Chapter 1067

Outside Mingguang City, Allier carried Qin Yuanfeng with his shoulders all the way and finally got Qin Yuanfeng to the foot of Yanhui Mountain.

This is a small two hundred kilometers. Azu ran over without even driving a car.

Allier ran all the way and said all the way…

It’s nothing more than asking the famous Qin Caishen and a certain black iron rooster in this base city to bargain, and don’t make a contribution to the GDP of Mingguang.

Secretary Qin struggled to hold the stomach of more than 40 years old, and said with a weak face,

“This, is this Yanhuishan.”

Allier scratched his head for a while, still muttering uneasy.

“Old Qin, I can tell you that it’s a black heart to take that kid apart. You are the most bargaining guy in Zanji City, but you must… Damn it, what the hell is this damn place? It’s snowing again? Why is the door closed? Oh, and I broke the rule again. I said so much today, it hurts the old man!”

The hill surrounded by the towering Nepenthes with unique shapes and colors is covered with snowflakes, and there is a pleasant coolness on the face.

The crown of the huge home tree that seems to be made of silver on the top of the mountain is completely opened, more than twice its usual volume, and the blades of a sword like a sword make a pleasant buzzing sound, just like a peerless swordsman when the sword is combined with one sword. Vibes.


“No matter what, go ahead and talk about it, it should be placed in the kitchen, take the things and leave, turn around and give Qing Yu a bite, what about the 300-meter giant, turn daddy into a sheep obediently, um, I don’t know if they can get in touch with the warlock, hell, I always feel a little worried…Damn it, shut up…Shut up…”

Allier jumped up and jumped into the yard,

“Secretary Qin, please wait first, I’ll call the door…suppressive, please speak carefully.”


As soon as Allier landed on the ground, Yanhui Mountain suddenly sounded a blazing sword buzzing that was unpleasant and a thousand times more intense.

As soon as Allier looked up, he saw the home tree ascending with tens of millions of Sword Ray, winding towards him like a dragon.

“Fuck!” Allier was taken aback, “What the hell, this broken fence also comes with an anti-theft system?”

Snow flakes are more prosperous, and the surrounding temperature drops rapidly, so that a Tier 5 powerhouse like Allier has the illusion that his blood will be frozen into ice.

Secretary Qin waited honestly outside the door, unable to see what was going on inside. He only heard a sudden cracking sound like a knife, axe and stone, and there was more than one sound, almost every second there were hundreds of them. Thousands of slashes, followed by Azu’s tragic howl,

“Ahhhh, Lin Chou is me, Allie, Azu, a good friend of Zhao Er and Sister Xingxing, you have also asked me to eat roasted pigeons, what kind of sword…”


“Ah, ah, don’t play in the woods anymore. I’m really going to kill the ball again. If you have something to say, you can mention it if you are dissatisfied. It’s not easy for me. I have brought good accountants, and I promise to give you a reasonable price ah ah ah…don’t ah…it hurts to say too much…I don’t know how long it will take to make up for the cultivation…”


There was a woman’s voice from inside,

“Who are you? Yan Huishan doesn’t even know the defense mechanism and dare to say that he knows the boss? Watch the fight!”

“Fuck, who are you?”


The subsequent voice can’t be heard at all, and it feels like a bombing is going on inside.

A few minutes later, Allier planted his head from the fence, and Pia fell to the ground. What was more conspicuous was that he was holding a piece of golden bacon in his hand.

Shouted the female voice inside,

“Remember to transfer the number just discussed to the boss card on time, otherwise you will be unlucky.”

Allier lay on the ground, with more air intake and less air, his clothes broken, his nose and face swollen, he looked up to the sky with nothing to love.

“I…Isn’t it bad luck now…”

“This is the thing? What is the negotiated number?” Secretary Qin said cautiously, “I told you before, Lin Chou is not there, he entered the space crack.”

Allier gritted his teeth,

“The person above told me that Lin Chou holds the Spatial Teleportation method in his hand and can return here… now it seems… daddy has been tricked again… damn… be careful… hurt. gas…”

Secretary Qin shrugged.

“This is the virtue of the garrison.”

Allier said,

“It’s not much better for you to happen.”

Qin Yuanfeng stared,

“Master Allier, even if you are a high-rank evolutionary, you can’t insult us at will!”

“Ding Ding Dong~”

“what sound?”

“Oh, disposable radio receiver.”

With that said, Qin Yuanfeng stuffed a small sphere into his ear, and after listening to the radio content, he squeezed his own face vigorously.

“Sigh, it hurts! Mo… Chief Mo actually asked me to steal a chicken? Steal a chicken?”

“What do you mean?”

Qin Yuanfeng murmured,

“Director Mo said that the person in charge of contacting the warlock was disturbed by Liu Renjun and the spatial fluctuation backlash became unconscious, and then he asked me to steal a chicken called ‘Three Yellow Lord’…”

Allier said angrily,


Qin Yuanfeng said angrily.


Allie was furious,

“Look, I know that Lin Chou can’t come back after it happened! I really know! Let me take you to buy food? This is so much for me to steal it! It’s a good calculation!!”

Qin Yuanfeng:


What, what did this secretary just want to say, why did this secretary just fill in the righteous indignation?

Qin Yuanfeng said cautiously,

“Well, the three yellow roosters are also on the mountain?”

Allier still kept the posture of looking up at the sky, lying on the ground without moving, his embarrassed clothes seemed to have caused more than two hundred old ladies to take the rice.

“Yes, right on the mountain, love to go to you, daddy will have to die there once in!”

“Should we call the girl inside?”

Allier’s expression was abruptly hideous,

“They are in the hot springs in the back mountain!! You know I was nearly hammered to death by that iron-blooded woman over two meters tall, you know what to do!!!”


There are two things that a person cannot do in a lifetime: this is not good, and that is not good either.

Qin Yuanfeng was just as unlovable,

“It’s a steal, but we can’t get in either!”

At this moment, a few triumphant roosters suddenly came from behind the fence.

“Chuck, cluck~”

It seems that an old hen has just laid eggs, and she must have laid more than one, otherwise she would never be proud of it.

Allier jumped up and said alive,

“This voice, that’s right, it’s Lord Sanhuang!”

Qin Yuanfeng retorted,

“Damn, I haven’t read a lot of school, but don’t fool me. Chief Mo said Lord Sanhuang is a rooster! Rooster!”

Allier said,

“You don’t know this, or say that Lord Sanhuang is different, you don’t want to think, can ordinary chickens be used to summon the uncle Warlock?”

Qin Yuanfeng’s morals broke the ground, and his tone was low on the ropeway.

“Skill, Master Warlock is so good?”

Qin Yuanfeng, an extremely powerful warlock uncle, has always regarded him as an idol and goal when he was young!

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