Chapter 1055: Was It Dropped?

No matter what, Shan Ye madly output to the stone wall, and even took out a pointer to determine the direction, only to find that the pointer of the thing was spinning like a top.

Suddenly he gave a suspicious “um” and said,

“It feels right, this time her mother is a stone!”

Going down a few axes, the original force surging on the surface of the axe directly turned the broken stones into a plume of blue smoke. These stones were not a bit worse than the hard and strange material just now.

“Pretty? This is the posture that you, Grandpa Dashan and me, a peerless and powerful person should have. Everything in front of you is nothing but arrogant.”

Lin Chou:? ? ?

“It’s not that Lord Shan, you wait for a while and then brag, how do I think that the hole you dug out is starting to seep out?”

The sound of Shan Ye’s boasting came to an abrupt end, and several high-pressure water jets gushed out from the cracks, making him all over his face.

“What the fuck!”

The bitter and salty smell in his mouth tells Shan Ye a very unfavorable fact-this is likely to be her mother’s sea water!

But this is clearly under the Qin Mountain. Even if the water is dug out, it is spring water and well water. There is no reason why the underground river water is salt water, and Mingguang does not have any rare structures such as undersea sea surges.

The hard rock wall is not worth mentioning in the face of extremely high water pressure, it is torn like paper and quickly grows larger.


After the dull cracking sound, the cave that Shan Ye dug was completely torn open.

The sea is overwhelming, and Ren Huang Dashan has the strength of Tier 4 or Tier 5, and it still looks weak and ridiculous when he struggles in the water. After only three seconds, he dances and rolls out with the current.

The flesh and blood film on the wall of the cave and the freezer were torn apart and washed away in the first place.

Speaking of a certain product with the surname Huang, it is relatively lucky. Let’s look at poor Lin Moumou, that expression at the moment when the sea is rolling, it’s so sad that there is no way to describe it.


(Why is it always daddy?)

Lin Chou was “gently” held up by the turbulent sea, and directly pasted on the top of the cave, like a big pie.


His chest, face, belly, and legs squeezed the rock wall at the top of the cave to a horrible moan, and then the rock wall began to crack.

This is Lin Chou, if I change someone, I guess he will be squeezed into a squeeze by this time——

However, Lin Moumou was not a complete slime structure after all, and couldn’t fully fit the rock wall. The small gap between him and the cave rock wall was filled with seawater in an instant.

Then, under the action of that damn Tap Wave skill, Seawater’s new round of kissing, hugging and lifting high and high functions began to operate again.

One round,

Two rounds,

Three rounds,

Countless rounds.

Lin Chou: “…”

He is just like a human-shaped vibrator… Uh, it’s not right…like a human-shaped drill bit, squeezing the beetle shell, then bluestone, and then the dirt and gravel layer by layer on the top of the mountain, slowly and firmly. Move him up.

At this time, the key to embodying a person’s psychological quality is here. Look at Lin, he can actually be calm and calm.


Lin Chou’s eyes suddenly lit up-the ground was drilled through by this guy!

The huge amount of sea water is like a fountain, engulfing him with powerful kinetic energy, spraying him high in the air, and then spreading in all directions in the form of flowers, hanging down.

Patting the clothes that turned into rags, he stood on the top of the fountain and sighed silently, the sadness between his brows was very bright.


Lin Chou suddenly looked dazed.

The place where he is is no longer Qinshan, not even Mingguang.

The top of the head is like a giant LED or LCD screen, filled with a brilliant sea-blue glow, and below is a towering crystal with sharp edges and corners. The transparent crystal mountains and rivers are endless, reflecting the various colors of the sky above. , Like a fairyland.

“This…this is the world behind that volcanic island portal??”

Lin Chou is too familiar with the scenery here, and he still can’t forget the psychological trauma caused by that group of ducks.

“Why come here, what logic?”


There is no portal!

There is no feeling of being transmitted!

“Could it be that I was so squeezed so hard that my brain is not bright?”

Lin Chou felt a little unscientific.

Although he couldn’t even struggle just now, but that level of pressure is not a harm to him at all, he can’t even wear his face, let alone his brain.

Suddenly, huge noises came from all directions in the empty and vast space.

“Haha, Lin Chou!”

Lin Chou was taken aback immediately.

“This voice…”

The loud voice answered his words,

“Very familiar, right? It’s actually an honor to be remembered by a strong opponent like you.”

A man’s vague shadow appeared on the sky screen above his head, and his face was fluttering in white clothes.

Lin Chou didn’t show much surprise, but said in relief,

“Liu…. What is Liu… I’m sorry that my memory has been declining badly recently, but you really have rebelled against the party. This commander said that the routines are all the same routine, why don’t you see people?”

There was a circle of faint brilliance surrounding Liu Renjun’s figure on the sky, dark and green.

It seems that it is not that the “resolution” of the sky screen is insufficient, but that he is in this state.

“Lin Chou, I don’t know if it is really some kind of wonderful fate in this world. You are involved in every action I plan, which surprises me.”

Lin Sorrowed with disgust,

“I haven’t, don’t talk nonsense, I and a man-what wonderful fate can even a guy who is not even a man have now?”


Lightning rolled across the sky, just like Liu Ren’s face covered with clouds.

“Lin Chou, although you are an admirable opponent, you do not have the admirable character and dignity of a strong person at all.”

Lin Chou stared in surprise, then turned into a worried expression.

“The strong? Oh! So I am already strong? Will I be bald in the future?”

Liu Renjun’s figure twitched crazily above the sky, making a sizzling electric noise as if the signal had been disturbed.

After a long time, he stabilized again,

“Hehe, you have made me like this. Today, you will be my lucky audience-you will see the Xiacheng District being destroyed by my own hands, Liu Renjun!”

Lin Chou murmured something.

Liu Renjun said,

“what are you saying?”

Lin Chou coughed,

“This handsome asks if you have been transferred. If the Xiacheng district is destroyed, what else do you have to do when you rebel against the party?”

We must know that the purpose of rebelling against the party from beginning to end is not an evolutionary.

It’s people, ordinary people.

What they are most jealous of is the “luxuriant” population tree in the era of the cataclysm.

Now it suddenly claims to destroy the Xiacheng district-doesn’t this run counter to the long-standing purpose of the rebellion? What is it that it was not dropped?

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