Chapter 1117

The next day, the guests all over the mountains and plains lacked Prince Huang Da’s personal training, which seemed extra presumptuous.

There were even two guys who were accustomed to lip-synching trying to be a giant in speech, but they were photographed as short in action by the big-breasted sister.

Recently, there has been so much less freshness and newness, so that everyone enthusiastically picked up the recorder and started filming.

People who are more familiar with these two guys were very happy to see them being beaten so that they were inhumane, and showed a pleasant smile from the bottom of their hearts.

——It definitely doesn’t carry any psychological burden. Maybe this TM is a friend.

Lin Chou has no interest in the above situation.

If the customers fight each other, then this black-hearted goods can still go smoothly and blackmail the last compensation for damages including leaf grass and gravel on the surface. Wouldn’t it be beautiful?

Of course, if you become a big-breasted sister who beats the customer Lin Chou, you can only pretend to be invisible, otherwise you still want this handsome to apologize to you.

Today, a group of people who have no conscience came here. There are too many people but fewer dishes ordered, so that Lin Moumou’s face is quite ugly, and he is not in the mood to care about others.

(Mom sells batches, I really want to empty their wallets.)

With a few engine roars, the Pangolin, which hadn’t moved its nest for a long time due to someone adding non-source crystal fuel, squatted in from outside the gate.

Huang Dashan yelled when he got off the car,

“Fuck you, it’s useless now, it’s a hornet’s nest! Lin Zi save me…”

Afterwards, a messy Li Hei dog, Shen Feng, Bai Qiongshou and others jumped out of the car, Bai Qiongshou supported the bald guy who had collapsed half of his shoulders, and the swallow was simply carried by Tong Big Sister.

Lin Chou waved,

“Sister Big Breast, go take a look, you can bring a few buckets of jellyfish soup and pig blood soup.”

Regardless of the simple and rude character of the big-breasted sister, the simple and rude technique is simple and rude, and she peels off the bones to cure fractures. In fact, she “treats” many injuries to the disease, and basically does not except a large area of ​​psychological shadows. It will leave any sequelae, and even know some messy folk ways that are closer to the ranks of “witchcraft”.

Shen Feng and Bai Qiong smile bitterly, expecting to say Ai Ai,

“Linzi, we seem to have caused you trouble…”

Lin saw that the big-breasted sister was peeling off the skin of the bald guy’s shoulder to give him a professional hand-breaking bone.

Because the movements are very professional, the bald guy was so scared that he almost became incontinent. The big-breasted sister was too noisy, so she slapped her bald head to dream of Zhou Gong.

The big breasted sister glanced at the chin of her bald head that was slapped off, feeling a pity.

“The bones are pretty strong, just push the hook up when he wakes up.”

After two seconds, everyone finally understood why they had to wait for the bald head to “woke up” before healed his jaw.

Just listen to two crisp sounds, the bald guy’s shoulders gushing bloody arrows, the bones are stubbornly stuck together and restored to their original position, and he completely awakens from the fainting pain, opening his mouth will continue to be beaten Broken howl.


The hook of the chin was also pushed back to its original position, and then the bald head was left to suck in the air-conditioning.

Everyone felt a bit of cold, and they were not surprised that they were able to make the difficult movements of dancing and dancing immediately after the collapsed shoulders of their bald heads were connected to the bones.

What is the price for such a good effect?

I’m afraid it was not exchanged for a pain higher than ten times the magnitude…

A group of people looked at the bald guy curled up in the hot sweat, all red like cooked prawns, and clamped their buttocks without saying a word.


(Emmmm, or if you look at it a lot, you will be more cherished. Own stinky skin will not be so strong that the evolver’s recovery ability is so strong that it will burst and fly?)

Lin Chou silently turned away, and said insincerely.

“Don’t worry, Big Breast Sister is very good at bone-setting.”

A group of people look at me and I look at you. They don’t know what to say to express their complicated feelings. It’s so mischievous!

The evolutionary is not an ordinary person. Even if the bones are broken, the bones are misplaced or even a few bones are lost, it is easy to self-regulate and restore to the original state under the condition that the original energy is sufficient. NS…

But now is not the time to talk about this.

Seeing Lin Chou’s subtle expression of sadness for the bald man, Shen Feng knew that he must have not listened to what he had just said, so he poked Bai Qiong’s head, his eyes motioned.

Bai Qiongshou had to take a step forward,


Lin Chou looked at his embarrassed expression and said,

“You didn’t say yesterday to get Polygonum multiflorum, why? Didn’t you fight Polygonum multiflorum or the evolutionary?”

It is common for evolvers to fight against each other with monsters. The better the explosion rate of the monsters, the faster the battle will be upgraded.

Bai Qiongshou rubbed the mud on his forehead with his sleeve.

“Neither-we have never beaten the master of Polygonum multiflorum.”

Lin Chou looked ignorant,

“What are you talking about?”

Bai Qiong’s first meal is as difficult as a fly that has eaten half and spit out the remaining half.

“The Polygonum multiflorum monster, who has a master, is a very powerful savage, mage!”

Lin sorrows,

“You mean, he planted Polygonum multiflorum? His pet? A Tier 4 pet?”

Bai Qiongshou looked at Lin Chou’s eyes a bit strange—it felt as if he saw two beauties walking oncoming with her shirts.

“That savage can use all kinds of magic like a warlock, and can even teleport. He is extremely fierce. According to him, this demonized Polygonum multiflorum is… his summoned beast…”

“Oh?” Lin Chou repeated, “Summon the beast?”

Boss Lin started to be a little curious.

Not to mention Lin Chou’s soy sauce among the evolvers (he doesn’t even know what the origin is), in the knowledge of the senior evolver Bai Qiongshou, only Lin Chou can control high in the entire base city. Rank monsters, as for domestic black mountain wild boars, domestic guinea fowls, and domestic quacks, they are not counted. Similarly, Liu Renjun is keen to manipulate the living corpses and blood corpses, which are so brainy things that can’t be counted. .

According to the ideas of the evolvers, it is that everyone (evolvers and alien beasts) are also playing with the origin. Why can you use the origin to harm me? Is there any king law or basic law?

And, the more important point is that there is almost never the ability to find the same bloodline in this world.

Even the ancestral bloodline skills will have different branches and manifestations. Now suddenly there is an evolutionary who has no blood relationship but has similar abilities to Lin Chou. Isn’t it a lot of fun?

If it weren’t for his appearance and age, Baiqiong Capital would have to wonder if he met Lin Moumou’s long-lost cousin…

It feels like going out this time is like being made a huge joke by God.

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