Chapter 1062 Cold Tyrannosaurus’s Exclusive Skills (2 in 1)

Just when Huang Dashan and other evolutionaries “willingly” ran to work for Pen Moumou, Leng Han had already arrived at the gate tower somewhere in the Three Walls.

Zhao Er was worried about sister Xing Xing who was dragged back by a certain speed man, and could not touch it, for fear that this lady would suddenly wake up and rely on herself-then our handsome butt of Zhao Erye would be tarnished?

On the other hand, Fangfang and a few people were throwing people into the sky along the huge wellhead that fell from the sky. Seeing Leng Han’s heart, these guys suddenly made a sudden jerky movement in their hands.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Zhao Er, and the meaning was already clear:

Your old Zhao family and the Leng family have been friends for generations. It’s time for you to stand up for the people’s life, gogogo~

Zhao Er’s face turned pale,

“Well, cough cough, Lengh…Lord Admiral Leng…that…what’s the matter with you??”

Leng Han’s expression is so cold and ugly, he Zhao Er is also panicked, OK!

Zhao Erye had to admit that since Leng Han had more extremely dense metal in his hands, beating their group of two or five eyes is like playing, what high rank is low, you ask that Hundreds and thousands of tons of big iron blocks agree with this statement, don’t they?

Leng Han narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his eyebrows became even narrower.

Zhao Er: “…”

What does this mean if you don’t make trouble with us!

After a long time, Leng Han glanced at the huge well head that was pestle down from the sky.

“Are they looking for Lin Chou?”

Zhao Er was surprised,

“What’s Lin Sorrow?! Isn’t that kid…why…where did that kid go? It was in Qinshan just now…”

The brilliant golden streamers rushed out from the cuffs of Lenghan, and instantly condensed into a forty-meter-long fierce machete. The machete was plated with a layer of ice crystals like dragon scales, and the chill was biting.

“Zhao Gou left! Are you going to die?”

Zhao Er’s face was black and black, and almost none of them staggered under the city wall.

How many years have passed since, at least for decades, no one has called him by his nickname, right?

Zhao Er opened his mouth, guilty and uncertain.

“Lin Zi… is he also over there…”

Leng Han’s broad knife slashed unceremoniously, and the air below the blade seemed to be frozen into a solid, and then it was broken and crushed by the blade, making a terrifying cracking sound.

“Fuck you!”

Zhao Er is like a mosquito in amber, and the action of opening his mouth almost exhausts all his strength.

He panicked a lot, and groaned in his heart:

This f*ck is also unfair. How can he fight this damn thing? Not only is Ma Maipi unable to fight, this is not even letting him hide from the chrysanthemum butterfly!

Speaking of a damn sentence, the effect achieved is very subtle.

Leng Han’s knife simply shone with colorful original light, like an aurora that dazzled thousands of times.

Zhao Er also realized that he had said something wrong, and howled with his throat.

“The female and female heroine, please spare your life, please spare your life!”

Zhao Er originally thought that no matter who was wrong, let the heroine beat her out. After all, if he resisted, his ending would be 80% more tragic and ten times more tragic.

——This is not the end, and then he will be chopped into dumpling stuffing and served with wine by his father, Zhao Qingcang, who came in anger.

But what kind of operation is this girl directly lifting the forty-meter extreme density metal machete, she didn’t plan to leave him a way to survive!

The dozen or so colleagues next to him put on a sad and sorrowful expression of a rabbit and a fox, and after brewing for a while, they finally couldn’t hold back a laugh.

“Puff ha ha ha Zhao Gou left, you also have today~”

“The knife is forty meters long, let you run thirty-nine meters first, but you run!”

At any rate, Zhao Er is also a senior fifth-order tycoon, with his original power gushing out, shining his figure like a gemstone sculpture.

But he still didn’t dare to fight with that flashy-looking golden sword-whoever took the knife would be stupid!

Zhao Er evaded the blade in embarrassment,

“If you have something to say, sister smash, if you have something to say!””Ah.”

Leng Han put away his broad knife, and Chengmenlouzi probably breathed a sigh of relief. It avoided the fate of turning into ruins.

The simple action of closing the knife made the faces of all the evolutionists present change transient.

This group of guys couldn’t help but feel that the surname Zhuge was really unlucky to come to grandma’s house. Jinfeng Yulu’s skill is just like a tiger when encountering extremely dense metals. The weight is such a terrible thing. The Tyrannosaurus was not afraid of fighting and lost more than half of them.

Leng Han asked,

“Where is Lin Chou? Huang Dashan said that he was swept away by Guixu Water. You said he was not there?”

