Chapter 999

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of oils used in fried rice, lard adds coriander oil to add color.

For example, fried rice with eggs, use rapeseed oil to fry the dazzling golden color.

But when Lin Chou came up with the third oil, Wu Ke was a little bit intolerable.

“Brother Sorrow, are you preparing oily rice…”

Lin Chou sighed.

The third type of oil was collected when the hazel chicken was just roasted, not much, not more than half.

These orange-yellow chicken fat has a little barbecue smell, the smell is divergent, and coupled with the fresh fragrance of the chicken fat itself, it is conceivable that it is not only used for fried rice, I am afraid that the taste of any green vegetables will not be bad.

Two words: Be careful.

But it’s hard to imagine that Bazhen fried rice was actually not originally called “Bazhen”, which sounds extremely extravagant, and there are not many people who even know this fried rice, only some survivors in northern China. Many areas have only a little reputation, but they are almost as street food but not in the elegant hall.

Lin Chou clapped his hands and said in a daze.

“Ahhhhh… I forgot an important seasoning…”

Bazhen fried rice uses light and delicate ingredients. When it first appeared, it was cooked with light-dried seafood from the south and treasures from the mountains and forests self-collected in the north. But in fact, its taste is mainly based on taking care of the Jinren and Manchu people. So Lin Chou himself subconsciously ignored some important seasonings.

——Bazhen fried rice is actually spicy!

And this spiciness is not the spiciness of chili that is usually accepted by modern people. Its source of spiciness is the moxa oil that has almost completely escaped the big stage of the Chinese kitchen.

“Compendium of Materia Medica” records: “The cornus is pungent and bitter. The natives (here “the natives” refer to the area of ​​Hubei, Sichuan) harvested in August, mashed and filtered the juice, mixed with lime, and the name was wormwood oil. Spicy rice oil has a spicy taste and is used in food.”

Yes, it is true that Ai Oil is made from cornel.

“Qi Min Yao Shu” records: “Eating cornel, planted in February and March, is suitable for the high dry place of the dyke of the ancient city, when it is opened, it will be collected. Hang it on the wall of the house to make the shade dry. Smoky, smoking is bitter but not pungent. When it is used, it can be used to remove the sunspots, and the fish in the meat sauce is cheap to use.”

In China’s long history of thousands of years, Zhuyu has played a very important role in spicy fragrance and is the main source of the “spicy” in the six flavors.

However, since most of the cornus is wild, it is not easy to pick and the processing procedures are more complicated. After the introduction of pepper from America to China, the cornus gradually disappeared from people’s sight after it gradually evolved from an ornamental plant to being used as a condiment.

The scent of cornel is very special, spicy and strong. Both the leaves and the fruit can be used as seasoning.

This thing is also called red thorn tree (green onion). The branches are distributed with tumor-like thorns, and even birds don’t dare to perch on it, so it is called “birds do not step on”.

As soon as I heard that Lin Chou was going to go to Zhuyu for doing what he did, Wu Ke was so frustrated that he whispered–the last time Lin Moumou said this, Young Master Sikong was almost depressed to death by the hot pepper oil. Haven’t come out of the psychological shadow yet.

Cornel, the spicy oil made by this name is definitely not a gentle master~

Brother dare to ask if you have ever heard a poem-one less dogwood is inserted all over! !

If you leave it here, just say you panic or not? Just ask if you are afraid?

“If the undergraduate understands it correctly, this is simply the ancient version of death on the spot,” Wu Ke thought involuntarily and then let go for a while, “Shan pepper oil is awesome, why is there no poem written about it… . So it’s still cruel to say that the cornwood… is a waste… No… Actually I want to say… wolf fire…”

Red thorns onions are not rare at all, in a warm climate like Mingguang, right? The four seasons are like a dormant~!

It’s normal to grow dogwoods. There are no trees, grass, or shrubs in the Zushan Mountain. It’s only if you can’t think of it, you can’t see it, okay.

Several people watched Lin Chou pluck the leaves and small green and red fruits from a tree full of thorns, put them in a wooden mortar, and sprinkle some suspicious white powder in them from time to time. , I couldn’t help panicking in my heart——

What’s more, this is just fried rice, shall we panic?

After a while, Lin Chou came back happily, holding a small bowl in his hand with a clear and invisible ointment.

