Chapter 890

The night is dark and paved all over the floor. Even if it is crushed by vehicles and the big feet of the evolvers all day long, the Naxiang red beans, which are still becoming more vigorous and beginning to split, are plated with a misty green brilliance, which is very beautiful.

——A pretty hairy man, Manshan Ghost Qi’s dense green light can save even the props and lights as a substandard horror film scene.

There is a saying: Love is a light, so green that you feel flustered.

It makes sense.

This group of guys ate and drank, all lying or sitting, chatting without a word.

There was not much time for the meeting, except for the magical warlock who was holding the three yellows to sit quietly in Insightxx and the Wen Zhongjiu who was in a daze, everyone was stunned.

For another three to five minutes, Yan Huishan shivered with the snoring.

Lin Chou: “…”

What wrong did I make? I have been hiding in the barren mountains and ridges two hundred kilometers away from the base city and still feel the inhumane grunts every day?

This situation does not allow Lin Chou to feel a little sleepy at all. The tears that this handsome now shed are all the water in his mind. Why on earth would he agree to let this group of evolutionaries park their car on the mountain and stay overnight? ?

The strength of each guy is completely unrecognizable, but his snoring ability is extremely shocking.

One-tenth of your snoring effort is spent on Ascension’s strength. Every one of them has already reached the pinnacle of life, okay, there is no trace of shame when the salted fish is like this ghost?

In the shop.

Shen Daru rubbed his head to wake up, his red and slightly swollen eyes looked around.

“Where is this?”

After returning to the gods for a long time, Shen Daru sorted out some things before drunk.

“Uh…how long did I sleep? It’s getting dark?”

As soon as he left the store, the yingying greenness dyed Shen Dalu transparently and lightly from top to bottom.

Shen Daru beat his head lightly with his fist.

“Unexpectedly, Yanhuishan at night is so beautiful.”

Several tabletops under the pavilion were put together, and several chairs were skewed.

The air seemed to be filled with a faint smell of wine and the aroma of some kind of food. Shen Daru sucked his nose hard, his apple squirming.

“Well, did I miss something? I feel like I have suffered a lot!”

Suddenly there was a voice around me,

“You missed so much.”

Shen Daru subconsciously looked at the source of the sound, and saw a green thing nestled in the shadow beside the threshold, staring at him.

——This feeling makes people feel uncomfortable.

Shen Daru stumbled, but fortunately he didn’t lose his attitude.

He took his breath back with his chest,

“Lin, Lin Chou?”

“It’s me, you won’t be able to go back to the base city. Go down and get together with Wu Ke for the night.”

“When is it now?”

“If you sleep a little longer, it will be tomorrow.” Lin Chou reached out from the vending machine and pressed a bottle of cold fat house happy water and threw it to Shen Daru. “An ordinary person is fighting with Huang Dashan, you are me. The first one I’ve seen, I invite this bottle to pay tribute to the Warriors.”

“…”For a guy who is suspected of drinking a second personality, Shen Daru, who has no concept, will be fooled. If he is really drunk, it may be the drunken version of Huang Dashan with red-eyed beads. It’s so sour to think about that scene.

Shan Ye’s identity and strength are very high, which indirectly caused great pressure on Bai Qiongshou, Shen Feng and others.

The only “mother”-level white boss who can contain Huang Dashan’s drinking is not there. Huang Dashan can be regarded as letting go of the waves, so hesitating, don’t want it.

The ghost knew whether the “Physical Skill” version of Shan Ye that was said to have been suppressed by the old lady Luanshan Wu would pop out again just as he tossed it down.

The Red-Eyed Mountain Master is about the same as a Tier 5 evolutionary physique. He was so drunk that he was beaten by Lin Chou last time. , If it is thrown into a pile of people, what kind of moths will be tossed out?

In this way, Huang Dashan, who is still okay, ran Hua Street and Liu Xiang and people blew water to drink, which was totally disregarded.

Shen Daru smiled barely touching the corners of his mouth, holding a coke barrel and pressing it on his head.

“Hi… cool…”

Accompanied by various grunts, Shen Daru recovered for a while.

Think of a possibility,

“These, won’t they all be drunk by Lord Shan…”

“It’s my prince,” On the roof of the pangolin, the Lord Shan shook his legs, and suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, “Hey, Master Wen really made me tossing and turning and unable to sleep.”

Wen Zhongjiu: “…”

Shen Daru: “…”

Lin Chou is speechless, the feeling guy still has spare energy!

