Chapter 1068

Collecting the seven roots and three yellows of adults and summoning the uncle warlock has become a legend in the small circle of Yanhuishan. It is an enduring topic and has been talked about by big guys.

Hmm, but there is obviously a small question here: who would be a normal person to summon the uncle Warlock, is he too lucky to live too long, too boring and boring and not passionate?

Even if the Uncle Warlock now undertakes various non-mainstream businesses to make a small amount of money, summoning others to talk about dozens of circulation points may be able to unexpectedly gain the friendship of the Uncle Warlock.

The fact is: who the fuck dare? Don’t worry about this friendship!

Of course, such a high-end proposition, Secretary Qin, an outsider must be confused.

Qin Caishen is not an evolutionary himself, and he understands Yan Huishan and Lin Chou through tax reports and Qin Sheng’s gossip.

As for Allier, it is better to say that he is cultivation as “cultivation.” If you talk too much, it may be understood that the bloodline ability of this guy is similar to the “closed mantra”-well, to put it another way, there is very little Allier. Talk to the other evolutionists and have a little understanding of Lin Chou, but it is also limited.

After Allier got up, he swelled a bunch of weeds with small purple flowers from the ground.

“Well, this thing is called alfalfa grass, right? I remember chickens seem to like to eat this thing, Gu Gu, Gu Gu, Master Sanhuang, where are you?”

Ale is also a regular customer of Yanhuishan. Basically, as long as he is not digging roots and cutting trees or catching up with Nepenthes’s mental aunt, these fences will not consider hanging him up and hitting him.

Allier looked inside from the gap between the pitcher plants, intending to find Sanhuang’s hiding place.

“Master Sanhuang? Master Sanhuang? There are delicious foods here~”

The last sentence clearly worked. With a swish, a big rooster with a burly body and shiny feathers appeared at the other end of the fence.

To say that Lord Sanhuang is becoming more obese now – Master Warlock is too diligent to come back to the mountain.

Alle was overjoyed and threw in the clover in his hand.

“Master Sanhuang is coming, this is a new taste of weeds outside the fence that you usually can’t eat. I heard that Lin Zi usually doesn’t feed you forage. It’s not too bad, isn’t it?”

Allier has already decided to apply for a “sickness” subsidy after he goes back. If I dare not to give it, hum, I will ask you to try the tortoise-shell binding of Lord Allier at that time!

The three yellows in the fence looked at Allie’s simple and honest face very cautiously, and slowly approached the clover grass on the ground, shaved a few times with his feet, and became furious.

“Oh, oh oh oh~”

Three yellow toes arrogantly pulled chicken manure on a pile of beautiful alfalfa with small purple flowers, and walked away disdainfully.

Azu: “???”

What’s wrong with this chicken!

Secretary Qin still had some thoughts, and reminded,

“Allier, chickens should love to eat insects, right?”

Allier suddenly realized,

“Yes, yes, you should eat bugs, you should eat bugs.”

Allier walked around, found a cool and damp place far from the fence, slapped the soil layer, and picked out a large handful of fat earthworms from it in less than ten minutes.

Allier looked at the earthworm in his hand and recalled with a look on his face.

“When my family first started raising Black Mountain wild boars when I was a child, the piglets quit milk and did not eat, but I dug earthworms and sun-dried ground powder and mixed them into the pig’s food for the piglets to open their mouths.”

Secretary Qin raised his thumb and complimented him appropriately.

“Master Allier really has a life!”

Allier proudly said,

“Of course, if you feed pigs with feed mixed with earthworm meal, the pigs don’t grow fast, they have a lot of meat, but they are too tired. They can’t dig a few buckets a day, and they won’t be much after they are dried.”

Allier threw a few earthworms into the fence, and began to call affectionately to Lord Sanhuang.”Cuckoo~”

Sanhuang didn’t go far, but soon came back unhurriedly, tilting his head to look at a pool of earthworms on the ground.

“Eat, eat, Lord Sanhuang, we still have it in our hands after eating~”

As a result, the effect this time was not as good as alfalfa, the three yellows didn’t even have the action of picking, and they twisted their buttocks and walked away.

Allier: “…”

Allier was stunned for half a minute and roared,

“What does that chicken mean! What does it mean! Damn, Daddy has never seen such an arrogant chicken in his life!”

Allier grabbed Secretary Qin’s neckline,

“Secretary Qin, tell me, what do you mean by this chicken?”

Qin Yuanfeng swallowed his saliva.

