Chapter 1116

Outer city market.

Bao Er jumped from the little sheep in the most coquettish and coolest posture.

Everyone yelled when they saw him.

“Oh Huo, why haven’t you set off yet?”

Bao Er laughed,

“Did not set off? Daddy is back with meals from the research institute!”

“The guy from the research institute is still rich and rich. Mom’s lying on our body and sucking blood for so many years, the family is really not covered.”

Speaking of Bao Er patted the circulation card in his pocket, and he was satisfied with it!

Oh, the squeezing of oil and water from the research institute is really exciting~

Xu Yin stared sadly at the expressionless young man who slowly moved from the lamb.

(It’s over, the little sheep can’t stop him, this guy is too difficult to deal with…)

The young man whispered and wanted to say something to Xu Yin or Bao Er, a blooming vomit pouring down like a waterfall.

After finally waiting for a clean run, the young man turned his eyes white, staggered and sat on his own vomit, and then immediately collapsed to the ground, tears of loneliness sliding from the corner of his eyes into the huge pool of vomit.

In this situation, there is no reason to be sad, and there is no sound around.

Xu Yin stared blankly at the guy who made him doubt his own racing technology and almost doubted his life, crying there, and just watched it for a while.

Xu Yin swallowed his saliva with a grunt.

“Then… my dearest Bao Erye… our takeaway team is still hiring people… delivering meals is equivalent to paying me a salary… just take care of the meal and have a working meal…”

Bao Er put on a face that you think too much,

“I didn’t want salary, and I brought my own meals.”

Xu Yin died on the spot-isn’t it so difficult to find a job outside now? ?

Later, Lin Chou received Bao Er’s cash payment.

Bao Er is really more and more savvy and capable, and Lin Chou’s pulse vowed that not only the scientific research institute, but also all take-out orders in the future will be charged in cash. It is absolutely impossible for the circulation points to get stuck!

Looking at the bundles of green oily fresh source crystal notes that exuded the fragrance of ink and ammonia, Lin Chou became more relaxed and happy.

When was the last time Karma Leek came?

It seems emmmmm hasn’t had leeks for a long time, and he couldn’t help letting out a sickle-like laugh.

“Sure enough, the research institutes belong to weeds. The spring breeze is endless, and wildfires are burning again~”

“Anyone, do you have enough oil and water?”

9 pounds of rainbow lobster…

4 catties big grouper…

The most awesome, there are people who dare to order a whole plate of snake cores of the same order here!

It’s almost a big trough. Are you provoking my Yanhuishan price or provoking the price bureau under the Mingguang Development Committee? ?

Tsk tsk, wait for one day to come to the door to suspect this fellow daoist money laundering words——

My buddy will testify for you, please rest assured!

The ecstatic Lin Moumou was teased by Sikong,

“Why is this poem so weird to me? Also, the academician Xiao Ai who orders the dishes is not a small one. He is the inventor of the recorder and has shares, but very few. The majority is still in the research institute. Hmm, I can barely be considered a little worthy compared to you.”

The inventor of the recorder…

And the research institute sub-shares…

Barely worthy of a small net worth…Haha~

Sure enough, these words are not what a normal person should listen to.

Everyone covered their chests and looked helpless. They didn’t know what was going on, and they had angina pectoris suddenly.

After everyone suffered a wave of violent attacks, the daily hot spot was Prince Huang Dashan Shanyeshan, who started with a little colored joke as usual, and was beaten up.

Prince Huang Da also suffered a wave of output, learned from the pain, and replaced the colored jokes with non-colored silly jokes.

“Fuck you.”

“Master Shan, or you should curse, I think it’s more funny when you curse.”

“Really, stop telling cold jokes.”

Everyone felt that the bladder was about to freeze, and the prostate also needed a sheepskin jacket to keep warm.

Huang Dashan snorted coldly,

“That’s because you are not qualified to appreciate your Shan Ye’s humor…”

The days on Yanhui Mountain were still very calm. In the following few days, Sikong came a lot more often than usual. Because he had to take care of new projects from time to time, he was closer to Lin Chou.

The God of Wealth nicknamed the new project he invested in “Qinshan Physics College”. The construction progress of Qinshan Martial Arts School is the same every day. Of course, the construction period of the Four Walls is still on hold for the dedication and enthusiasm of mass evolvers.

At the same time, Sikong also brought news about the operation of the scientific research institute:

It is quite interesting to say that the research institute announced the sale of source crystal weapons and two or three new types of armor to evolvers and ordinary people, which burned the entire base city like wildfire, inspiring unimaginable enthusiasm— -At the same time, the regulations on the inspection standards for the personnel purchasing the source crystal weapons were also announced.

