Chapter 1020 An Enviable Appetite (Two In One)

Lin Chou didn’t want to admit that the technology he had worked hard day and night was inferior to a gray-haired old man, but he couldn’t find any reason to refute him.

Because Dad Lin always makes a pot of fish balls side by side with Lin Chou. At first glance, there is no difference, but after the fish balls are out of the pot, the gloss, the taste…

The difference shouldn’t be too obvious. Even the guests can eat it.

Dad Lin sighed with depression on his face more than once in front of Lin Shou, who had turned into a small tablet.

“Father, since you left, there is really no one who can fight!”

“Our Lin family… also fell…”

“Too disappointed! Too disappointed!”

In short, there are all kinds of exaggerated acting skills and lines. Don’t mention it, Lin Xiaochou, who was young and ignorant at the time, really believed it.

Dad Lin’s crit on Lin Chou’s young mind was much higher than the big tub he used to make fish balls after he made fish balls that did not meet his father’s standards.

Suddenly, he was very sad and remembered that it was said to be used to promote “excellent traditional culture” before the cataclysm, and often appeared in public toilets in alleys—the kind of tabloids that were stuck on the wall.

A section of a newspaper on a certain floor of the east wall of the public toilet at No. 2 in the middle section of Pythagorean Alley reads:

In the 1980s, people said that popular concerts ruined the next generation.

In the 1990s, people said that TV shows would ruin the next generation.

In this century, people say that video games will ruin the next generation.

However, it turns out that nothing will ruin the next generation, except the previous generation.

Lin Chou doesn’t care if there is any reason for this resentful argument. He just feels that his father-son relationship with Dad Lin is so ruined.

——Lin Chou, born out of Grandpa Lin’s “higher education” method, is really incompetent.

Although it doesn’t matter if I think about it now, the quarrels at that time seemed a bit warm and incomprehensible.

Of course, this is about using a horse spoon to critically hit Lin Chou on the head, a rolling pin to critically hit Lin Chou on the head, a fire stick to critically hit Lin Chou on the head, and the super giant tub used as fish balls to critically hit Lin Chou. When all kinds of behaviors such as the head are excluded–

Various critical strikes do not bring warmth, but only bruises or swelling.


The sack of balls…

Lin Chou suddenly felt that something was wrong!

The old man always uses wooden basins for fish balls, but I always use that iron basin…

At first, Lin Chou felt that Dad Lin’s use of the tub was out of humanitarian brilliance–

After all, every time after making fish balls, Dad Lin would crit on his head with a super giant tub as usual. If it is replaced with a super giant iron basin, it is estimated that all the grass growing on the head of Boss Lin’s grave will be able to cultivation to be refined by now. .

Now think about it, this is not humanitarian at all, hey, the difference between the wooden basin and the iron basin is huge!

Lin Chou gritted his teeth,

“It turns out that the difference in voice is waiting for me here…”

The trio of the research institute saw Lin Chou’s expression warm and happy for a while and hideously terrifying. They had no idea what was happening, and shivered with fright and hid away from the side.

Even in Mingguang, it seems that there is no formal punishment for mental illness injuries…

After Lin Chou smashed the fish mitten to his strength, he grabbed the plump fish balls one by one and then dropped them into the warm water.

The right water temperature will slowly turn the translucent and translucent meat on the surface of the fish ball into a white and flawless delicate “shell”. The water temperature must not be high. If the water temperature is high, the fish ball will lose its tender and juicy taste. At this time, the “boil” is just In order to shape the fish balls.

One by one, the fish balls jumped into the water pot one by one, Lin Chou didn’t rush or slow down.

When the minced fish in a small pot is held to one third, the maturity of the first fish balls inside and outside the pot is almost the same. The water temperature in the pot is always about half a hundred, and the fish balls will not be fully cooked.

Lin Chou washed his hands after grasping all the velvet mushrooms.

“Fish balls first.”

With that said, divide the liver smut on the sign among several people.”It’s done, eat this first, and then bake it will make you old.”

Pork liver is rougher, but it has a solid taste and rich taste, while the texture of chicken liver is much more delicate.

Both of them do not have the rich oil and fat of the expensive and famous foie gras before the cataclysm, so Lin Chou’s choice is to cook chicken liver and pork liver and mix them with wild lilies and then wrap them with lard net oil. Cook in the barbecue.

The liver mutton, which is locked in its own moisture and absorbed the gravy, is still relatively moist when it is taken out of the barbecue. After another roasting, the surface gradually becomes dehydrated. The net oil is tightened and then becomes grease or drips or infiltrates the liver. Smut surface.