“Uh, maybe… hey it’s back again!”

Allier was taken aback and looked back.

I saw Master Sanhuang buying the square steps and walking back, standing in the gap in the fence facing the two of Allier, seemingly to let the two of them see their own mighty posture on purpose.

“Oh oh~”

Lord Sanhuang screamed loudly and slapped the ground with his wings and feet.

“What is it doing?”

“Uh, it looks like…dancing?”

“It’s really hard to jump.”


Jumping and jumping, the ground under Lord Sanhuang’s feet suddenly seemed to have melted and the mud retreated evenly and evenly to the surroundings, revealing a big black hole.

Afterwards, a big guy who looked like a pink soft crystal showed his head from inside, which happened to put Lord Sanhuang on top of his head.


The chubby creature opened its mouth wide, revealing two disproportionately small, black teeth, which seemed to be watching the front with its mouth and teeth.

The Three Yellows are proud, and in this head alone, there is a giant creature that is dozens of times the size of it, singing loudly on top of its head.

Allier and Secretary Qin looked at each other.

“This, this thing, it seems…actually…maybe it’s an earthworm?”

The two fell into deep self-doubt.

For a while,

“This chicken…”

“It’s so poisonous…”

There is an iron abacus who can only get in and can’t get out, and a dignified fifth-order boss, the identity of the two is placed there, and now they are actually despised by a chicken…

Who can stand this!

Are Allier smacked?

“No, I have to save some money especially-Lao Qin, we can be considered to have gone to the countryside together. How about a few years of exemption for tax collection?”

“Don’t even think about it!” Qin Yuanfeng’s face turned black. “What are you saving for? Besides, you are a Tier 5 evolutionary, and you are short of money.”

The fifth-order evolutionary Qin Yuanfeng knew, as long as he could come back every time he went around in the wilderness, one hundred and eight hundred thousand circulation points could not be imagined, at least one or two hundred thousand was more than enough.

In other words, if it were not for the entrusted poll tax to restrict them, these guys could buy Mingguang as private.

Allier looked serious,

“Save money! I want to apply to Linzi to stew this chicken next time! What is the price of the vegetables here in Linzi, hehehe…”

Qin Yuanfeng was speechless.

“Seriously, there must be anxious waiting over there, or you can go in again and snatch the chicken out.”

Allier’s head shook like a rattle,

“Don’t, my original armor has been broken, and it will take several hours to recondense. The original weapon was also smashed by the three-meter-high iron-blooded female man. It will take longer. I will go in now, ha ha ha , In the sword rain full of trees, the top of the head can be regarded as a lump of slightly firmer hob meat, and I will be Amitābha if I can leave a whole body.”

Qin Yuanfeng was surprised,

“So evil? You… but Tier 5…”

“Also, the iron-blooded girl in your mouth is still two meters, how come it is three meters in a while?”

Allier said dumbly,

“Anyway, I can only deal with Jian Yu and the four-meter iron-blooded girl. That was just before I went in. Now, I can’t deal with even one.”

“And I said too much today, I can’t raise my energy anymore.”

When Qin Yuanfeng looked at Allie, he knew that his injury was serious. After all, he was besieged and beaten.

Qin Yuanfeng said sadly,

“Then what to do, this, this, this… If you know that I can’t even do this thing…I don’t even want the whole year’s bonus this year…”

Allier rolled his eyes,

“This matter? Secretary Qin, if ‘this matter’ is really just ‘this matter’, are you guilty of dispatching me, the fifth-order secretary, and the chief secretary of the happening committee?”

Secretary Qin: “It’s better for you to not speak. Why do you feel a little flustered when you talk to you.”

In the next hour, Secretary Qin and Allier tried all kinds of ways to change various flavors of bugs and small vertebrates that might be of interest to creatures like “chickens”, including but not limited to corn candies, chocolates, and popcorns. Rice flowers and so on, failed to impress Master Sanhuang’s heart.


Qin Yuanfeng lay on the ground without an image, panting, and by the way, he touched the black mud on his face that had just been digging a scorpion.

“I said Allier, I didn’t expect you to have the habit of carrying candy corn with you…”

“You’re not much better. You didn’t get the chocolate popcorn and lollipops? You can’t figure it out. Whose chicken can eat lollipops is called a ghost!”

“Don’t talk about the ones that are not. If you don’t bring this chicken back today, I’ll be hopeless, so I just go to the wall and count the ball.”


