Chapter 1000

How should Lin Chou describe this feeling? Not only is it caused by flashing fonts, but he suddenly felt that his own head is like an old-fashioned host with a three-digit memory usage rate-saying that his system will not be like the legendary one. The most LOWB creature occupies the structure ah, why is it often the host daddy when it is unlucky? ?




A kind of rushing foot that has been caught in the back of the neck of fate spontaneously: the dog beep system, what did you do to daddy’s brain when you step on the horse!

Su Yourong and Big Breast Sister looked at each other, and added a haha ​​Wu Ke who was tortured by Ai You.

Several people asked cautiously,

“Boss (Brother Sorrow), what’s wrong with you??”

The worry on Wu Ke’s face didn’t mean anything false.

If something happens to Lin Chou, Wu Ke will starve to death on this mountain for you to watch it live in three days, no kidding!

Although Lin Moumou occasionally has some minor problems:

For example, suddenly thin to the skin and bones of a human shape, here talking and doing things often suddenly fall into a daze, and occasionally get nervous to do some inexplicable things and chat with things that don’t exist. You come and go. ..

However, there is no exaggeration this time!

You see, Lin Chou’s face is already so pale, there is an inexplicable weakness in his whole person from the inside out, but he clearly didn’t do anything!

Wu Ke was even wondering if Lin Chou had split into another personality like Shan Ye…

Lin Chou waved his hand,

“Cough, it’s okay, I suddenly dizzy, maybe, maybe I have a cold.”

Wu Ke: “…”

Dage, can we have a bit of ac count in our minds, relying on your old man’s strange strength, that can be called a magical physical fitness, catch a cold? !

How fresh~

Lin Chou dragged his body up the mountain,

“After eating, tidy up, don’t forget to bring your croissants back…I will go back and rest for a while… breakfast will be served tomorrow.”

Homestead tree hut.

Lin Chou slumped on the bed, his eyes glaringly round.

“The system is really getting more and more weird. Will the system die? I always feel that this shit system is likely to carry my trend of sneaking a dog at any time…”

“Eat the jujube pill so much. There is such a sick and delicate dog beep on the stall. It’s no matter if you don’t give benefits. Daddy has to worry about it if it’s okay…”

“Speaking of the intelligence value added by the system, it seems that it is all panel attributes. It is not at all fake. This product must have been targeted by the anti-counterfeiting office in the system industry.”

“Condemned by the gods? Humane destruction? What am I going to do?”

“Emmmm, is it really lack of energy or something else? God doesn’t give it a Giving face, and I don’t want to talk about Yuan Jingyu in the whole field.”

“How about… hurry up and finish those tasks?”

Lin Chou murmured in bed for an hour, and fell asleep amidst the howls of ghosts and wolves from the yingyingying of the snow dumpling boss who was sacrificed to the sky and Zhao Qingcang, the uncle of the warlock.

After Lin Chou fell into a deep sleep,

“Keep chuckle~”

A large number of fluffy things poured in from a crack in a door, and then gathered and expanded into a sphere with a diameter of more than one meter, standing by the bed silently “observing” Lin.

“Keep babble.”

Obviously there are no organs that are similar or roughly similar to “eyes”, but the hair balls that “stand” rolling around give people the feeling that they are “looking” at Lin Chou.

Suddenly, the hair ball used a mycelium-wrapped arm to pull out a smaller sphere from the ball-the size of a spiked tennis ball, roughly similar to a gray sea urchin, or a hand-made version of a hair ball skin sac. .

Mao Qiu put the wooden sea urchin on Lin Shou’s chest,


Squeeze hard.


Lin Chou’s clothes were torn, and the sharp thorns tore his skin together, causing a lot of blood to flow out.

Mao Qiu was anxious: “叽叽叽?!”

Lin Moumou frowned in his sleep and patted his chest casually.


The sea urchin was completely stuck in the palm of his hand, and several spikes had even come out from the back of his hand.

There is a kind of pain that hurts at all.

However, the strange thing was that Lin Chou didn’t seem to feel any pain, and his brows stretched out, and he slept deeper.

Mao Qiu rolled onto the bed, rolling around Lin Chou’s bloody hand, and said eagerly.

“Keep, chuckle!!”

sea ​​urchin:”……”

Under the tree of home, half a hillside.

The warlock yelled with his throat,

“Only the heron and eagle are singing faintly~”

Zhao Qingcang and the blind old man swelled up,

“Okay, sing well!”

The warlock was suddenly stunned.


Zhao Qingcang muttered dissatisfiedly,

“Eh what, why don’t you sing anymore, it’s disappointing.”

Uncle Warlock suddenly lifted his hood.

In the middle of two ferocious big horns a few meters high, a silver flame beauty with perfect lines appeared. Her attire was different from usual:

She wore a veil, her hair was curled up high, and the small toothbrush with a silver cup in her left hand and silver flames in her right hand, her cheeks bulging, and the gang apparently brushing her teeth.

Without the cover of the hood, the silver flame beauty who resembled Wei Qingyu suddenly met the hollow eye sockets of Zhao Qingcang and the blind old man.


The silver flame beauty’s eyes were filled with clever incomprehension and shyness, the toothbrush and mouthwash cup in her hand fell, her small mouth widened and her eyes became more and more frightened.


——In fact, there was no sound, which was automatically made up by Old Zhao.

Afterwards, a group of silver flames with a diameter of more than 20 meters fell silently on Zhao Qingcang’s face like a space jump.


Zhao Qingcang only had time to swear a word, and was slapped into the mud by the silver flame pattern.


How high is the temperature of the silver flame…

Even if there is a real temperature, it is impossible to perceive it, but Lao Zhao and the blind old man are like being ironed on the ground from beginning to end by an iron, and they are honestly embedded in the ground, smooth as a mirror.

Moreover, the blind old man and Zhao Qingcang suddenly discovered that they were like sweet potatoes growing in the sky.

For the time being, there was no way to think reasonably, let alone a finger move, and even the heartbeat stopped.

The flame ball bounced like a balloon, and floated higher and higher until it disappeared into the yellow clouds.

After finishing all this, the silver flame beauty rolled her arms and net sleeves, and directed a hearty set of martial arts punches to the spiritual head of the uncle Warlock, which exploded into a ball of flames with angrily, wrapped around the two giant horns without moving. NS.

Of course, the warlock who was still in a daze didn’t realize that he had just been “beaten”.

He scratched his head frantically,

“No! Wake up? How did it get out?”

Because the uncle Warlock suddenly found that the hair ball in his “Sleeve Qianlong” and the “skin” that was bigger than a mountain suddenly disappeared.

Gul’dan is on, this is not reasonable at all!

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