Chapter 1145 You Have No Chance To Starve To Death

Wu Ke panicked and reasoned based on his rich experience in living like a fish on the Yanhui Mountain for so long before being killed.

emmmm…In short, a frenzied master like Huang Dashan estimated that what he had done was done, and his scientific researcher Wu had to evade his edge for the time being.

At this time, a loud bang broke out under the trees of the homeland, which was getting stronger and stronger and silvery, and a big pit appeared.

Lin Chou, with greasy hair and sloppy eyes, pulled his feet out of a pile of rubble, and started to wash his hair with a large bowl of cold water from the well.

“Who is that, I hung the dried meat from Liang and chopped it off for me, starving to death!” Lin Chou yelled while washing his hair.

Huang Dashan was very dog-legged, and immediately stepped forward to take care of the dried meat on the spot, feeding it piece by piece into Boss Lin’s mouth.

Wu Moumou looked envy and swallowed wildly—the dried meat made by Lin Chou was really good.

The meat is made of beef, raw, simulating the snow peak at an altitude of 4,500 meters, and dried in the cold autumn wind, combined with the devil’s spicy and a lot of forage originating in the plateau of Tibet (yes, it is that the forage is not herbal, because Life is in The locals on the plateau in Tibetan areas usually use these unique flavours as fodder for cattle and sheep) for seasoning and air-drying, and the flavor of the finished product is full of savage and domineering aroma.

Yanhui Mountain comes and goes, quite a number of evolutionists love this wild and hot taste, some people even say that eating this kind of dried meat feels like having sex with an exotic girl, full of refreshing feeling.


It’s just that it’s Tier 4 ingredients after all, and the vast majority of evolutionaries can only be forced to be in the stage of watching “pigs run”.

One more thing, without enough strength to eat this kind of thing, the wallet explodes before the blood vessels.

Lin Chou, with wet hair, had bright eyes and a sharp feeling, just like this guy saw the wonderful food on the chopping board.

Huang Dashan muttered,

“This kid… didn’t he just wash his hair, how come his whole popularity has changed?”

Just listen to Lin Chou happily said,

“Huh? It’s changed hahaha, of course people are refreshed at happy events. I told you I want to cook this dish. I’ve been looking forward to it for more than half a year…”

As soon as he said that Huang Dashan was full of energy, he felt that his hunger and sin had not been in vain these days, and he patted his chest to be a cow and horse for Lin Chou.

“Being a cow or a horse?” Wu Ke looked strange, in a posture of contempt and about to vomit.

Of course, Lin Chou refused, so Huang Dashan could only eat his own words back in a whisper.

“Well, it’s a strike, haha, a strike.”

Lin Chou waved his hand, no need~

He took the Hericium erinaceus that he had brought back, and carefully examined them one by one.

He sighed loudly,

“It’s beautiful, it’s so beautiful, the big and round ‘hair’ is thick and full of golden flowers. The Hericium like this is the most beautiful.”

Hericium erinaceus can actually be regarded as a very squeamish ingredient. This squeamishness is not about preservation and growth, but the taste and fragrance.

The so-called “mountain hericium, seafood shark’s fin” is not a casual talk, the hericium mushroom has a light and mellow taste.

However, if fresh Hericium erinaceus is left untreated, many discerning diners will taste “bitterness” and “stinky”. The fragrance description is probably very similar to the feeling of some woody and vine herbs.

Like many fungi, dried Hericium erinaceus is richer in taste.

And the reason why Hericium erinaceus is squeamish is probably because of the special techniques when it is dried, and the container that holds the mushrooms does not tolerate any peculiar smell.

Before the cataclysm, the Hericium erinaceus production area, especially the northern mountain people, like to use the bark of pine and tussah round piles in wooden rows for drying-and it must be placed directly on the ground.

It is said that Hericium erinaceus is a spirit in the mountains and needs the moisture of the earth to transform into the most perfect form.

As a result, half of the slope of Yanhui Mountain became Lin Chou’s drying ground.

As for that scene…

It’s roughly the state of a brain planted with white flowers on the ground. It seems that the scalp is numb, and Wu Moumou is excited.

After fiddling with the monkey heads, Lin Chou picked up those living Hash ants and got them into a big sack with even red belly.

“All the small and lively ones will be put in the mountains and streams after the fall, to see if they can survive.”

So Big Breast Sister and Huang Dashan babbled, and when they came back, Huang Dashan almost drooled and asked.

“Linzi, that super big…”

Lin Chou thought for a while,

“Keep it for now. I was struggling too hard at the time, and my head was broken. I will take some oil for a while.”

Tier 5 big toad, Huang Dashan, of course, would be surprised, and of course he would drool.

Lin Chou made a big pot and sat there picking toads out one by one from the sack.

“I said Linzi, why did you throw back all the fat? You have committed a petty illness again?”

Lin Chou gave him a look.

“Fatty ones will produce a lot of oil, these mothers who are thin, pick out and stew in clear soup, if the oily water is too big, the soup will not taste too strong, and it will have a flavour in the dish.”

Huang Dashan was not discouraged,

“What kind of dishes? What kind of dishes do you want? F*ck is really anxious.”

Lin Chou: “Haha~”

“By the way, what happened to Mao Qiu?”

Wu Ke took it immediately,

“It’s still rubbing the tree, but apart from the hair ball and our pitcher plants, only the durian tree from the scientific research institute and the foreign durian tree are left. Um, that durian has already evolved its eyes. Order, is the fur ball in danger?”

Lin Chou thought for a while,

“It’s okay, I feel that I can make the call again weak, and I really can’t bring a guy directly to the tree of life at that time!”

Weakness is still reliable, after all, the real attributes are there…

If it is not possible, you can use a convenient shovel to loosen the soil of the few pine trees. If you don’t believe that you can’t kill them, at least at least, Lin Chou feels that it’s okay to transplant the tree of life to the borders of Northwest Wolf City and the like. It’s convenient to shovel. Isn’t his old profession just transplanting?

Huang Dashan was taken aback.

“Fuck, you are going to be weak again? Don’t… Don’t play it to yourself…”

The last time Lin Chou blasted a virtual beast into the sky, how miserable he was, Huang Dashan is still fresh in my memory——

“By the way, if you kneel in Linzi, I will starve to death because of picky eaters, and I will be old and miserable.”

Lin Chou: “…”

Wu Ke shook his head deeply.

“No, Lord Shan, you have no chance to die of starvation. If Brother Chou dies, all the people in the mountain plus a radius of two hundred kilometers will be buried. As for being crushed by extremely dense metal into slag, it will still be 5,000 mm. The calibre of the source crystal cannon evaporates. It was cut into dumpling stuffing by 800 birdwing ballistas… This may depend on luck.”

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