Separated by a wall, like the ends of the world.

Just as the two mentally exhausted bosses were complaining to each other, a young man’s voice suddenly came from the other end of the fence.

“Uncle Ali, Secretary Qin!”

“Who is speaking?”

“Too tired, maybe hallucinations. After the woods closes, there will be people there.”

“I heard that if the defenses of this hill are activated, the tide of corpses and beasts will be able to withstand it!”

In order to prove that he was not a so-called illusion, Men Kuang, the tail pin that Secretary Qin had just thrown into the fence, saw that the poisonous scorpion was thrown on Allier’s face again.

“Uncle Allie, I, the situation!””What’s so special about the door frame, daddy is also the window sill! Hey…wait…”

The condition of the door behind the fence can’t help but smile,

“Uncle Allier, do you remember?”

After all, the old man is from a military background, and Allier is an old friend of the Zhao family, and naturally walks with the garrison quite diligently.

“Um…your dad is that…yes…it’s the kid who came next to Liu Shuli…”

It is normal for two families to say that they are big or not and the other is small, especially military-business families. It is normal for them to have a marriage.

——It can be seen how poor the garrison is, and his father can’t afford to support his son as a new evolutionary.

Men Kuang’s face was black at the time, but he could only grit his teeth and recognize it.

“Uncle Allier, I will catch the chicken for you, and you have to do me a little favor.”

Allier didn’t answer, he was analyzing the scene in front of him in his head.

Yanhuishan has been closed. No matter who enters, it will be a good beating, but this kid is standing here without incident and bargaining with him without being sifted into a sieve by the sword rain, well… the iron-blooded man said just now that he was in a hot spring. …

Bah, what kind of iron-blooded girl, who is the boss lady… to say that Linzi’s taste is really heavy… Bah…what am I thinking…


“Damn, mother!” Allier’s brain was as if electric, his face turned blue, “I can’t help you with a small favor!”

Secretary Qin’s eyes were embarrassing, and obviously he also figured out a middle joint, and suddenly had the urge to slap himself.

(I f*ck, this kid, this kid didn’t hook up with the boss’s wife…)

This kind of thing, if you see it, it’s a sin–

Secretary Qin could use the idea of ​​making Qin Sheng and Lin Chou close. If f*ck encounters this kind of thing, will Lin Chou anger himself and then anger his children in the future?

To paraphrase the words of Yanhui Mountain, after all, no one can do the grassland with a wild donkey on the head like a pot…

Seeing that the expressions of the two elders were wrong, they were inexplicable.

“Two Uncle, what do you think?”

“Boss Lin left at night and no one was seen again. I didn’t even send the money to my house. Now I can’t even get out. The two waiters didn’t know how to do it, so I didn’t care if they threw me a boxed meal. Now, this is suddenly snowing and covering the mountains and the sky is full of sword rain… well, it doesn’t matter, I’ve been hungry for two days! I am an evolutionary, I can starve to death here in no more than a day and a night…”

The situation knows that there are many delicious foods in the back mountain, cold storage, incubator, and kitchen.

The key is that he has tried it, and he can only look at the thing. If he touches it, he will be emptied, just like the virtual picture produced by the three-dimensional projection technology before the catastrophe.

Door Kuang felt a little frustrated-this method felt a bit like the space method of the uncle Warlock!

Leopard owes, can’t afford to offend, goodbye!

No whole body was touched, and it was unlucky for half a year.

I heard that the uncle Warlock and Lin Chou have a good relationship with the thief, and the door situation really didn’t feel that his own life was hard enough to fight against the anti-theft methods blessed by the uncle Warlock’s negative luck.

Ever since, the whole thing on Yanhui Mountain, regardless of what he can see and what he can’t see, dare not touch at all.

Just such a small misunderstanding caused the situation to almost be hungry and mentally ill. If it weren’t for Wu Ke to get him some food stocks, he might really have to cook the waistband and eat…

However, this is not a long-term solution.

He is an evolutionary, and what needs to be supplemented is food with roots. Ordinary ones can only fill the stomach but can’t eat enough!

The situation was also unlucky, Lin Chou pouted and left, completely forgetting about waiting for the butler to take the money to redeem him.

Moreover, there is such a big event in the base city, where the door family and the stepmother of the door situation have time to take care of him.

Putting their thoughts aside, Yanhuishan is Lin Shou’s site, who recognizes money but does not recognize people. When the time comes, we can redeem people with money and work together. Don’t rush, don’t rush~

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