In the end, what is left is only part of the veins of the net oil, so that each piece of liver mutton looks very much like stewed oily gluten.

Lin Chou sniffed it and took a bite.

“Sure enough, it doesn’t smell like a dog’s liver… Click…”

The elliptical liver has a shell less than half a centimeter thick on the surface, which is slightly hard, but brittle as it breaks.

The hot and moist content inside will spray out a lot of heat when the surface is cracked. In addition to the unique mellow of pig liver, there is also a hint of wild lily.

The entrance of the fully heated liver mud is dense and thick, and the tip of the tongue feels like ice and snow melting.

The diced wild lily in it looks more like an onion that has been sautéed softly and sugar-colored, but it tastes much crisper than an onion.

The three people in the research institute were very interested,

“Hey, this thing tastes pretty good!”

“It’s really delicious, what’s this thing called? Liver smut?”

“I heard Boss Lin meant using dog liver to make it more delicious…”

The three of them began to wonder about Lin Chou’s method of not even putting any seasonings, and finally came to the conclusion that cooking or technique> seasoning.

Lin Chou smiled happily, not being true to them.

Xiao Ba is already preparing to cook the fish balls and wild eggs together. Poached eggs in sour soup will be delicious. Of course, it would be even better if it is a heart-wrenching one.

Baal went back to the boat alone, tossing a few packages containing food.

“Eh, Lao Zheng, Xiao Ba, have you seen the few kilograms of noodles I brought, I remember I took it on the boat, why is it gone?”

Xiao Ba said without blushing or white,

“The three kilograms of noodles hidden behind the engine last month? I ate it last week!”

Baal: “…”

Are you special! Traitor! Pay your life!

The two twisted into a ball instantly, poke their noses and do everything, and the battle was fierce.

Old Zheng silently opened a small deck on the bow and took out a few packs of dried noodles from it, honest and honest.

“Boss Lin, can you cook the noodles too? That’s the stock. Two catties of fine noodles and four catties of thick noodles.”

Lin Shou is happy,

“Fish balls and noodles must be a perfect match, um, and poached eggs too!”

Remove the fish balls from the warm water pot and pass the cold water again to the sour soup, then put the noodles in the pot.

With the addition of dried noodles, the consistency of the soup is instantly ascending, and the aroma of wheat wafts out.

Lao Zheng held a few seasoning packets,

“The special product of our research institute, the concentrated soup bag, or else, this is sardine garlic flavor, this is sea bream and oyster flavor, this is pork shepherd’s purse…”

Lin Chou’s face changed with fright.

“Don’t don’t, thank you, take that thing away!”

He doesn’t want a pot of fish ball noodles in sour soup to turn into instant noodles.

“Do you like instant noodles so much? We in Yanhuishan have Kangshuaibo braised beef noodles from before the cataclysm, and Pen Mou is working hard to make spicy beef noodles. If you like it, our owner’s reputation guarantees. Absolutely the original authentic before the cataclysm, licensed!”

Old Zheng: “……”

Of course he had heard of the horrible instant noodles at 1,000 points.

Except for Shen Daru, who the fuck will eat? ?

The thick noodles were boiled for a while, and Lin Chou put the fine noodles in, and then beat wild eggs.

“Yes, it smells good.”

In this situation, even the low-priced dried noodles produced by the scientific research institute smell and feel much better than the loving hand-rolled noodles handcrafted by Lin Chou.

After all, the time, place, and belly capacity are all different.

Ten minutes later, the three people in the research institute lay down in front of the fire with their stomachs in their arms and yelled.

“Hit a hiccup~”

It was quite satisfying to eat this meal, and I felt that it could match the “life-saving grace” Lin XX owed them.

Xiao Bayi sighed.

“It’s a worthwhile trip, it’s worth it, it’s worth it.”

Lin Chou got up and left, Xiao Ba shouted,

“Hey, boss Lin, it’s almost dark this day, why are you going?”

Baal is more direct:

“Boss Lin, I heard that you have a superb ability to get lost. Let’s leave tomorrow morning. Don’t get lost…”

Lin Chou said with a black face,

“I’ll get something more, you are full, but I’m not full yet!”

Xiao Ba + Ba Li + Lao Zheng:


I admire the evolver too much, the evolver Wairui six, do they have as many delicious foods as possible?

Just thinking about it, I feel that the happiness index is going up crazy!