Zhao Er’s eyes almost didn’t come out, feeling his heart humming in his throat and punching Baji fist.

“I was swept away by Guixu Water… I knocked your mother…”

A group of Tier 5 bosses looked at each other, saying that they were not nervous and it was fake.

They did see Lin Chou when they just came over. It is Mingguang’s rule to hold the status of a senior fifth-order evolutionary from the sidelines and to have reservations. According to the rank of strength, someone is responsible for the front and the back.

Zhao Er swallowed his saliva and said,

“Our people have…have passed away…have not seen Lin Zi…”

Leng Han’s willow eyebrows are erect,

“Huang Dashan saw it with his own eyes!”

Zhao Er hesitated,


At this time, the spectacular Tongtian Ancient Stone Well, which had left its hometown, suddenly trembled, and was about to retract.

“Pharaoh, charge up the Mi Family sisters, hurry up!”

A yellow-faced and thin man walked out of the evolutionary, unhappy,

“When will it be reimbursed?”

Fangfang scolded,

“You can still lose it! Be quicker!”

Lao Wang sighed.

“Niang Xipi is bad luck with daddy every time, charging and charging knows to charge. When daddy is solar or bio-energy, don’t the power banks have to be charged? The settlement of the previous year still owes me, daddy now eats every day Bran throat…”

Constantly complaining, Lao Wang took out a handful of standard source crystals from his arms and rubbed them with his hands, and the source crystal cube immediately turned into a halo of free jumping.

The halo was agitated like a shining thunderstorm cloud, and from time to time a few dazzling small lightning flashes.

Zhao Er shrank, seemingly afraid of this stuff.

However, the opposite was Leng Han. He weighed it, and leaned against Lao Wang.

Well, compared with Leng Han, I feel that the things in Lao Wang’s hands are safer.

Lao Wang rubbed the light ball on his hand fiercely,

“Cracky crackling~”

The miniature lightning in there became more and more active.

The faces of the people around Lao Wang turned green.

“It’s okay, don’t rub it. If you rub it, we have one of them and all of them will have to burp!”

The seemingly incomparable source crystal guns are not pure source crystals, and their power is already quite good, and the stuff in the hands of the old king is transformed from 30 to 40 cubic centimeters of pure source crystals, and has passed through the old king. Catalyzed by your own hands!

Lao Wang smiled and patted the bottom of the stone well.



Ishii trembled immediately, and the trend of retraction was immediately reversed, and there was even a tendency to become more gross.

Lao Wang happily took out a notebook and kept the books.

Fangfang curled her lips in disdain,


To say that this old Wang is a legendary character, he is the only human-shaped self-propelled power bank in the entire base city.

The target of his charging is not limited to the type of bloodline, the awakened or the upgraded person, as long as he uses the original source, he can charge others, and then pull it out. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a universal charge.

Yuan Jing is enough for the old king to be on his side, then his comrades will be blessed, and to some extent it is a perpetual motion machine.

Moreover, the Pharaoh’s instinctive combat power is not weak. After the light dumpling transformed by the source crystal is thrown out, it is almost a 100% lossless source crystal explosion. The power is absolutely terrifying, even if it is higher than him. The Tier 6 boss also has no way to resist head-on.

Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious. It is obvious that an individual can see that poverty is limiting Pharaoh’s combat effectiveness.

Zhao Er murmured without regret,

“Xun Pain, if this bloodline ability is given to Sikong’s family…tsk tut…”

Lao Wang’s face suddenly turned green, and the people around him smirked.

But isn’t it? It is estimated that this bloodline can only be carried forward to Sikong who has the “money ability”.

Like Lao Wang, he can only use a dozen or tens of cubic centimeters of standard source crystals every time that Sou Sou uses – if you want to start with Sikong, you have to start with cubic meters~

Lao Wang said angrily,

“Daddy is thinking about it, among the high-rank evolutionists, are there still poorer than me?”


“Well, you can’t say that, no matter how poor you are, there will be an uncle Warlock poor?!”

Pharaoh: “…”

Ciao, I urge you to be kind.

Zhao Erdao,

“Enter Fangfang, if you don’t find Lin Chou, please give me a quasi-truster!”


Fangfang also went in, within a few seconds,

“Successfully, one of the three forks in the road has been damaged, the other is the source of the Huixu water, and the last is the site of the living corpses.”

“My mother, what is this…”

There was a sound of earth-shattering battle from that side, and a few people took the opportunity to get in.


The well head retracted and disappeared.

