Chapter 891

After talking for a while, everyone squinted.

No words for a night, only snoring.

Excluding the earth-shaking snoring, Lin Chou still couldn’t sleep well, feeling that he was woken up shortly after climbing into bed.

Xiao Hong, the sea hunting team, drove a huge truck and rushed up to Yanhui Mountain with a full load of “icebergs”.

The car horn was honed loudly, and even louder was her voice.

“Boss Lin, Master Haihuang! Haha, your express is here~”

In order to ensure that these precious yellow-lipped fish were transported back intact, Lin Chou Leng resisted not letting them go through the “quick passage” of Uncle Warlock, and it was only now that they arrived safely.

Lin Chou jumped off the home tree and smashed the ground into a pit.

“The car goes directly by the tree and drives to the entrance of the underground cold storage.”


There was more than one person sitting in the cab, as well as Zheng Ou… and Shen Feng?

Shen Feng opened the car door and jumped down, looking a bit decadent and tired.

Recently, apart from being tossed by the garrison for eating something that shouldn’t be eaten, he also took on a lot of tax deduction tasks with Bai Qiongshou, and he was so busy that he could fall asleep in the earthquake-Practitioner’s The tax rate is lower than that of normal evolvers. However, they also need to recharge to become stronger and the ratio is quite exaggerated. In fact, most Practitioners are more “poor and poor” than evolvers.

“Lin Zi!” Shen Feng said hello, “I came back late from the wilderness and didn’t enter the city. It happened that Captain Xiao was passing by, so I followed him directly.”

The two of them followed the car to the door of the cold storage, jumped onto the car and threw ice cubes down while talking.

Lin Chou is a bit strange,

“Didn’t you come back with Boss Bai? Why can’t I come here without entering the city…”

Shen Feng picked up the half-person-height crushed ice and threw it tens of meters away, scaring the Black Mountain wild boar in the animal pen more than screaming.

“Lao Bai came back with the goods first… I wanted to come over. It happened that Gao Xuan’s goods went to Zhengximen for inspection, and when he saw me, he called me up. Good fellow, these gang of Zicheng guards are stewing on the gate tower. What kind of lamb next door is there in a pot? Old Xiang, drinking with that old boy.”


The lamb next door? I’m afraid it wasn’t the blackmailer who sold the sheep uncle!

“That kid seems to have been promoted by half a grade again? As if busy or something, I complained to me yesterday that I can only sleep for three and a half hours a day, hey, what else can I complain about being promoted!”

Shen Feng kicked the ice under his feet,

“What’s this, fish?”

After unloading a half-carriage of ice, a huge fish tail appeared under the ice, with fine scales slightly golden, still conspicuous in the night.

“I went out to sea a few days ago, please ask Xiao Big Sister to get some good stuff, haha!”

“It’s not a small size. It’s rare to see you when you are so happy, why do you use it?”

“Making isinglass is almost the best quality isinglass in the world.”

Shen Feng shrugged uninterestedly.

“Hi, why is it that I have eaten the stewed flower maw once, and it smells fishy.”

The four moved quickly, and within half an hour they placed the huge yellow-lipped fish in the cold storage.

Lin Chou pinched his chin and looked at it for a while.

These big yellow lips, which are more than ten meters long and five or six meters long, make him happy every time he looks at them.

“I will deal with you if I have time.”

It’s four or five o’clock, and Lin Chou is about to prepare breakfast.

Xiao Hong and Zheng Ou came all the way to deliver the goods, how could they have to eat hot meals before leaving.

This is the most basic self-cultivation of a restaurant owner, at least Lin Chou thinks so.

Several people went back to the store and sat down. While chatting with Xiao Hong Zheng Ou, Shen Feng looked at the kitchen door from time to time.

“It seems that some days have not come, think about Linzi’s cooking is just a mouthful of saliva.”

It was the first time that Xiao Hong and Zheng Ou had the opportunity to carefully look at the menu hanging on the beam of the room. The more they frowned, their mouths couldn’t close.

Zheng Ou swallowed hard,”Lin…no, no, no, what is written on the menu of our Master Haihuang is true?”

Shen Feng snorted.

“Of course it’s true—well, so is the price of the food.”

Before he had a few friends (Zhan Yongli and others) who had eaten it once and was too expensive and never dared to come. Now, those guys regretted that their intestines were all green.

“If this is the case,” Zheng Ou said, “then the situation between me and Lao Wu may be that Boss Lin really has a way!”

Shen Feng looked up and down at Zheng Ou, chopping hands and pressing Zheng Ou’s wrist.

Rao is a Tier 5 evolutionary Zheng Ou, but he didn’t react.

Shen Feng held Zheng Ou’s veins for two or three seconds.

“Waiting for the ranks too fast, the sequelae? I said, good luck, can the sea hunter always encounter so many good things like you?”

Zheng Ou was stunned for a moment, and put away the little bit of unhappiness just now.