For this reason, the garrison almost used the super source crystal giant artillery at the Nuclear Peace Research Institute, and they verbally scolded each other very badly. However, after a few days of visits and visits between the two sides, the committee suddenly unilaterally discarded the garrison and announced its agreement. Application for research institutes.

What did Sikong smack?

“What’s so… the operation of the Scientific Research Institute is quite irritating. They sent someone to meet with Mo Hongniang and other high-level officials in the same evening. Did you know that the Scientific Research Institute is going to pay taxes to the Committee!”

“A salary is drawn from the bottom of the pot…”

“The meeting did not arrive in three minutes, one abstention, the other unanimous votes passed!”

The ghost knows whether the occurrence of Wei is fainted or what happened.


How many years have passed, not to mention paying taxes, the scientific research institute will eat at least one third of the entire Mingguang income every year before this year, okay?

Lin Chou smiled badly,

“What happened to the garrison?”

Sikong shrugged.

“Starting from January 1 of next year, the basic military expenses of the garrison and all reasonable equipment replacement costs and materials will be fully borne by the scientific research institute, and the immediate distribution shall not be delayed after review by the occurrence committee.”

Lin Shou was dumbfounded,

“Fuck! Where is the confidence of the research institute…”

Sagong looked at Lin Chou silently, his eyes very caring.

Brother die~

That’s munitions, munitions dumped to Mingguang’s three million big men!

Sikong Dao,

“By the way, that zelkova tree monster was also exploded. Except for the hairball and your pitcher plant, there are only three tree monsters surrounding the tree of life.”

Lin Chou didn’t care much about this, and said casually that he had heard it.

“The construction period of the four walls has not moved. I am afraid that the evolvers will be unable to sit still again?”

Sikong nodded and said,

“Why have to wait until the tree of life matters come out, otherwise it will still be demolished once it is built. Who can guarantee that there will be a few tree monsters in the end? Their destructive power is too scary!”

No matter how bright this kind of thing is, it’s a loss, and it’s serious to send these plague gods away quickly.

At this moment, Bai Qiongshou and Li Heigou with speechless faces entered the door.

Huang Dashan stepped forward and asked,

“How about it?”

The two shook their heads together,

“It moved its nest again, and the herd ran around, destroying all the traces!”

Huang Dashan sighed there.

Lin Sorrow said,

“What are you tossing about these days?”

Bai Qiong looked at Lin Sorrow,

“Our team of brothers found a rare trace of Tier 4 activated Polygonum multiflorum on the side of Zushan Mountain. Recently, various activated magic plants in Zushan area suddenly became active. It may be related to the strange attraction of the tree of life.”

“The fourth-order Polygonum multiflorum can produce a black magic plant essence, which is very, very expensive. It can have an effect on humans, alien beasts or even living corpse evolutionary alienation, attracting a large number of alien beasts to toss in that area. It’s easy to be a little believable, and all the traces are ruined.”

Lin Chou let out a cry,

“He Shouwu, that’s quite suitable for Shan Ye, it’s hair growth and black hair!”

Shan Ye said,

“Do you think Daddy will be interested in this kind of weakening thing?”

It seems that Lord Shan has completely fallen into a setting that is not very humanitarian when he becomes bald, and his hair has no meaning of breaking through.

Lin Chou pondered the traditional menu of Polygonum multiflorum in his heart, and a little hope arose in his heart.

Li Heigou knew what he was thinking when he saw Lin Chou.

“Don’t think about it, this kind of thing is not our master’s turn. The big girls and little wives in the base city got the news of the appearance of Polygonum for the first time, and their wallets were going crazy.”

Lin Sorrows aversion to cold,

“Then all things like pink pearls, furs, etc., they don’t even plan to let go of Polygonum multiflorum?”

Li Heigou was a little gloating inexplicably,

“You can’t grab it. Those little Big sis have gold masters. Although the strength is not enough, the money is enough, Boss Lin, just give up.”

Lin Chou hummed, unwilling to say,

“I didn’t expect this much…I didn’t want to snatch things with women!”

Sour chirp~

Regardless of Xiao Eleven and Xiao 13’s persuasion, Si Kong ordered a pot of Xueya, and poured himself one cup after another.

“Ghost weather is getting hotter and hotter. Drinking some herbal tea is the coolest thing.”

