Chapter 1063 Qin Shan, collapsed


A loud noise suddenly rang out from the direction of Qin Shan ended a group of big men’s unimaginative fight. Several lapis lazuli slabs were thrown on the ground. A certain yellow-faced evolutionary looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle, very innocent.

Zhao Er struggled to get up from the ground, and by the way he sighed that the hardness of the sea bluestone used to build the city is really not covered. After him, Zhao Erye had two heavyweight head hammers in succession, but there was nothing wrong with him!

“Hi! My brain must be broken, my mother’s real chicken hurts!”


There was another loud noise, like the sky collapsed.

Lao Wang opened his mouth in astonishment, like a hippo in heat.

“Qin Shan, Qin Shan is gone…”

With the initial collapse as the center, Qin Shan almost disappeared after two loud noises. The original shape of the mountain was very shabby and lonely, and now it is like a baby who has just been weaned. Wherever the flying huge rock hits, it is a piece of sadness.

Qin Shan is not only the Sacred Land in the hearts of the poor in the city under the bright light, but even the evolutionary sees it as a way to the sky, and is particularly willing to cram the unsatisfied children in to receive beatings.

Now Qin Shan collapsed, just like that!

Zhao Er clenched his fists, his finger bones snapped into a string.

“The dog said, now I completely believe that this is a means of treason with the party, except to feel sick daddy has no other ideas.”

A Qinshan Mountain is not expensive for Mingguang, and several of them can be rebuilt in minutes.

In some cases of idleness, the government has calculated that the overall value of Qinshan Wushu School is not as high as the cost of destroying a more than 100-meter-long city wall and rebuilding it.

Can’t stand Qin Shan is the symbol of Mingguang’s spirit in the hearts of most people. Now that it is rubbed on the ground like this, is there any other use besides disgusting people?

Morality is depraved, human nature is distorted, uncle can tolerate and aunt can not tolerate!

The broken Qinshan changed from a stiff pen to a prostrate posture. The ugly scars resembled a huge upside-down toilet squeegee, and a circle of horizontal stripes burst open, and the blood of the living corpses stained with the blue and pure Guixu water was gushing out of it. The color, even if it disappeared very quickly, but the scene just now was caught in the eyes of everyone and remembered that it was extremely dirty when played repeatedly in the bottom of my heart.

At this moment, Mingguang’s countless evolutionists felt like they were pregnant in a group, and wanted to vomit.

Lao Wang took a deep breath.

“Heh, I don’t know if the rebellion against the party is prepared to bear the consequences?”

Pharaoh’s only seven-year-old youngest son was sent to Qinshan Wushu school early. The effect seems to be quite good. It is said that there has been signs of awakening. Now Qinshan is “collapsed”. The anger in Pharaoh’s heart can be imagined. .

(You said what you guys did not do well, you smashed the baby’s school, hahaha!)

(If mom sells batches for daddy’s baby, if there is any psychological problem… you guys will all be waiting for daddy…)

Before Lao Wang had time to speak harshly, Qin Shan’s situation changed again.

The faint blue light rising into the sky was like a mushroom cloud after an atomic bomb exploded, seeming to be slow and fast, covering the entire Qin Mountain and the surrounding area of ​​tens of kilometers in the blink of an eye.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, this super-large mushroom cloud expanded and collapsed regularly. After three reciprocations, suddenly there were densely densely packed two-person-high spatial channels on the surface, which looked like a giant that was distorted beyond description. honeycomb.

Afterwards, countless living corpses came out of the space channel, wrapped in Guixu water, and covered Qinshan with just a breath of time.

This is a real tide of living corpses, and the number of them is more than the number of corpses that come outside the city wall several times a year.

Zhao Er said in astonishment,

“Isn’t these people fools?”

The space channel is also several kilometers high from the nearest ground. Those ordinary living corpses just fall to the ground alone. If you can fight it back for me, you will win, not to mention that you don’t fall down one by one, but lumps. Tuo, each block is like a mountain, hello! ”

“Even if it comes down with Guixu Shui, what can be done, Mingguang has used Guixu for such a long time, still has no way to deal with it?”

“It’s really a relief this time…”

Zhao Erdao,

“Do you think that the rebellion against the party has jumped over the wall? Anyway, it was a blood corpse last time. This time it is a living corpse. The living corpse is a shit. Isn’t it a special gift for us to give experience and benefits?”

The soft crystals in the bodies of the living corpses are all money, and they are still Mingguang’s hardest stuff.

If you want to say that you will be such a kind ghost who will not believe in the party, but how is this situation now?

After spraying several waves of living corpses in the sky, the mushroom cloud became a little wilted, the wrinkled volume shrank by more than half, and there were at least millions of living corpses on the ground.

Of course, at least two-thirds of them are pie-shaped and torn apart, and even if the remaining one-third of the living corpses are still alive, less than 20% of them have combat effectiveness.

It’s not only Mingguang’s high-end combat capabilities that are watching from afar, but also the members of the army and the garrison.

Don’t say that they are individuals, they have already seen that it is wrong.

——None of these living corpses is a high rank!

They are all the most common zero-order and first-order warriors, gritted teeth and stomped to send out a few that can even be hacked to death by ordinary people.

What’s the joke, there is not even a Tier 2 out of the millions of living corpses? Didn’t you really go through the sieve before getting the light?


Qin Shan suddenly lit up countless beams of light in all directions.

The garrison finally couldn’t sit still, and it seemed that it was planning to destroy the mushroom cloud and the half-dead corpse wave below it first and then talk about other things.

I have to say that the tide of corpses plowed by Yuanjing Cannon is really like a hot pot being boiled.

The bright red flesh and blood waves are gurgling, like the red oil in a hot pot, but the pungent smell is more similar to the sum of boiled mummy + old lady’s footcloth + raw roasted durian that has been mature for eight years.

The wave of blood in the pot that looked like red oil rolled several somersaults, but suddenly it turned into a pot of steaming blood tofu. The gap was so great that the adult Zhao Gou left all the sour water.

Zhao Er said weakly,

“Ne, f*ck, it’s a shame today. The first time Daddy went to the battlefield and was buried in a pile of living corpses, he never vomited, vomit!”

Other people also complained,

“What a bastard came up with and bombarded the living corpse with the source crystal, I said!”

“Dream again? Even if you can just quit the meal, knock…”

“I don’t think I need to eat hot pot anymore…”

“It’s disgusting, it’s really disgusting. Today, my old lady has opened her eyes. I hope she won’t have nightmares when she falls asleep at night.”

The power of the source crystal cannon is so powerful that even the smallest round of fire collection cannot be resisted by these extremely low-level zombie cubs.

After a round of bombing, the tide of corpses that had just landed basically took root.

Those who were not directly hit were also boiled in the “big hot pot”-so the number of people who vomited on the spot doubled.


The rebels must have never thought that their move would receive such a miraculous effect, which is almost equivalent to giving Mingguang collective a weak buff.

To say that there are shortcomings, the anger of the big ruffians has been read more than eight times at least~

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