“Brother Shen, how did you know…”

Shen Feng said carelessly,

“A Practitioner and half a doctor, if we say that we have mastery of the physical state, we Practitioner recognizes the second, who would dare to recognize the first? When dealing with various magic herbs all day long, we must prepare Body Tempering medicinal soup once a week according to our own state. If I don’t see anything anymore, is it possible that my Tier 5 Practitioner can’t get soy sauce as a gift?”

“Also, your situation is not a big problem at all for Lin Chou, at most five…no, three jars of colorful snake king wine, to ensure that you are properly arranged.”

“Colorful Snake King Wine?”

“Well, Linzi’s self-brewed wine, Master Wen Zhongjiuwen knows, I can’t help the greedy worms coming over and sipping it after a short interval of time — the benefits of the medicinal effect, the improvement of the physique, the quenching of the impurities, etc., are immediate. Who knows who drinks it!”

“If you win a game of billiards over there, you can still get a discount on the wine. This is a good thing. Nowhere else.”

Zheng Ou squeezed his pocket subconsciously. There was his ID card inside. There were almost four million in the card. It was him… to be precise, it was all his family who depended on it.

Shen Feng could tell at a glance what Zheng Ou was thinking.

“If you don’t worry about it, take a jar and share it with your companion first. The effect can be seen on the spot.”

Xiao Hong gave Zheng Ou a fierce look.

“Boss Lin, we can absolutely trust him. We relied on Boss Lin to save everyone’s lives at sea before, so no one would think that way! Don’t pay attention to the crippled calf, he is just used to picking and searching. Like his fate, I will buy a few altars with Boss Lin in a while. Their situation is getting worse and worse, and they have even begun to affect the normal use of the source, which is really too delayed.”

Several people were chatting, and it was six o’clock, and the evolutionary in Mingguang City successively went up the mountain.

“Boss Lin, what do you eat this morning? Hey, you must have XO sauce noodles…”

“Ghosts eat noodles in the morning, steamed buns, definitely Buryat steamed buns!”

“It must be pig blood soup!”

“Let’s talk about the colorful snake king wine for us first.”

“Is there any share for the Tomahawk steak this week? I waited for two months and missed it…”

Zheng Ou’s stunned eyes hovered several times between the kitchen, the evolvers and the menu on the beam.

“Gudong… Now that the hunting team in the wilderness has been here?”

Zheng Ou and Xiao Hong also felt that they were fake Tier 5 evolutionaries. They had been mixed in the dark sea for all these years. The hunters here cost hundreds of thousands to one million for a casual breakfast? ?

Shen Feng smiled without saying a word, and didn’t expose the little secret in it.


A big hand patted Shen Feng’s shoulder,

“Why did you come by yourself? Where’s our white rabbit?”

Shen Feng rolled his eyes.

“If Lao Bai knows you call him White Rabbit again, he must turn his face on the spot.”

“Hey, this is a compliment to him, don’t you know, except for the rabbit, there is nothing more ‘power’ than him in Mingguang.”

Shen Feng squinted,

“I said, Lord Shan, you can live without arms and legs until now, it’s really blinding–Lao Bai and others are unloading goods in the base city. This time I have gained a lot and I guess I can rest a few more days. , Besides, the swallow has suffered a little injury, it is not minor, and it has to be supported for some time.”

“It’s better to be alive than to die. If you don’t die, you’ll be done. The food is even better than a bald guy. I guess the swallows are nothing serious!”


This guy has a broken mouth!

Shen Feng could not say.

Huang Dashan suddenly cursed with his throat.

“That bastard with a dogskin hat over there, grab f*ck, and honestly line up! What is your grandpa doing? Blind, didn’t you see others waiting in line? The dog said, I didn’t feel compelled. number?”

An evolutionary who had just squeezed to the front of the counter was so angry that his nose was crooked.


When Huang Dashan saw this, he flexed his hands and twisted his neck, his face was flushed with excitement.

Damn it, your grandpa Dashan has been lonely for so many days, and finally waited-happiness always comes so suddenly.

However, Shan Ye’s warm-up movement was able to twist his neck.

The evolutionary wearing a hat was violently pulled by the companion behind him.

“That’s Huang Dashan, does Huang Dashan know it! Don’t mess with him!”

Not without complaining,

“I’ll just say you don’t always want to jump in the line. You have said so many times. Besides, is this a normal place…”

The evolutionary wearing a hat is as white as a mouse seeing a cat when he hears the name of Lord Shan.

He bent over the cupped fist against the mountain master,


He simply shrank his body and ran away.

Huang Dashan was left messy in the wind: “…”

Shen Feng’s satire with a smile,

“Congratulations, the prestige of Prince Mountain is really terrifying! Hey!”

The bite of the “Prince” was extremely heavy, not to mention two “si”s followed.

Huang Dashan’s face was green, and he cursed bitterly.

“Mmp, doesn’t this product have the dignity of being an evolutionary?”

I, Prince Huang Dashan, miss so much the days when those little-eyed bastards were lifted to the foot of the mountain and beaten up because of the phrase “what are you looking at”.