Shen Daru’s mouth twitched, drunk Master Wen?

Looking around, I saw the dazed warm wine in a certain corner.

I always remember the gentle wine like a gentleman, blushing at the moment, and my neck is thick. This should be enough, right? !

Shen Daru was speechless for a while, and quickly changed the subject.

“Unexpectedly, Boss Lin here has such a wonderful view at night, hehe, if I have a place like this, it must be something like a treasure-can I bring some natara red bean seeds back and try to plant them?”

President Shen, you really are not afraid of your house being haunted in the middle of the night!

Lin Chou said,

“You can grow them, but they don’t come with their light. You have to raise a few broods of black-toothed worms.”

“What… lizard??”

Lin Chou casually pointed,


The soil layer somewhere on the hillside trembled a few times, and the pinkish inside and the greenish appearance of Xiaoqiu, which seemed to be made of crystals, showed his head out of the grass, and opened his mouth into an O shape blankly, licking two of them almost nothing The little black tooth that could see clearly “looked” at 360 degrees without a dead angle for a few back and forth, and a fierce boy plunged into the ground again, and the soil layer seemed to it like a calm water surface.

Shen Daru was flabbergasted for ten seconds, reaching out to measure the length.

“This is the black tooth worm?! Isn’t the black tooth worm just this big… the one just now…”

“So I said you need to raise a few more litters.”

Lin Chou pondered:

By the way, Xiaoqiu is a lot thicker–or else, consider soaking in wine?

The snake has gone on strike, and there is no snake gall for it. Recently, I always wanted to get something to soak in wine.

“Hehe…haha… Does boss Lin have a special preference for giant creatures, emmmmm.”

Shen Daru thought silently:

I definitely didn’t run away. Speaking of all the animals and plants in this mountain, there is no normal body shape. Even the chicken that the uncle Warlock is holding is half a meter or nearly a meter tall, not counting the legs and neck?

The only decent thing is that cow and bloody tribulus…

However, what Shen Daru didn’t know was that the seabed under a certain coastal defense line was still filled with the “Gundam” of the fur ball, and he could carry the entire Yanhui Mountain on his back!

As for the hairy cows, are they just cubs?

Shen Daru’s thinking continued to diverge, suddenly thinking of a certain giantess who was responsible for washing dishes.


Me, Shen Daru, a big breasted sister in full warehouse! Do not accept rebuttal!

–what? What cat?

Shen Daru has never seen two cats on his body…

But this question will definitely be answered without hesitation-that is the ingredients, the reserve ingredients, the reserve ingredients worth 20 million, but it is currently in the fattening period.

As for whether it can be put on the cutting board reasonably and legally after the fattening is completed, cough cough…

Occasionally, Lin may also want to tattoo Si Gouzi’s entire tattoo, engraving the words “reserve ingredients”.

If it hadn’t been for Big Breast Sister’s resolute objection, Si Gouzi would not have been upgraded to a Niu Biaoying Tier 6 Niu Wang now, but it would be almost the same to upgrade to The Netherworld Guide Dog or the Urban Management Law Enforcement Brigade.

The same example is Xiaoqing, who is blessed by Gumbling adults and survives by selling courage, and Sanhuang, who is blessed by Master Warlock and all lucky e-evolvers, and who is blessed by fur balls and occasionally acts as a certain forest football. Of hairy cows.

In terms of technology, these guys are all reserved ingredients.

Cough, pull it far.

Lin Chou faintly looked at Shen Daru,

“Why do I always think that there are thoughts in your mind that are not consistent with the identities of “highly educated” and “Chairman Shen”.”


It is not suitable to chat tonight, people who drink too much, their faces are too straight!

Thinking like this, Shen Daru’s mouth was not idle.

“It’s okay, I just feel it’s a pity. It’s a pity that I didn’t choose a yard with a small hill when I chose the house. It’s a pity that you can’t plant such a yard like a forest that will glow, smell and produce delicious fruits. Beautiful plants, otherwise, the spring flowers bloom by the mountains and the sea… I feel very comfortable just thinking about it.”

“In fact, I really envy people who live on small hills. There are many small hills in the base city. They are not high, but standing on top, you can see the dark sea and the sea~”

Huang Dashan spit out disdainfully,

“If there is anything to see in the sea, go to the East Gate Tower if you have nothing to do. You can see everything. Daddy doesn’t like it. It seems to be a little seasick!”

