Chapter 1054 Lost and Underground Cave

Huang Dashan couldn’t understand why.

What happened to the committee’s Che and Jin team? What about the professional rescuers of the garrison? What about these sturdy and powerful evolving people who yelled at him all day long?

Are they busy sleepwalking or something? Haven’t they all been down for a long time? Why are so many students dead here and rescue? !

Lin Chou said in a dull voice,

“Master Shan, now is not the time to think too much, it’s best to find those little girls first!”

Lin Sorrow’s hunch came true, and now he didn’t know what it was like.

Huang Dashan said, “Go!”

There are only two exits in the Calabash-shaped underground space.

Once out of this wide underground space, there are seven tunnels in different positions in front of them. Some are parallel to the ground, some are on the stone wall, and the most exaggerated one simply opens above the two people’s heads, like an inverted funnel.

“Lin Zi, look at this, does it look like the footprints left by someone walking past?”

One of the seven cave mouths was very special, in which a blood-colored “stream” ran out. The stream seemed to be bloody water just squeezed out of a living corpse, foul-smelling and sticky.

Lin Chou nodded,

“Is it a bit like, then, take this path?”

Shan Ye solemnly said,

“I don’t think things are that simple. It is better for the two of us not to act separately.”

There was a sharp thorn in Shan Ye’s heart.

He now wants to save the crying little girls, the only thing he wants to do is to coat the large axe of the own desktop with the original armor and brush a two-hundred-layer neon technique to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon sprint plug with Armstrong whirlpool. Into the sex of the guys in charge of the rescue.

After the two chose to enter the cave where the river of blood flows, they immediately noticed the difference.

This cave, which is only two people tall, seems to have been deliberately modified. There are two rows of thick iron boxes neatly placed on both sides of the cave. The iron boxes can no longer distinguish their original colors, and the surface is full of corroded rust. trace.

It’s just that the angle and spacing of their placement are neat and comfortable, like a large oven embedded in the wall.

Huang Dashan tore the flesh and blood film on the wall, and the small-scale explosion made the smell of the whole cave even stranger and misty.

Huang Dashan pulled out the big iron box,

“It’s cold, very cold.”

The white gas visible to the naked eye seeps out from the box and flows toward the ground like a waterfall.

“Crack, creak~”

After the iron box was opened, the corpse of a low-level living corpse that had been dissected and sutured was revealed in front of the two of them. There are obvious differences in scars.

Huang Dashan let out a long sigh of relief.

“I’m really afraid that after opening it, there are all dead female students.”

Needless to say, Huang Dashan, even Lin Chou himself thought so just now.

Lin Chou frowned,

“This box should be a corpse refrigerator, right? Who puts these things so neatly here, don’t the living corpses have such a special hobby?”

Huang Dashan just looked at the box,

“No, all the lines are disconnected. Why are these freezers still cooling and use love to generate electricity?”

Lin Chou said that love is helpless,

“Perhaps you can ask Comrade Wu to come over and study it.”

Shan Ye slapped the freezer to a smashing smash. With the cold environment and bloody tones of the underground cave, the gleaming brain was full of violence, much more terrifying than the living corpse.

The more they walked like a cave, the more Lin Chou felt wrong.

“How old is Qinshan? We have walked at least four or five kilometers? And why are there so many corpse refrigerators on both sides? There are four or five kilometers of refrigerators?”

“Is it an illusion? A ghost hit the wall?”

“Impossible, true ability sees through all falsehoods, let alone a ghost hitting a wall, it’s useless even for a god to hit the wall.”

“But those children have clearly entered, and with their physical strength, it is impossible to walk faster than the two of us, right?”

Ten minutes later, with the running speed of two people, the straight-line distance traveled at this moment has definitely exceeded 20 kilometers, but apart from the occasional changes in width and narrowness in the cave, not even a detour has appeared.

Whether it is in the direction of the past or to continue forward, it is the same path, the same.

Huang Dashan’s face was sullen,

“Smash the wall, tear down this wall fucking!”

Lin Chou swallowed his saliva,

“Then what, give it a try first, if it explodes again, cough!”

No matter what is going on in these caves, Lin Chou is afraid that Lord Shan will explode all the vines in the cave when he goes down with an axe. Will he be blown into the sky along with Qinshan?

“Do you treat me stupid?”

Huang Dashan dragged the two freezers from under the blood film and threw them aside, carefully rolling up the blood film and vines like pancakes, revealing the blue-black stone wall below.

He spit on the palm of his hand, holding the axe,

“Almost the teaching building is in this direction, let me tell you Linzi, this must be a ghost hitting a wall, look at the axe!”


Rubble flew around and sparks everywhere, and a large crater with a diameter of more than two meters and a depth of one meter appeared directly on the hard blue-black rock wall. The intertwined fissures extended more than ten meters from the direction the two faced.

Those blood films and vines were trembling, but after all, there was no explosion.

Huang Dashan waved his hand,

“I’ll go to your mother and get a Xipi’s. Did I smash Qinshan or Haiqingshishan?”

Lin Chou picked up a palm-sized piece of gravel and twisted it, making a piercing cracking sound in blue and black, which was shattered into dust in Lin Chou’s hands.

“This stone…it’s not a stone at all…it’s the carapace of a giant blue-horned beetle!”

Lin Chou knew it, of course, because the material of the stone was identified by the Pipi system. Don’t throw the smashed stone wrapped in breadcrumbs and deep-fried. The kids next door are crying and crying.

Unexpectedly, this thing is actually a third-order alien beast ingredient.

Huang Dashan: “???”

“What shit beetle! We are in the belly of a beetle instead of Qin Shan? Don’t make trouble…”

Lin Chou smashed his hands, and he was also a little dizzy.

Chasing the footprints along the way, there is no illusion and no means such as a portal. Why can’t the two of them get out of this cave? Could other people be trapped like this?

The mountain master chiseled the stone wall with a choke,

“I f*ck…”


“What the hell! Why are you so hard on this dung pile? Are you joking with your Grandpa Dashan?”



“It’s really this direction? How do I remember that there was not such a wide distance between the cave and the cave when I first came in” Lin Chou paused, “right?”

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