At this moment, Lin Chou came out of the kitchen with two large buckets of porridge, took a look and said,

“Why are there so many people? The inside is not full and there is still space in the pavilion outside. Breakfast is definitely not enough, and there is no time to make it. Those who are not in line will wait until eight o’clock before ordering.”

Putting down the big wooden barrel for the porridge, Lin Chou returned to the kitchen and continued to tinker, steaming white-skinned meat buns, green radish side dishes, and crimson braised beef intestines were laid out one after another.

Huang Dashan yelled,

“What are you doing in a daze? There is a price on the beams of the room, do it yourself, check out the cash at the counter.”

People who come often don’t care, and the guy who came here for the first time looked ignorant.

Huang Dashan picked up 20 pleasing-looking buns and placed them on his plate, serving porridge and vegetables. He was very skilled in his business.

Xiao Hong and Zheng Ou quickly took the porridge bowl from Huang Dashan.


The answer to them was Huang Dashan’s screaming porridge. After a while, Shan Ye was puzzled.

“Huh? It’s not porridge, this is soup!”

Lin Chou also brought a bowl of porridge and sat down with two steamed buns.

“Shrimp Cracker Soup, I made it once outside and it was not bad.”

The white and bright soup is slightly thicker, and the crystal-clear shrimp round slices are hidden in it, without a trace of fat floating on it, which is exceptionally light.

When the scent of shrimp reaches the depths of the nasal cavity, it is as refreshing as the mild sea breeze nourishes the fishermen who eat the sea by the sea.

Huang Dashan said,

“It’s very light, I thought it was porridge at first, but it felt like noodle soup when I drank it, but when I ate it, it turned out to be shrimp again, ha~”

Huang Dashan bit off most of the bun,

“Hmm… After eating so many buns, I just want to eat this bun once and immediately want to eat the next one. It would be better if I had more oil and water.”The Buryat steamed buns are soft and fluffy on the outside, and the slab sausage inside and the distinctly mixed meat pieces give a chewy texture. The touching fat and a little gravy bloom together in one bite.

Shen Feng despised,

“You wipe the oil on your chin before you talk. It’s all splashed out. I said, Prince Huang, when can you stop being like a dumpling.”

Huang Dashan killed six steamed buns in minutes, and the plate was empty after the other people ate it.

Master Shan got up to pick up the buns, and by the way gave Shen Feng a thumbs up.

“I especially like the name Tubao. It always reminds me of words such as Hao and Tuhao.”

Zheng Ou and Xiao Hong almost didn’t eat their tongues. They couldn’t wait to put a piece of braised beef intestines into their mouths as soon as they swallowed the buns in their mouths. The fat but not greasy intestines were full of marinade. , The right tendons are even more satisfying.

——The emerald radish that Zheng Ou’s chopsticks stretched out again.


Zheng Ou was shocked just like other people who had eaten radish with high feet for the first time.

“This, this radish… how does it grow…”

Lin Chou spread his hands,

“The radish is good, I didn’t expect someone to grow it so well, hey, our base city, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.”

Huang Dashan: “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’s carrots?”

The radish side dish is paired with braised beef intestines. The effect of large meat and vegetables is surprisingly good. Everyone unconsciously ate a few more steamed buns and hurriedly rushed to the line for the second time.

The person in front saw, oh, then I have to get a few more buns directly.

As a result, the people in the back row complained–there were only so many buns, and there were more wolves and less meat.

Boss Lin, who didn’t sleep well and was upset and didn’t want to work, was suddenly embarrassed.

The usual breakfast is served by the number of people, but today I just want to be lazy.

“Cough cough, what? Do a little more tomorrow, and make sure to let everyone open up and eat!”

When someone saw the line and there was no hope, they just stopped squatting at the door and shouted inside.

“Boss Lin, you are here!”

“It’s too much, too much.”

“I can’t say no more when I’m ordering in a while.”

“Yes, tomahawk steak—”

Lin Chou: “…”

The one who is still thinking about the Tomahawk steak is destined to return in disappointment today.

Huang Dashan suddenly wondered,

“Wait, I seem to have forgotten something! Hey, what about Old Wen, why didn’t you come in for dinner?”

“I didn’t see it…”

At this time, Wu Ke grabbed the chicken coop’s hair and walked in with a look of bitterness.

“Just after 12 o’clock last night, Master Wen and the guy surnamed Shen rushed into my house and dragged me up. They had to drag me to fight the landlord. The three of us fought the landlord all night, now. They slept soundly-still in my bed!”

“How much wine did Master Wen drunk? I feel dizzy.”

Speaking of taking out a lot of green Yuanjing tickets from his pocket, there are one thousand face value and one hundred face value.

“Do you dare to believe it? Just one night! Me and Shen Daru won over 60,000 points of circulation for Master Wen…”

Huang Dashan said,

“Hey, you guys are not young, you guys transferred it~”

“This is the crux of the problem” Wu Ke sighed for a while, “We are playing with one point and one circulation point!”

Everyone: “…”

Make it clear, hello!

One point, one point, so how did you win sixty thousand!

The sack of the ball, that doesn’t matter—

“Will you continue playing in a while?”

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