Lin Chou blinked,

“Look at the sea? Hey… Actually, I occasionally feel reluctant to come back when I’m at sea. I go around and take a look. I feel that the sea is accompanied by delicacies. I pass by an island and make a few new dishes with the special ingredients on it. Cai, hey, it’s also very interesting!”

Lin Chou didn’t say the following words:

It might be boring to stroll for ten or eight years.

At that time, what would these people in the base city do, or would they hack and slash the living corpses to kill the strange beasts, and fight the landlord with the imaginary beast every few times?

What about people I know–

Sikong still spends money like a Buddha born in thousands of families, Dasha continues to burn relics, will the Bai Shiba be renamed Bai Thirty-Six, Bai 72, or Bai 180, Wei Tianxing is still full of the world Looking for good food…

(Oh, maybe this one we can take a companion)

As for the Lord Shan, I am afraid that he will stay in the Luanshan Palace, and occasionally get up from the bed to cover his internally injured waist while slamming the tiger and the wine while chatting with another personality boringly and bragging?

“…”Lin Chou shuddered suddenly.

Fuck, this handsome is a bit weird today!

——Well, wine, you really can’t drink too much.

Huang Dashan jumped out of the car,

“Fuck you, don’t you, your kid pats his butt and runs away, what can we do?”

Wen Zhongjiu and the warlock also looked over.

Lin Chou scratched his head,

“I just think about it, there are so many ingredients waiting for me in the wilderness, isn’t it, one day is enough for me to cook for several lifetimes.”

Huang Dashan is relieved now,

“Grass, you scared Daddy to death like a donkey.”


“Occasionally, the old Shen Wenqing can also make it clear once, what are you doing with you, you can’t get it out of your money, tut, shy? Have that courage too?!”

Lin Chou has a black line on his face-f*ck, please be sure to ban this guy!

The two people’s casual scolding at grandma’s home made Shen Daru a little envious.

Shen Daru said,

“Don’t, if your boss, Mr. Lin, let me go to swim in the vast ocean, don’t say my surname is Shen, I am surnamed Sikong and surname Zhao, no one can protect me-I’m just an ordinary person, idle Hey, hey, in fact, the number of times I really stand on the beach and watch the sea is very limited. I am timid and afraid of death. I haven’t even been to the Millennium Building under the sea. I really don’t dare to go, let alone raise the sea. .”

“From the time when I was 27 or 18 years old, I completely lost the hope of becoming an evolutionary. I joined the Ancient Literature Research Association to study, collect, restore and improve various things that can represent the ancient culture before the cataclysm. I always think that one day I can After researching into a famous place, the things of the ancestors should always be properly retained. There are too few things that Mingguang can discover—hehe, you can see that it is useless. The Ancient Literature Research Association can’t even apply for funding! In fact, I feel like a mirror in my heart, even if the research is clear, what will happen, oh, not applicable, should we build more museums for Mingguang people to visit the research results?”

Shen Daru did not have a lot of fierce feelings in the calm tone that made the atmosphere a little silent.

Huang Dashan scratched his bald head twice.


Want to say something, but feel boring again.

Mingguang is in such a state now, unless the threats of living corpses, monsters, demon plants and virtual beasts are eliminated, they will always focus on the evolutionary.

This is an ironclad fact. In such an environment, ordinary people will be suppressed to the utmost extent and only maintain their basic living conditions.

A more conspicuous example is the scientific research institute. From the time of the cataclysm to the present two hundred years, the science and technology tree is still not available. Even the source crystal cannon is the creativity of copying warlocks, and ordinary people can quickly become effective combat channels. It’s almost blocked.

Is it a technology problem? Not really.

Since the word “origin” has gained the actual meaning of First Stage, some things have become different.

Suddenly, Wen Zhongjiu looked over with gleaming eyes,

“Listen to you, one day you will go to sea?”

Don’t forget, in addition to warming wine, the Wen family are also on the coastline.

Wen Zhongjiu as a lobbyist is strictly rejected, but if Lin Chou wants to go, it’s another matter.

“Hey hey, Master Wen, what I said about going to the sea is completely different from what you said about going to the sea!”

Are you kidding me, go to sea?

Living at sea is full of water, can this handsome take a comfortable bath? !

It hurts to think about it—the Nth month of bidding farewell to the jacuzzi that was meaningless before Ben Shuai lavished his teeth to buy it, Lan Shou.

Wen Zhongjiu shrugged,

“Hey, it’s best not to go, I’m only happy to drink snake wine every day.”

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