Chapter 950

The twenty or so evolutionists in the front were still shocked, and they heard the paper man actually screaming, and the voice was quite familiar.

“Hey, what are you doing in a daze? Come and help!”

Everyone is dumbfounded,

“You…who are you…”

“I am so special about you, Grandpa Dashan!!”

“Oh oh…”

This group of evolutionaries asked while helping,

“What the hell is this…”

Huang Dashan squinted his eyes, his face was rather gloomy.

“Have you never seen the Doudizhu sticker?”

Several guys stared blankly at the two-fingered thick paper felt that was torn off for a while, so I was so speechless.

——If you can’t afford it, your multiples are a bit high.

This stunned time was so long that Huang Dashan could no longer control the power of the wild in his body.

(I don’t want to face it?)

(Do you want to kill your mouth, kill your mouth, or kill your mouth…)

To say that smart people are not only smart people, but also have a strong desire to survive.

“The Lord Shan is the Lord Shan. It’s not the same as the miscellaneous fish like ours. Those who are able to work harder, even Doudizhu play such a big hahahaha~”

Everyone: “…”

Sikong was quickly rescued from the paper by everyone, but he was already shaking his head in sweat, quite tragically.

The weight is nothing, but the layer on the left and the right is so hot that Lao Hou is so hot. This means that Sikong has been sitting next to Leng Han, otherwise this guy would have had a heat stroke.

“I said Lord Shan, you guys…who the hell won…”

Shan Ye sneered and slapped the whole piece of paper armor.

“Daddy didn’t lose anyway. Daddy is not the thickest one.”

Sikong, who retorted his blood, immediately sneered.

“You are not the thickest one, but your area is big~”

Sikong compared the paper-shell armor peeled off from him with Shanye’s-it felt like it was impossible to put four or five Sikong in.

Huang Dashan: “???”

Now smart people are so good at making excuses for themselves! The thin, bamboo-like wind might fold it when it blows.

Like, it’s amazing.

In fact, with the level of Ascension, it is almost impossible for the evolutionary to have a white-faced weakness like Sagong under the imperceptibility of the original power. Instead, they can easily become a male dog with a few tasks and exercise. A muscular monster on the waist and arms that can race horses.

It may be a good thing to put it on a man, but if it is put on some female compatriots who pay special attention to body size, it is simply a disaster.

Such as Sister Xingxing.

Simply being fat can still burn calories if you have something to do, but if you replace fat with the same amount of muscle group, then how to burn it-the coach will not teach this!

In short, apart from the other auras and the painting style of the adult master Sikong is still very marketable in the base city, after all, things are rare and expensive.

I’m used to big fish and meat every day, and occasionally I see a watery cabbage that doesn’t look like a treasure.

Shan Ye and others are convinced that they are definitely not the bottom one, so noisy and lively.

At this time someone from the newcomer asked,

“Hey, one, two, three, four, five… You only have five people here, why are there six cards in your hand?”

Sikong and others: “…”

Huang Dashan twisted his eyebrows and asked boldly.

“Hahaha, yeah, why there are only five cards in hand but six of them… Why do you think this is… Ask you!”

“Yes…Yes…” That person has been thinking about it for a long time, eh, that’s not right, I’m the one who asked the question!

Huang Dashan’s heart is your sister, yeah, is it possible for daddy to tell them that this deck of cards is from Cold Tyrannosaurus? Was she posting a small note with us and was the one who lost the worst? Daddy hasn’t lived enough yet!emmmmm, by the way, our cold lieutenant will be more aggressive.

If it weren’t for her, where would the stickers be as high as tens of kilograms per person? Could it be because the big breasted sister also participated in the gambling?

The hot scent of wheat permeated the kitchen in the small hall, and the thick steamer was taller than Lin Chou, and the top was like a “chimney” from which steam surging and quickly enveloped the kitchen.

“Haha, sure enough, there are buns~”

“I can still smell the scent of beef!”

“When I was on the night shift, I had a dream. I was eating big buns. I couldn’t eat enough to eat. Is this a dream come true?”

More than twenty people came from the four-wall construction site. In order to speed up the progress throughout the night, the base city evolves in three shifts. After nearly eight hours, these people have already hungry chests and backs.

Inside, Lin Chou began to prepare oily peppers, simmered peppers, roasted peppers, and fresh peppers for beef miscellaneous soup, pig blood soup, etc.——


The sharp spiciness and Jiaoxiang immediately occupied everyone’s perception channels, and the familiar and exciting spicy diners felt that there was a fire in their bodies.

I have to say that this smell is really refreshing.

