Chapter 238 The Slogan That Suddenly Appeared (Two in One)

On Lin Chou’s side, Zheng Huai asked for a jar of three-color snake wine and drank it without a sip, looking lonely and lonely.

It hadn’t opened for a few days, and most hunters didn’t know the news of Lin Chou’s return, so the only guests were Zheng Huai himself.

Zheng Huai twisted a peanut,

“Brother Lin, your restaurant is even more comfortable than Mingguang when it opens into the wilderness.”

“How to say?”

Zheng Huai smiled, after drinking a glass of wine, his face became a little more rosy, and then he said,

“While guarding the city gate, I was worried about the corpse tide and the beast tide every day. I would sleep with one eye closed, for fear of not knowing when it would be torn apart by those ghosts.”

“Look at you here again, Brother Lin, not to mention the living corpse, you can’t even see the shadow of a strange beast, guarding the small restaurant, eating whenever you want, sleeping when you want to sleep, and there are a lot of circulation points.”

“Since I was transferred, my damn thing has lost my mind. At my age and strength, becoming a major general is the end. After more than ten years of mixing, I will retire and find a big house in Xiangyang. My wife and children are hot. Kangtou, comfortable!”

“You don’t know, the little one is shining, how many intrigues there are, but I can’t count them. Take me for example. After decades, I finally left Zhengximen guarding that ghost place. I don’t know. Back to the base city, it’s hard to say a word…”

“I’m so overwhelmed by lard. It’s so good to guard the city gate honestly. Just say that my position is promoted or promoted. What is on the face is to supervise the affairs of the city, but in fact, The occurrence committee, scientific research institute, and all have positions responsible for this matter. They have overlapping powers. They have to beware of each other every day. They don’t even make peace in the garrison. Today, the daddy who pulled the boss today will reveal the shortcomings of the West family. They are all his mother’s colleagues and relatives leading the seven aunts and eight aunts. Throwing a brick out can throw a brick out of the three and can’t afford it, huh…”

Zheng Huai is half talking to himself, sinking in his own world, his eyes are not focused.

Lin Chou didn’t respond to one sentence, mostly the beginning and ending of the word “en” which had no practical meaning.

This is the wisdom that belongs to the owner of the small restaurant. The street parents are short in the street. Lin Chou and Zheng Huai are not very close, and Zheng Huai does not really need a chat partner.

He said, Lin Chou just listened.

They were just unilateral complaints and complaints. If they really took the words seriously, Zheng Huai would not be happy.

After talking messily for a long time, Zheng Huai came back to his senses and smiled, “Brother Lin laughed.”


Zheng Huai didn’t know if he blushed after drinking or what to do. He hesitated and took out a papyrus paper bag from his arms.

“Brother Lin, can you give this to Yanzi for me?”

Lin Chou was taken aback, “This is…”

Zheng Huai scratched his head,

“Hey, didn’t Yanzi like to eat biscuits in the alley when I was young? Before I came, I passed by for a while, and the uncle happened to be there. It was baked by his own hand, and it was the old taste more than ten years ago…. , Brother Lin, what are you doing looking at me with those eyes? I don’t mean anything else…”

Zheng Huai left in a hurry. Lin Chou pondered for a long time, but he didn’t tell the old classmate Zheng about the ass incident.

Without customers, Lin Chou simply took a bottle of cold beer and stood under the tree outside the door to enjoy the cool and watch the scenery.

Well, the scenery is here….

The big-breasted sister is still dressed in short animal skins, she is exceptionally tall, her legs are long, and her wheat-colored skin is sweaty, making her look wild and unruly.

She dragged a five-meter long dead animal to the backyard. Seeing Lin Chou looked over, she explained,

“Hmm… Nepenthes catches a lot of prey every day. It can’t be buried in the ground, and it’s thrown outside to rot and waste… When the blood god is hungry, take it out and roast it and you can eat it.”

Strictly speaking, this is Lin Chou’s prey. If it were in the world of Tiankeng, even the big-breasted sister who was Qinu had no right to do so.

Lin Chou didn’t mind.

Since the opening of the small hall, except for the corpse tide, no strange beast can break into the yard, either choosing to retreat or disappearing silently at the foot of the fence.

Nodded, and suddenly asked, “Is there so few nataka red bean fruits in the yard?”Big breasted sister glanced around, a little confused,

“No…too clear, but it seems to be a lot less.”

