Chapter 1144

On the morning of the third day when Lin Chou came back, when the sky was still dark, Huang Dashan had already begged his grandpa to tell his grandmother to send away the third group of fully armed hunters looking at the autumn water.

That is, Lin Chou’s physics foundation here is solid enough, otherwise Yanhuishan might be plowed into muddy ponds.

“It’s so exhausting to me. If it weren’t for daddy here, the gang of rammers wouldn’t break this small restaurant into 108 pieces!” Huang Dashan wiped the sweat on his head, “Lin Chou, this kid hurts It’s not that heavy, right? It’s actually salted fish, right?”

“Heh~” Wu Ke swept back the corner of his eye with disdain while holding the beef jerky for his livelihood.

(Oh ooh~ how fresh~ without you Huang Dashan is here, who would dare to move this little broken restaurant with a finger to try?)

On the hillside, Master Billowing was boring to flatten and round the “Xiaoqing” brand scarf-oh, look, the snake’s face is cozy and the beloved kick is like a dog!

Master Kugun kneaded Xiaoqing into a frisbee shape, threw it on a weight-reducing field, swish, and flew directly over several hillsides, watching the yellow clouds rushing higher and higher in the sky and flew up.

Then, a husky that was so fat and burly popped out of the diagonal stab.

Si Gouzi’s blue dog, who was almost squeezed out by the fat on his head, was full of unprecedented seriousness and concentration. He took a big stride and disappeared with a “swish”, leaving a few hundred in place. The root represents the lonely dog ​​hair and about eight kilograms of sparkling saliva-the dog hair was then taken away by the big breasted sister.

Big breasted sister frowned and complained,

“You Rong remember to remind me that next time I give Si Gouzi the meat and bones, I will add twice the salt. It has lost less and less hair recently. When will my cloak be woven?”

Su Yourong Nunu mouth,

“Are you going to knit a sweater, Big sis!”

The big-breasted sister mused,

“It’s better to have a cloak, a sense of security with no dead ends in all directions… Besides sweaters or something… How troublesome… It’s hot to wear…”

Wu Ke said along the way,

“Big Sister, if you can’t knit, you can say you can’t knit, and it’s not that everyone can turn waste into treasure. Like a cactus, sell the mass-produced broken enamel jars for the price of antiques–the academicians of our research academy and above are staffed. One, tut, it’s worthy of everyone’s great cause, everyone’s great cause, it’s awesome~”

Huang Dashan barked teeth at him,

“I said your kid has been out for a long time. Isn’t it a bit drifting? Now even your father dares to be black?”

Wu Ke shrank his neck and changed the subject.

“Ye Shan, you said that Brother Sorrow is also prescient. The source crystal weapons and those castrated version of the source crystal cannons are restricted to be released. Good guy, this small hill next to the mountain and the water will be on fire all of a sudden. , I have the final say, after the four walls are finished, the moat and the black locust forest have to be stretched at least fifty or sixty kilometers forward. What happened to Brother Chou? This small restaurant sits at the gate of Mingguang’s mansion. Guardian Lions! Business is not too good! What time is this? There are hundreds of people who come and leave, right? They only sell salted chicken and pork blood soup and steamed buns, so how much money they have to sell!”

“Huh!” Su Yourong said unwillingly, “Wet Tiger doesn’t really care about those circulation points~”

Several people: “嘁~”

Huang Dashan finished his contempt and said with a solemn expression.

“Don’t tell me, it seems that Lin Chou’s mind is really not about making money these days, and he hasn’t kept his mind.”

“Brother Chou has been sleeping in the tree house dimly and has never come down. How do you know that he is unwilling, you…” Wu Ke suddenly widened his eyes, “Fucking, I said I will monitor these days Why do those high-end cameras of animals and plants have lost so much, Huang Dashan, don’t you have any indescribable little hobbies?”

Huang Dashan was about to kick. It is estimated that this heavy kick really made Wu Ke’s two dry femur heads fly directly two hundred meters away.

“Roll! Daddy, the fourth-order evolutionary, really puts the mind and source in one place. It is really exaggerated to hear the movement of ants moving for two hundred meters-hum, it’s louder than the sound of a mouse punching holes, daddy It’s still clear.”

Wu*escaped a kick* and said with disdain,

“Speaking of the corner is more noble than peeping!”


After Shan Ye threw Wu Ke down, he fell on the ground with Wu Ke’s waist, and looked up at the sky with Erlang’s legs up.

“Emmmm, I’m thinking about what new dishes Lin Chou must be thinking about. These Hashma, Hericium erinaceus are the first batch of ingredients he wants to pick out. Isn’t it necessary to hold back a big move?”

What weight is Shan Ye?

Wu Ke yelled at the bottom, ouch,

“Huang Dashan, come down to me, the waist of the undergraduate…”

“Mountain Big Brother~Mountain Grandpa~Mountain Grandpa~”

Huang Dashan didn’t care about him. He felt that the saliva in his mouth was gathering more and more and winding into a river. He casually wiped his mouth on Wu Ke’s clothes.

“Tsk, comfortable~”

Wu Ke didn’t struggle anymore, he couldn’t struggle anyway, and said,

“Master Shan, I heard that there is another news in the wilderness. Why don’t you go and pick up some good things with your feet?”

emmmm, except for some aspects, Shan Ye’s ability and luck to “pick” things are really top-notch. What is the Queen of Luan Mountain, the future lord of Wolf City, cheap…Lin Lin always can give these things. You pick it back, you don’t know how many times it is more reliable than Si Gouzi, having said that Si Gouzi is now struggling to pick up a Frisbee.

“No!” Huang Dashan hummed, “I have to wait for the forest to come down~”

Wu Ke has a strange voice,

“Then the tickets in your pocket are enough to support food for the past few days? Huh?!”

Huang Dashan covered his chest, feeling aching, and swallowed the waterway.

“Didn’t you hide a pocket of beef jerky?”

Wu Ke sneered,

“Yes, but I’m the cheapest third-class beef. It’s not jerky. The original content is only 3.8% of the zero-order exotic animal meat. Hey, if you only eat this, it won’t take three days. It’s so cool.”

Huang Dashan was short of breath, “Ni, f*ck…”

Then Wu Ke smiled happily.

Smile and feel the perspective change,

“Fuck, Huang Dashan, what are you doing, you are so perverted…”

Huang Dashan held Wu Ke’s call to pick him up with one hand, shaking his head down, while still rubbing Wu Ke with the other hand.

“Stuff your skin, robbery!”

Wu Ke almost didn’t get angry, he was not afraid that Huang Dashan would become angry or angry, and he yelled suddenly.

“Fuck Huang Dashan, do you still have the dignity of being an evolutionary? Are you embarrassed? The little scoundrels on the streets of f*ck Xiacheng are not like you! Are you so embarrassed! Tier 4 evolutionary? Your dirty old porcelain is too bad, let me tell you!”

Shan Ye screamed,

“Hurry up, give you all the valuable things on your body before the incident happens, Grandpa Dashan, otherwise, you won’t blame this prince for being ruthless!”


and many more!

Pull, pull the bird ruthlessly? ?

As soon as Wu Ke looked up, he happened to see Huang Dashan screaming at him…crossed out…the evil charm smiled wildly.

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