, isn’t it good to live simply?

You have to have all attitudes, if you really don’t wear it, at least… at least you can die with a little dignity~

“Boss, your expression is so weird, are you thinking about something weird?”

Lin Chou stunned and smiled.

“Ha ha”

“The first order?”

“Sure enough, there is no good start.”

“You turned down this takeaway for me, and the loss is deducted from your salary!”

Chi only: “???”

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