Eleven the corners of the mouth twitching-because of your physique, I am afraid that drinking this thing will lead to collapse!

Lin Chou looked up and down a few times,

“Don’t worry, this product is very good. I have eaten half crocodile dragon more than once. There is basically no Impurities in my body. This tea will not toss him.”

Only at eleventh did he feel relieved, and the cupped hands smiled and gestured.

Sagong was sipping tea slowly,

“I plan to re-enroll students and lower the assessment criteria appropriately. Documents and other things have already been reported.”

Lin Chou said,

“If this happens, the committee will also approve it?”

Sikong said,

“The Occurrence Committee had this plan a long time ago, but it was not implemented due to various considerations and pressures. In addition to the Qinshan Martial Arts School, there are two public civil and military schools in Mingguang Base City, and there are more than 70 private schools in a mess. It’s very yin, blatantly breaking their teeth under the eyelids of Qinshan Wushu school with high scholarships, waiving tuition fees, etc. There are always short-sighted parents or students with difficult families who can’t help the temptation, and then those schools will use these few good seedlings. Mou Zuo vigorously propagated and built momentum.”

“Qinshan Martial Arts School had suffered a lot of dumb losses before. It’s public. You can’t make the scene too ugly.”

“But if it’s in the hands of this son now, haha…”

Lin Sorrow said,”You have to think about it, don’t throw a rock on your own foot, lowering the standard always feels unreliable.”

Sikong shook his head.

“There is always a small group of people in the school who feel that entering Qinshan is equal to half awakening. In fact, there are tens of thousands of students in Qinshan, and only hundreds of awakenings each year. There is no motivation for pressure. Since they refuse to work hard, Then give up opportunities and resources to those who are not much less talented than them but who know how to work harder.”

Lin Chou asked,

“Centralized enrollment?”

“Of course, the scene is very big, do you have any relatives or friends, this son can let you walk through the back door~”

Huang Dashan probed his brain aside,

“Huh? Walk through the back door? Oh… I didn’t think you were such a Sikong…”


Lin Chou looked at the facial expressions on the pan in his hand and found it to be pretty good, so he handed it over to Su Yourong for a rich collection.

“Thank you Wet Tiger!”

Huang Dashan vigorously rubbed his own nose, chaotic and uneven,

“Do you know that the straightness of a man’s nose is directly linked to his second brother? You slapped me flat and made daddy what to do?”

Shan Ye said to Yourong again,

“Don’t you thank me? Where did you get so many collections without my face!”

Su Yourong disdainfully made a face, turned and ran away.

Huang Dashan hummed,

“This kid is really rude, I think your little girl doesn’t cut enough potato shreds~”

Shan Ye’s words made Lin Chou’s face black.

But having said that, this little apprentice is so uncomfortable. Not only is the straw and the salt and sugar undifferent, the girl who is very spiritual on weekdays is surprised that even simple potato shreds can’t be cut. The cut potato shreds Can choke Si Gou directly to death.

Sometimes Lin Chou really wondered whether this little girl was sent by God to punish Own—this handsome chef is so skilled, how can no clumsy apprentice embody Own’s true level?

Sikong Dao,

“What do you think?”

Lin Chou said smoothly,

“Qinshan Martial Arts School enrolls students on a large scale. This is a good opportunity to promote Dayan’s return to Shankou. When will it start? I am going to set up a stall at your school gate. You don’t have urban management, right?”

Sikong’s eyes lit up.

“Oh, I finally know that the people selling roasted sweet potatoes at the gate of Qinshan Wushu School are making more money than you earn in this corner, right~”

Lin Chou scanned Sikong up and down,

“You are really vulgar, is this handsome the kind of person who values ​​copper stinks!”

“No, you are not,” Sikong shook his head, “you can’t crawl out of Qian’s eyes.”

“whispering sound!”

Lin Chou thought for a while,

“Sister with big breasts? Sister with big breasts, stop washing the dishes, find some red cloth, embroider some banners and slogans for Yanhuishan, and rush Minger to organize a delegation to Qinshan Martial Arts School to set up a publicity booth!”

The big-chested sister rushed turbulently all the way, and the two rabbits on her chest could kick the eagle.

“I am coming too?”

Lin Chou waved his hand.

“Both you and Yourong! I see who dares to say nothing!”

Sikong rolled his eyes helplessly.

“Fucking my son again to wipe your ass, let’s talk, what official status are you going to give the big breasted sister?”

Well, speaking of the big breasted sister, she still belongs to the black household in Mingguang, the kind that can’t get out of the city and can’t get into the city.

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