Big eyes and small stomachs can almost be said to be a common problem in addition to anorexia patients, eating and eating full, and the table full of good wines and dishes is still sending you an invitation to Yingyingyanyan. What a painful comprehension~

Soon, Lin Chou came back with a few red crabs.

Said, “I just ate fish balls and can’t continue to eat fish. There are just a few river crabs. It’s not bad to deal with it.”

This type of river crab is found in many lakes nearby. The difference from ordinary river crabs is that the fluff on its tongs is dark red.

Red hair crabs near Mingguang can shed their shells twice a year and are relatively large.

If they can survive the molting stage and the seed-holding stage, their lifespan is generally more than fifteen years, which is very long.

Of course, due to its size exceeding the standard, its meat is far less tender than ordinary mitten crabs, and it can even be said to be a bit rough, but the yellowish cream tastes the same.

Lin Chou didn’t bother to deal with it any more, and directly patted the red crab on the fire with only charcoal left.

Red hair crabs have a lot of water in their bodies. Roasting them upside down can effectively avoid water loss and collect water in the shell cover.

Xiao Ba obviously has never seen this kind of red hair crab.

“Well, this is from the river? It looks completely different from the red worm.”

Lin Chou was amused by this guy.

“This is a river crab, the red crab is in the sea, and the worst is also the confluence of salt and fresh water. How can the one that doesn’t take the edge grow into a look?”

Xiao Ba scratched his head,

“Oh, then this thing is a hairy crab~”

“Uh… be it.”

On weekdays, few people are extravagant enough to grill river crabs raw. The grilled cream does have a unique fragrance, but it wastes a lot of crab meat.

Because the crabs cannot be turned over once they are placed on the hot coals, there are many gaps under their abdomen. If too much water runs out, the crab meat inside will be more unbearable and easy to mash.


The surface of the red hair crab gradually turned into the same big red as the flame, and the color was full and attractive. The excess juice inside turned into a bubble gurgling from the gap, and the savory flavor of the crab was released together.

The crab aroma with its own pyrotechnic gas is an alternative attempt. It does not support salt or any materials. All you need is a pile of charcoal fire and a few crabs.

Xiao Ba burped again, and when he looked at his stomach, he was even more saddened than when he looked at his daughter-in-law’s unbelievable belly.

“Boss Lin, you said I get up and run a few laps around the lake now, can I still load my stomach?”

Lin Chou thought for a while,

“I don’t know if I can decorate it anymore, but I’m sure that I’m out of breath.”

Xiao Ba was speechless.

I think I have eaten so many things.


Lin Chou pulled the crab that was put in first from the fire, and broke it apart with a ruthless iron hand.


It was not Lin Chou who exclaimed, but Ba Li.

“Such a plentiful ointment!”

The golden and attractive crab paste covered almost every inch of the corner under the crab shell, covered with a thin gray-brown film, and it still looked like a complete crab shell.

Slightly burnt, with meat.

Lin Chou rubbed his hands, ignoring the heat, broke off a piece of crab paste and threw it into his mouth.


The crab paste was soft and sandy, and it melted like butter in the mouth, and the mouth was full of rich aroma.

In particular, the red-haired crab’s “huge” body compared to ordinary river crabs, combined with its yellowish cream, gives people a sense of satisfaction.

Lin Chou’s mouth was full of oil,

“Get more next time, go back and try some crab soup dumplings.”

Even Lin Chou was not lucky enough to encounter such precious and rare things as butter crabs, red hair crabs so full of cream, not including some crab soup dumplings, I’m sorry for this mouth.

“Wow~It’s hot~”

Lin Chou broke off a crab claw and snapped it into pieces, sucking the white flesh inside.

The three members of the Scientific Research Institute watched Lin Chou’s horribly horrible eating, each with a pack of tears in their eyes.

Are there tears in your eyes~

Xiao Ba “cries bitterly”,

“Woo… I want the fat family… don’t stop me… I want the fat family to find my mother…”

After struggling three times, his swollen belly restricted his mobility.

Xiao Ba is like a salted fish falling into the dust, unlovable.

“It’s not fair…unfair…”

Three people are in a dilemma.

Xiao Ba swallowed his saliva and asked hard,

“Boss Lin, is it Xiang?”

Lin Chou nodded for a while.

He put a crab in front of Xiaoba and Xiaoba’s three people, Xiaoba touched his stomach, his smile was very bitter.

Just as I was about to decline a few words, I listened to Lin Chou.

“Scent, don’t believe you smell it~!”

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