Leng Han’s face was cold,

“Mimi and Mimi are all over there?”

Zhao Erqiang smiled.

“It’s all there, or how come back…”

Leng Han was silent for a while,

“Lin Chou…”

Zhao Er insisted,

“This kid is absolutely fine. Did you forget that he was fat and beat Niu Lanqi? Niu Lanqi is the power of returning to the ruins and didn’t do anything to the forest in the end… Maybe… lost again…”

Maybe Zhao Er’s saying that is really okay. After all, he can’t find the space coordinates to go home and it can barely be counted as a situation of getting lost?

Uh, but this lost fan can be said to be quite high-end-comparable to operations such as adding a space expansion module to the van before the catastrophe.


Haven’t you seen it?


Otherwise, how do you cram 36 people into the Wuling God’s car, please explain? ?

Leng Han was thoughtful, but actually she was a little bit convinced.

——After all, Lin Chou’s ability to get lost is as outstanding as his extremely handsome appearance.

(If you just get lost… um…)

(Go to him later? Three days? No, no, five days… No… One month… Let him suffer a little bit more…)(After all, the later… Na na na…)

The most frightening thing is the assimilation and devouring of Guixu. If Guixu is excluded, Leng Han has the confidence to get him back no matter where Lin Chou is.

The abilities of the Mi Family sisters left their hometowns and walked at night, finally it’s time to come in handy!

The feelings of young girls are always poetry, and the feelings of older girls may be epic long songs.

In just a few seconds, Leng Han had already made up for Lin Moumou in a desolate corner, poorly clothed, boiled bark and roasted belt, spent the long years of N+N days, and then he was cold. So and so came to save Lin Moumou from the deep waters, Lin Moumou was grateful and repented and sent his arms and embraced him…

(Yes, that’s it.)


In Leng Moumou’s thoughts, there is no such thing as Lin Chou’s initiative…

That’s not right! That’s not right!

Only she can be the active party, so as to meet Leng Moumou’s strong personality and the education he has received since childhood.

The necessary skills of the heroine are completed, the circuit is smooth, and then Leng Han feels that his face is a little hot.

(It must be red already! Hey~)

Zhao Er next to him did not understand how he could talk about Leng Tyrannosaurus blushing, but what he could understand was:

My little fortune teller is stuck, the old man’s meal of dumpling wine can also be reassured and boldly write it down for the time being.

Leng Han suddenly asked without thinking.

“People who have been hungry for a long, long time, what do they want to eat the most?”

Zhao Eryi was startled, everyone was speechless.

For fear of the cold tyrannosaurus being left out and furious again, Zhao Er quickly coughed and said loudly,

“Meat, it must be meat!”

The remaining few people quickly followed up, nothing to do with violence, just from the heart.

“No, right? I can only drink porridge if I am hungry for a long time. Eating greasy things hurts my stomach.

“Well, is the evolutionary’s stomach still a stomach? It’s a pulverizer. There is no problem of hurting the stomach at all.”

“If this person is Lin Chou…” Zhao Er had an idea, “I think you slaughtered the big fat duck of Sagong and put it up…hehehe, you know…there is absolutely no better choice. Cold… Lieutenant General, there really is nothing better.”

An electric light flashed across Leng Han Gujing Wubo’s eyes, and the thief lit up the bright light.

Surprisingly there was no rebuttal, Leng Han blushed, and hurriedly said,

“Well, you guys are busy, I have to leave beforehand.”

Everyone exchanged their eyes:

This living corpse has entered the city, maybe it was a dying counterattack who rebelled against the party, what could be more important than this? ?

Zhao Er, smack, smack,

“Well, I went to Shangcheng District? You have to be sorry, Sikong, you are already a big boy, it is time to see the real ugliness of this world.

Pharaoh was extremely contemptuous,

“The world is ugly or not, daddy can’t tell-but you Zhao Gou is really ugly! I want to vomit! Nasty!”

Everyone gave praise to Lao Wang,

“Yes, yes, it’s disgusting.”

“It’s really cheap, my old lady wants to slap you!”

Master Zhao Gouzhang was not ashamed but proud, and exulted.

“Look, daddy will surely receive our gratitude from A Leng, when the time comes, your group of dogs will be envious of daddy while drawing circles in the corner, hahaha!”

Gratitude from Cold Tyrannosaurus?


That’s such a big pie!

I don’t know who suddenly shouted,

“Niang Xipi wants to take advantage of this stuff, beat him!!”

As the crowd rushed forward, the screams of Master Zhao Gouzhang screamed.

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