A fat guy rubbed his belly bitterly,

“I moved the bricks for the whole night, and I don’t know if it’s enough for boss Lin to pay for a meal here…”

“Little fat, die this heart. It’s not bad to get tax deductible for the job, and want to be paid? Dreaming!”

Fatty sighed,

“Lao Zhong, what you said… is too true and can easily cause discomfort.”

He stared blankly in the direction of the kitchen, and watched Boss Lin quickly make breakfast.

“Oh, here comes!”

“Buns, ten buns first~”


Little Fatty immediately got up and went to line up, but was pressed back into the chair by the old clock.

Xiaopang: “???”

What are you doing? If you don’t go there, you can just grab the buns.

Old Zhong winked,

“The counter is not full. Boss Lin left a large area on purpose. There will be food coming up in a while. I’m sure you are right, wait a minute!”

Xiaopang seemed to be right when he thought about it. Didn’t he see that none of the people in the group moved? “You guys please come first” on his face.

There is a problem with this style of painting! What are they waiting for?

The person who swiped the card to get the breakfast has already begun to enjoy it. For a time, various aromas and sounds swallowed the old bell and the little fat like a vast ocean.

“Sizzle, hot!”

“Crack, click!”

“Ha ha ha ha ~”

Xiaopang almost didn’t cry. Everyone was eating. Why should I wait here stupidly?

Old Zhong coughed,

“Believe me…”

However, his grunting gastrointestinal protests and continuous uninterrupted swallowing of saliva made his confidence look unsatisfactory.

Huang Dashan over there was originally a wandering picture of the old god with Erlang’s legs upright, and he was blowing water with Sikong into a magnificent wave… Then what happened suddenly he jumped up.

“Spicy watermelon rind, waiting for one night can be regarded as coming!”

With that, Shan Ye hulled and rushed to the counter.

He didn’t forget to line up.

In the back, Old Zhong Xiaopang said, “Come on!!!”

The two grabbed the ninth and tenth positions.

Lin Chou put the old and tenon-and-mortise rice bucket on the counter, one large and one small.

“Add a dish today, octopus clip tofu.”

The person who served the meal first reacted and rushed back to line up again with the steamed bun in his hand and the old bowl.

Master Sikong muttered,

“As for, there are only more than 30 people in total. It’s enough if you don’t queue up!”

Shan Ye pointed to the keg, so Si Kong held up his face.

“I take back what I just said.”

The outer surface of the small barrel is shiny and moist, and it has a sense of age of an old object. The hand is carved with patterns of flowers, birds, fish and insects-in short, this is a very delicate wooden barrel.

So here comes the problem. Just like we don’t use exquisiteness to describe a brawny man with a big waist and round waist, we also can’t use exquisiteness to target a huge rice bucket.

With the exquisite small barrel and the thick barrel wall, you can imagine how much space is left inside.

Shan Ye couldn’t help thinking of the results of last night’s labor.

That’s a few hundred kilograms of octopus clips, so only so many finished products? Go to the grave and burn the newspaper to fool you! You must be embezzled if you are so black!

Just thinking of this, Lin Chou slapped a spoonful of soft and crystal bean curd from the big bucket into his bowl.

Shan Ye complained,

“Crab tofu is crab tofu! This…”

Lin Chou did not respond.

Then I scooped half a spoon of octopus tofu from Huang Dashan’s most eye-catching small wooden barrel.


Boss Lin’s hand with the spoon shook inadvertently, and the half of the spoon suddenly disappeared by a third, so he satisfactorily poured it on the bean curd.


Shan Ye was stunned,

“Fuck, was your kid in charge of cooking in the cafeteria of Qinshan Martial Arts School?”

Lin Chou looked at him obliquely,

“Surely you didn’t curse me less in your heart just now?”

Huang Dashan: “???”


Daddy doesn’t have the habit of writing subtitles on his face, so are you really new to mind reading?

Lin Chou gave a clear cough and said while cooking.

“I thought I would let the big guys taste it. The octopus clip is too unreliable, and a few hundred kilograms are out of such a small bucket of “tofu”.”

Xiaopang counted the people in front of him,

“Well, there are only eight, this wave is stable!”

Old Zhong said proudly,

“Look, I’m right~”

Someone asked,

“What’s in the big bucket next to it?”

“Tofu, chickpea.”

Sikong really had such an expression,

“I know, how could it be so slow otherwise.”

Huang Dashan babbled and ran to the table carrying the tableware,

“My mother, for the bean curd, it’s the bean curd and the chickpea curd. I like to make these weird things. I’ve never heard of it…sucking~”

The sound of sucking almost wiped out Huang Dashan’s soul.

