Chapter 1021 Beads

“I smell… Bah…”


Smell your third uncle’s grandmother’s winter melon skin!

Facts have proved that Lin’s self-righteous humor will only make others want to form a group to beat him.

“No smell? Then I will eat…”

Although the simple and rude barbecue method has reduced the appearance of the big red hair crab, the fragrance is really hard to pick out any fault-and the red and bright big crab is being pulled out from the ash pile a little bit as if from Like pearls dug out of the sand, there is a kind of honey juice surprise.

Its unique barbecue style is like the rich aroma of crab paste that is exported through the hot water in the shell, soaking all the crab meat over and over again, so that the cooked crab meat is plated over Crab paste yellow is lighter, slightly golden yellow, and has a mellow oily aroma of crab yellow.


The crab shells that have been grilled over charcoal fire are particularly crispy, and it won’t look hard to break them by hand. Lin Chou has a deep understanding of this when eating crab claws.

In the huge crab claws, you can peel off the “fist” of crab meat in a complete shape. The bulging and plump surface is beautiful with red and gold. The pure aroma of crab meat has a silky sweet feeling due to the roasting. And the deepest part of its “fist” is the condensation point of the gravy under the action of external barbecue-like a steak that has not experienced the process of waking up the meat.

In general, one book satisfies.

The fire burned out, and this sumptuous gathering in the wilderness came to an end, and the owners with different eyes hidden in the bushes could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

These carnivores can’t imagine at all, why the Tier 4 Qiongqi Swan, whose deterrence can be rated as nuclear weapons, would fall on the ground to serve as the “goalkeeper” for a few small and fragile humans…

Maybe you want to wait until they are full.

Do we want to change the drinking place?

and many more..

This meaty smell seems completely different from what we usually eat?

Why put fresh and sweet meat on top of a terrible flame?


It’s so fragrant~

After all, Lin Chou was a “first-order” scum, and couldn’t get into the eyes of the master’s eyes hidden in the dark. On the contrary, the Qiongqi swan tied into zongzi next to Lin Chou made them even more afraid.

Not just humans…

For the alien beasts, those in the sky who came and went without a trace with two wings, who didn’t know how to scream, were actually more terrifying.

When they are not in order, they will be hooked by a pair of sharp claws, and then they will soar for ninety thousand miles and then suspect that the Milky Way falls Nine Heavens,


This can be considered the roughest version-the alien beasts flying in the sky have bloodline capabilities.

Cough, pull it far.

Lin Chou retracted his gaze, thinking about it in his heart,

“The owner of those two golden eyes must be a big cat. It should be a tiger. I haven’t eaten a tiger yet…”

The Qiongqi swan, who happened to fall into the mortal dust and its feathers, quacked.

Lin Chou shrugged, he was quite self-aware, and he didn’t even think about catching up.

How dangerous is this wilderness, in case he gets lost, when will Lin Moumou be able to find a home without encountering a living person? ?

Pointing out that the needle was not brought, so that I didn’t know where I was shoveled during the battle of Brother Hepingtou. Even if he “shoveled”, he did not come from the direction of home. The two main roads of homecoming were cut off. Mo Ming was a little flustered.

Lin Chou raised his head and looked at Tian’er, and he stopped talking to the trio of the research institute. In fact, he wanted to ask Mingguang’s direction~

Ba Li took a sip of the hot water he digested after a meal and sprayed Xiao Ba’s face all over.

“Fuck! What do you think it is?”

Several people were sitting around the fire, and Baal happened to be facing the direction of this Tiankeng Lake.

Lin Chou looked up and saw a dazzling fire flying straight towards him, and the long tail flame was as straight as a laser.


We didn’t even call a convenient shovel, what is this!

Not only did the meteor not slow down, the top of the meteor even began to flash with a tear-like source of glow, and the heavy pressure came from that direction, making the trio of the scientific research institute feel hard to breathe.

“What the hell…”

“The end bird is dead!”

In the blink of an eye, the meteor was close at hand.

Lin Chou didn’t even think about it, but made three small jumps.


The billowing dust rose to the level of tens of meters in an instant, mixed with rocks, water mist, and a few half-cooked big catfish like huge slaps, blowing Lin Chou and the three small animals of the research institute in mid-air as if they were dry. The leaves were taken several kilometers away before they were re-entered into the embrace of Mother Earth.

“Cough cough… Bah bah bah…”

The three little ones from the scientific research institute pushed away the broken fish and shrimps in the pit, wailing and rolling.

They didn’t suffer any injuries, but they just ate too cold and fell to the ground feeling like their stomachs exploded.

Lan Shou, wanting to vomit but reluctant, is always tangled.

At the bottom of the big pit, Lin Chou said quietly,

“Can you get off me?”

“Oh oh…”

The three little ones knew very well in their hearts that if the boss hadn’t taken any action today, they would have been familiar with the moment the meteor flew over.

Lin Chou turned over and crawled out from the bottom of the pit and patted the ashes on his body.

“It’s poisonous recently, where do the meteors follow?”

Xiao Ba suddenly stopped holding his belly and rolling, his face trembling with despair, he pointed in a certain direction.

“And again”

“Chek trouble?”

“here we go again!!”

Somewhere in the Tiankeng, the bone altar bloomed with a strange color, and then turned into a whirlpool and disappeared.

The thick haze on the lake made the line of sight less than three meters away. The haze kept surging, collapsing and condensing, as if there were countless huge monsters hidden in it, tearing the fog out and shattering everything at any time.

Brother Pingtou floated up and down on the lake, his blood stained a large area of ​​the lake.

On the surrounding lake, the shredded half of the winged tiger attracted countless ferocious water brokers, and gradually sank to the bottom of the lake under their bites.

The flat-headed brother did not die, but chewed half of the thigh of the winged tiger in a backstroke position, staring at the sky blankly with his dark eyes.

A beam of light bloomed above the sky.

Immediately afterwards, tens of millions of rays of light were like burning red knives cutting butter, easily dispelling the haze within half a tiankeng.

The eyes of Brother Flathead are full of expectation and joy.

At the center of the light is a huge wing.

Needless to say, the original owner of the wings is naturally a winged tiger that has been torn apart.

Endless rays of light surging on it, turning the bloody wings into a translucent glass state.

Within its bones, a golden bead shape is faintly reflected.

Suddenly, an illusory flame burned on the wings.

This seems to exist but is faintly like the flames of flowers in a moon mirror in the water, fueled by the wings of a winged tiger, first feathers, then muscles and bones.

After a while, only one bead remained in place, shining brilliantly.

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