Originally, there were more than a dozen red and bright fruits on any vine of each Naxiang red bean, like gems, but now, there are green onion leaves everywhere, and there is almost no fruit.

Lin Chou was a bit speechless, and these hunters were too good to eat. They didn’t pay attention for a few days, so they just wanted to stop the garden for me.

It seems that not only Shan Ye loves this bite, but other hunters also like Naxiang Red Bean Fruit. Lin Chou began to consider whether to include this fruit on the menu.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still feel wrong. The yard is full of fruits, and I have been eating and picking. If I suddenly make vegetables, it does not mean that I understand to the hunters that you can’t eat this fruit for nothing.

It’s not this handsome style.

Lin Chou walked to the willow pavilion and sat down, looking up at the pavilion triumphantly. He felt that this ordinary little wooden house looked so peaceful and Sacred under the blessing of various bacon auras.

Raise the wine bottle, and pay tribute to Xiaoguan,


Drank it on his back,


Lin Chou’s gaze solidified, and a line of handwriting was deeply carved with a knife on the ceiling of the willow pavilion.

“Uncontrolled combat units are bound to be destroyed.”

“The system of priority allocation of resources is the biggest joke in history!”

“Evolution is the first step in destruction. If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy.”

“The mighty power of nature, without awe, is rampant!”

Lin Chou murmured, “Uncontrolled combat unit…”

The sharp voice of the crazy old woman seemed to echo in her ears, again and again, her eyes vicious.

“Boss, what are you looking at?”

Chicai stood next to Lin Chou, looked up, and said after a long while.

“What do you mean by writing?…The words are ugly, or the words on the sign in the store are good-looking.”

Big breasted sister does not know the text of the base city.

Lin Chou said, “It’s nothing, some boring people…remember to remind me when you turn around and take down this pavilion.”


Although Lin Chou is an awakened person, he is not a crazy fan of cataclysm and evolution.

And some hunters, including a large number of ordinary people who desperately desire to have power, those fanatics, what they say from their mouths will make people stunned.

There used to be such a teacher in Qinshan Martial Arts School. At a multi-school meeting, he actually asked hundreds of his students to shout slogans in the auditorium. No one remembered the specific details. It probably meant:

Cataclysm is good, cataclysm is wonderful, and catastrophe is the antidote to the sublimation of the soul.

On the spot, a group of sub-school leaders blew up the pot, and this large-scale hypnotic teaching of Balabala babbled and babbled the entire senior level of Mingguang.

Mingguang has been encouraging children to become awakened and upgraded, but that does not mean that people will forget what the catastrophe has brought to mankind. The disaster of genocide and the disaster of the country are not clear in a few words.

In the end, this fanatical teacher disappeared quietly. A group of students scattered to various schools for re-education. As a result, a large number of school leaders stepped down, and things were once a lot of trouble.

In the same way, Lin Chou couldn’t understand where this theory of the supremacy of ordinary people in order to subvert the base city came from.

Today, when firearms are useless, the evolutionary will give ordinary people millions of tons of pure source crystals. They can only put them in the dust. Without the evolutionary catalysis, it will be a pile of beautiful stones.

What do they use to protect themselves and the base city? Shouting slogans?

Mingguang tries to find order from chaos, and chaotic parties seem to prefer to create chaos in order.

Lin Chou smiled. This is why people are a garrison, and they are just messing up the party. Even if they call themselves the Resistance Army, they can’t change the established facts.

As an upright, noble, and selfless person, how can Lin Chou allow the chaotic party to talk nonsense?

So I found an unlocked wilderness tank in the yard, turned on the radio and dialed the report channel of the occurrence committee.

“Hello? Did it happen? I’m the owner of Lin’s Xiaoguan, two hundred kilometers away from Zhengximen…Yes….There is a messy party maliciously scribbling a slogan on my site, private property Sacred is inviolable, you must. …. What… Daddy paid the tax! You don’t care?… Tell you… If the perpetrator is not caught and I am compensated accordingly, next year’s tax Daddy will not feed the dog. You guys… calm down? I’m calm down, have all our taxpayers’ money been used by your dogs…”

Put down Mike and feel refreshed.

What kind of shit messing with the party has nothing to do with him, but if you come here to write and paint casually, this makes Lin Chou very unhappy.

These days, even the giant duck of Sagong knows that he can’t urinate and urinate wherever he wants. What about the quality of your chaotic party? Feed the ducks?