Huang Dashan didn’t even dare to believe it, “My mother…is it so fresh…”

Compared with chickpeas, the appearance of octopus tofu is more than a little bit different. The curd is not as complete as the chickpeas, and even the color of the soup is dark and heavy.

On the whole, pouring it in a bowl of chickpea flower looks like a mudslide whizzing down from the top of the snowy mountain…yes, that’s right…it is the sense of sight of the mudslide.

Even people with distorted aesthetics like Huang Dashan have no way to see the unique beauty from this bowl of snow-capped mudslides-but it won’t be so ugly that it is hard to swallow anyway, right?

But after the entrance, the miracle-like extreme deliciousness really makes Shan Ye unable to fault it.”Oh the sea, you are all water…”

Shan Ye smacked his lips, there was really no words, only one sentence remained after turning over and over again.

“Xian…It’s really fresh…”

Mouth after mouthful, even if it’s hot from ear to ear, I don’t want to stop at all.

The inside of the octopus tofu is full of small holes and veins, and there will be soup dripping in the mouth anytime and anywhere when chewing.

The seemingly delicate texture actually has a bit of indomitable toughness in it.

It does not melt in the mouth. Only when you touch and squeeze with your teeth and the tip of your tongue, and feel those dense veins and holes one by one, will it open the door of the deepest secret. , Ren Jun picks.

Sikong sat on a chair opposite Huang Dashan,

“Come early, Tathagata is a coincidence, ha, Lord Shan, you are here every day, how many times have you met such a good thing?”

Huang Dashan “sucked” all the inventory in the bowl in one gulp,

“Well, this seems to be the soup of boiled cabbage, it’s too little…”

“Let me tell you, Lin Zi has changed. When anyone does not come, there is nothing. When whoever comes, it happens to be shipped today and tomorrow is the fattest. This kid is not honest.”

Sikong shrugged and said nothing, but silently moved his own bowl away from Huang Dashan.

There are two bowls in front of him: a bowl of chickpeas and a bowl of octopus tofu.

Huang Dashan’s eyes widened.

“Fuck, why do you have two bowls, daddy only has one bowl?”

Sikong was silent for a short while.

“It may be because you are ugly.”



“Puff hahaha~”

“Master Sikong’s words are reasonable~”

Huang Dashan shouted angrily,

“I ask you if I am pretty? I hear you, I’ll give you a chance to reorganize the language!”

Sikong said casually while wiping the spoon with a tissue.

“Oh, maybe it’s because I charged up?”

Huang Dashan: “…”

You can go to your grandma, you have a big bug-coach, I want to learn programming, I will write a plug-in in the future!

Sagong’s spoon is gently stirred in the bowl of chickpeas,



The faint amber or brown soup surging slightly, like the sparkling water in the setting sun reflecting the afterglow of the sun.

The long and sweet aroma seems to be rippling with the fluctuation of the soup in the bowl, slowly lingering, and the large piece of chickpea flower in the bowl seems to have really become like clouds under the sunset glow, and the clouds are soothing and lazy.

What made Sikong most incredible was that when he stirred the soup, there was not a little bit of edge powder falling on the large chickpeas, and there was no Impurities at the bottom of the bowl, and the transparency was completely consistent from top to bottom.

Sikong muttered,

“Let’s try it… I have eaten the chickpea flower from Yishanfang before… I didn’t expect it to be served with octopus tofu this time… How fresh…”

Sikong still knows something about the chickpea flower. Its finished product is white in color and resembles tofu flower. It uses chicken as the material. It is a representative dish of Sichuan cuisine.

The chickpea flower emphasizes a white, tender and tender soup. It belongs to the kind of template that everyone thinks can be made by looking at the recipe. It is very simple, but it is especially easy to make a dog’s brain when it is done by hand.

According to legend, this dish is related to the love of the concubine Huarui of Meng Chang, the lord of Hou Shu. Due to the weak stomach of Mrs. Huarui, Meng Chang ordered the royal chef to make a special dish for her to nourish the body and stomach. I found inspiration in my bean curd, so I got chickpea curd.


Later, Mrs. Huarui’s stomach problem was not good or not, but Sikong didn’t know, but if he couldn’t eat it so much, his own stomach would definitely explode on the spot.

Spooning a tablespoon of octopus tofu into the bowl of chickpeas, Si Kong raised the bowl in Huang Dashan’s coveted sight, and solemnly said,

“Then, let’s do it first.”

Huang Dashan chuckled his twelve white teeth cheerfully,

“It’s better to die together ha ha ha!”

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