Chapter 237 You Don’t Even Give Me A Hundred Dollars

(Thank you Kitty for the 2015 million rewards for spreading its wings and being promoted to protect the Dharma. Congratulations on this chapter.)

Sikong pouted extremely, quite and disdainfully.

“Turn it over? I said iron cock, just tell me, how many circulation points are needed to straighten your little broken boat? Is one hundred points enough?”

Lin Chou was furious, “One hundred points? Who do you think Lin Chou is!”

“one thousand.”


Lin Chou was satisfied, “Well, looking at the very comforting attitude of buying horse bones for your daughter, this handsome will forgive you generously.”

Zheng Huai walked in and saw the scallion pancakes in Sagong’s bowl. He took a deep breath first.

“Well, I can smell my mother.”

Lin Chou was happy, “Zheng Dage, you may have mistaken your mother’s gender.”

Zheng Huai said, “Just now I heard Brother Lin chatting with Young Master Sikong, and suddenly I remembered a story. I wonder if Brother Lin has heard of it?”


Why are you telling a story?

“One hundred yuan, who do you think I am?”

“One thousand yuan, I’m not that kind of person!”

“Ten thousand yuan, I am yours tonight.”

“One hundred thousand yuan, no matter how many people you come to.”

“One million, don’t treat me like a person tonight.”

“Ten million, whether he is here or not.”


Sikong almost choked to death without swallowing a bite of the pie. Is this the fucking humorous cell guarding the bright and respectable garrison commander? It’s really a firework of different colors.

Zheng Huai laughed loudly, “Brother Lin, give me a scallion pancake too, my mother, I’m greedy with this smell.”

Lin Chou said with a cold face, “No!”

Zheng Huai, “One thousand yuan!”

“Believe it or not, this handsome slapped you into a source crystal ticket?”

Zheng Huai let out a cry and scratched his head, “What does the Yuanjing ticket smell like?”

“Ammonia smell,” Sikong lowered his head silently, “Lin Chou, can you slap people directly into excrement? Could this be the chef’s hidden skill?”

Zheng Huai said that I don’t understand this kind of second-dimensional dialogue at all, and it is invalid for daddy.




The strong scallion aroma of the scallion pancakes couldn’t even hide the red beans. With the sound of Sikong’s chewing, Zheng Huai swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva.

Boss Lin was offended by his own idiot, so he could only hit Sagong Young Master with his idea.

Zheng Huai rubbed down on Sikong’s seat,

“Well, Sagong Young Master, there are more than a dozen cakes on your plate, look…”

“Stop talking, no!”

The combination of green onions and green onions outlines an extremely fragrant taste. Sagong was once again impressed by the wisdom of own. The scallion pancakes made by Lin Chou were several times more fragrant than the smell he smelled in Xiacheng. Of course, he eats it in his mouth. It makes people unable to stop.

“Lin Chou, your craft is several times stronger than the pancake in Xiacheng District! Seriously, it’s delicious!”

Lin Chou crooked his mouth, this kind of compliment daddy is just like you haven’t said it.

In fact, it’s not that Lin Chou’s skill in making scallion pancakes is better. There is a family of scallion pancakes in the world. No matter how good his craftsmanship is, how can he be better?

It’s just that he chose three types of green onions for making cakes, green onions, wild onions and dried red onions. The green onions are fresh and tender, the wild onions are crisp and fresh, and the dried red onions are mainly responsible for the spicy flavor. The combination of the three , Complement each other and promote each other, so simple scallion pancakes can become so delicious.

Coupled with fragrant beef offal soup and a few drops of red oil, a very simple meal, you can also eat the satisfaction that can not be replaced by the delicacies of mountains and seas.

“It’s cool.”

Sikong looked at the scallion pancakes left on the plate, both happy and sad.

I still want to eat, but I can’t hold it in my stomach.

Di, “The little secret of the boss, the task is completed, the reward is +1, and the zero-order magic plant dragon claw sky onion.”

“Dragon Claw Onion is a variety of Onion, a perennial herb.

The fragrance of Dragon’s Claw Sky Onion is extremely rich and special.

Longclaw scallion has a large number of string-shaped roots, the stem and bulbous roots are hollow, the leaves are long conical, and the flowers do not produce seeds. There are many small aerial bulbs from the floral organs, which then develop into multiple ring-shaped small onions, which are also in the small spring onions. Small green onions are ringed on the top buds, which look like dragon claws.

Like cold, the growth temperature is minus 13 degrees to minus 2 degrees, cold and drought tolerant to salt and alkali. ”


Sikong yelled, awakening Lin Chou.

“Lin Chou, pack these scallion pancakes for my son. I have to take them back and give them to my daddy to taste.”

Zheng Huai,


Anyway, you are also the first-ranked son of the base city. Do you want to eat a scallion pancake and take it away? What about the Sagong Young Master who usually spends money like a fire, where did you throw it?

Sagong Young Master cautiously held the kraft paper bag containing the pie, and got in the car and went home under the escort of twelve sturdy bodyguards.

Sagong Yu Villa.

Sagong ordered the maid to cut the scallion pancakes into fan-shaped slices and put them on a plate.

Sikong Yudao,

“Oh, er, why come back so early today, that little restaurant, there is no food you want to eat?”

Sikong said, “Dad, I will bring you some good things. You can try it quickly.”

The exquisite white porcelain plate is an antique before the cataclysm. It is very precious. The golden, oily and warm scallion pancakes in the porcelain plate are covered with chopped green onion. A tender green color.

Ordinary scallion pancakes can also look very high-grade and stylish under the background of the utensils.

Sikongyu lowered his head and smelled it, his eyes were reddish, as if a little smoked.

“Okay, okay, my son knows Dao heart loves Dad, haha…scallion pancakes, the last time you ate scallion pancakes, it was when your grandma didn’t leave…well, the smell is just one word, right? !”

Seeing his father eating the cake he brought back, Sikong poured him a cup of herbal tea.

“Then you eat, I will take a bath first, the sky is not cold, I am sweating all over.”

After Sikong left, the maid who had been standing by for a long time became anxious.

“Master, don’t eat it anymore, you can’t eat so many green onions, you are allergic, have you forgotten it!”

Sikongyu laughed, “The things my son brought back, let alone green onions, are poison. Even if you eat two catties, daddy will be alive and well.”


Sagong Yu’s laugh echoed throughout the villa.

After a while, the housekeeper came to report, “Master, Xue Mingfang from Bafang Building is visiting and he said that he has important matters to discuss with the master.”

Sikong Yu Gudong drew a cup of tea and leaned on the sofa in an unimaginative way.

“No, let that stinky boy get out. Daddy is in a good mood today, and I don’t want to talk to him about the shit and awkward things!”

The butler twitched his mouth, looked around, whispered,

“Master, do you want me to tell him so that he won’t come over again in the future?”

Sikong Yu thought for a while, “Alright.”

Waved, and added, “Go ahead.”

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