“Yeah? What do you see me doing?”

Chi only wiped the sweat from his forehead,

“Uh…. I still have a plate to clean, I’m leaving now…”

“When did Big Breast Sister take the initiative to wash the dishes?”

Lin Chou murmured.

In the large office for reporting and supervision of the Occurrence Committee, 300 people were in charge of the radio reporting line. The buzzing and running of the radio equipment was not only very annoying, but also brought suffocating heat.

Mr. Liu, operator No. 143, an old man who has been working for 15 years, turned around and said to the line leader own,

“Hey, Li Xian’er, there was a mental illness just now, saying that the owner’s storefront was smeared with the party slogan, let us send someone to deal with it immediately, and there will be compensation… Is it this stuff?”

Fifty people are in charge of one line, and the leader of these fifty people is also called the line leader.

Mr. Lee wiped his sweat,

“This damn horrible weather…Which store, remember him a fortune, in the coming year, he won’t be able to eat and walk around, and he will pay taxes so that he can be called Dad!”

Liu looked at the notes he made, “Two hundred kilometers outside the west gate, Lin…Xiaoguan? What the hell is this place?”

With a snap of Li Xianchang’s pen, he slammed his pen to the ground, grabbing Da Liu’s notes, his fingers trembling a little.

Da Liu was inexplicable, “Li Xian’er, what’s wrong with you?”

Mr. Li slapped Da Liu’s head with a slap.

“You fucking bastard, Li Xian’er, Li Xian’er, daddy was almost taken offline by you!”

Of the three hundred people in the large office, 290 out of them all looked over, with eight trigrams in their eyes.

Where did Liu dare to confront own boss, muttering, “What the hell is this?”

Line Chief Lee asked eagerly.

“How did you reply!”

“I said I received the message and asked him to wait for the message.”

“How’s your attitude?”

“Attitude…what attitude….”

Seeing the line leader’s slap, Liu raised it up again, and quickly said, “Don’t hit, don’t hit, my tone has always been gentle, Li Xian’er, you know me.”

The line leader Li heaved a sigh of relief, hating that iron can’t become a steel track. “Usually I ask you to be more serious and listen a little more when you fuckin’ meetings. If I wasn’t here today, your line would have to be peeled if you don’t die! ”

“What’s the matter, Mr. Lee, he has made such a big fire.”

“It’s hot, it’s normal to get angry.”

Long Xian Li said, “Zhengximen, Lin’s Xiaoguan, do you remember anything?”


“I don’t know, what is that?”

“Pig brain!” Line leader Li interrupted, “Do you know why there have been more complaints about chaos in the party these days?”

“I know, Chief Mo transferred everyone away!”

“that is!”

“Then do you know why they were transferred, regardless of the team, even the Jin team are all dispatched.”


“The Jin team also moved?”

Line leader Li took Da Liu’s notes and hurriedly walked out, while saying,

“It’s the Lin’s small restaurant that has created a magical medicinal meal that can greatly increase the chance of ordinary people becoming an evolutionary. It needs a… rare material. Nowhere, almost all the fighting power of the generation is taken away. Just for this material.”

Liu took a deep breath, Chief Mo!

It looks like Director Mo’s beloved baby Mo Wenwen Da Miss is just a Practitioner, right?

In other words, Lao Liu, I got in touch with someone who held the opportunity of Miss Mo Da Miss to become an evolutionary in his hand?

Liu’s scalp was numb, his lips trembled, and his face was as ugly as the daddy mother.

A group of colleagues saw that the leader was gone, and they gathered around one after another.

“What’s wrong with Liu.”

“What do you mean, what little restaurant is it and Director Mo?”

“What the hell did you pick up? Tell me, you are going to anxiously kill us!”

“I said you motherfucker!”

Liu gave a grumpy roar, picked up the headset, quickly found the original record and dialed the call back.


After making two consecutive calls, no one answered. Liu seemed to have his bones removed and fell back into the chair.

“It’s over… it’s all over!”

Lin Chou just threw the matter behind his head, took one from a dozen small blackboards, and wrote stroke by stroke on it,

“This shop offers special bargain, bonito sashimi, priced at 50,000 circulation points.”

He drew a fish next to him, took a few glances, and put down the pen very satisfied.

“Well, it’s alive, it’s perfect.”

Put the small blackboard in a conspicuous place,

knock off!

Tomorrow is another beautiful day!

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