“Smell it, it’s quite fragrant.”

This is time-processed with a hot air box. There is definitely not enough scent of mugwort oil produced by cold pressing and a lot of time, but it is enough at this time.

Wu Ke gritted his teeth and said with difficulty,

“Well, it’s really fragrant, it should be… it goes well with Sanhe Soup…”

Lin Chou was dumbfounded, and said suspiciously,

“It seems that you have some own ideas about this moxa oil!”Lin Chou sniffed the scent of mugwort oil very seriously,

“It looks like this taste… it seems worth a try…”

“But the current moxa oil is still too rough and rudimentary. Maybe it can be refined someday…”

Wu Ke snapped his own face.

When I thought that Young Master Sikong had a hot flash and had to come here to drink Sanhe Soup one day, he was pleasantly surprised to find that apart from the mountain pepper oil, Lin Chou had found a new taste that completely abused him.


I’m afraid that Wu Ke will really be one less person.

Lin Chou clearly saw what Wu Ke was thinking, and his expression was very happy.

Heat the lard in a pan, then pour it out, add the rapeseed oil to heat.

Rapeseed oil is good at any point, whether it is oil color or taste, the catch is that the smoke is choking.

Stir-fry the diced ham in the pot until the color changes, then add the dried red onion and green rice.

No matter what kind of fried rice, you can’t get rid of the word fried. When the heat is in place, you can cook a pot of good rice.

When it is accurate, it is very complicated and complicated, and it is especially simple to fry. As long as the rice starts to smell, it is put into the pot according to the degree of difficulty of maturity of the side dishes, and the final seasoning is a little bit to ensure that the vegetables are crisp and refreshing.

Pour a little deer blood before it is out of the pot, and when the rice becomes steamy and dry again, you are done.

Su Yourong: “It’s over?”

Lin Chou shook his head quickly, very seriously.

Quickly took a mouthful of the jar, which was filled with yellow chicken soup, and there was still a hazel chicken skeleton faintly floating.

After touching the can, Lin Chou said to himself.

“Well, between seventy-five and eighty degrees, the time is just right.”

I took a few small quail eggs and beat them, added chicken oil and moxa oil while stirring into the old hen chicken soup, a bowl of egg liquid instantly became a golden brown, thick oil red sauce and glutinous soup.


Wu Ke thinks this trick is a bit powerful, and he can definitely learn it.

Lin Chou said,

“The final topping of the famous dish Bazhen Deer Blood Cake is the broth made from those kinds of lightly dried seafood and the egg liquid made with the old hen chicken soup. The truth is exactly the same.”

Lin Chou found out a few flat plates, spread a thin layer on each plate of the prepared soup, and then filled the fried rice with a bowl, pressed it upside down on the plate and then removed the bowl.

“You Rong helped me sprinkle a little chopped green onion and chopped water celery on each plate of fried rice.”


Thick golden gorgon juice, deep purple fried rice, crystal clear green onion chopped water celery, everything on the plate is like the setting sun immersed in golden clouds.

Well, the fried rice by the campfire suddenly looked a little grand.

If you don’t consider the basic composition of this dish, Wu Ke has already shaken off the big setter of the cheeks, but there is deer blood and moxa oil in it…

“It’s really embarrassing for loneliness~”

Big breasted sister snatched Wu Ke’s fried rice,

“Don’t eat if you are in trouble, Lord Blood God just doesn’t have enough to eat.”

Wu Ke scrambled back to grab,

“Don’t tell me, just go ahead and sing to taste. If it’s enough for the elderly, then how much rice should be fried.”

He wailed twice, shaking his legs with disdain.

Wu Ke: “???”

What is it talking about, why I feel like I’m despised.

Lin Chou said,

“Gangong means that it is insignificant compared to the one hanging on it to worship the sky. It does not judge heroes by body size. It admires Yingyingying very much.”

Wu Ke scratched his head,

“Uh… how about… give the snow dumpling boss a bowl too?”

Su Yourong nodded repeatedly,

“Yes, yes, yes, thanks to the snowman, I can make a snowman with Master Gungun these days!”

Lin Chou thought for a while,

“Forget it, Lao Zhao and Uncle Warlock are both in front. Our fried rice is not enough for internal distribution.”

Several people suddenly stopped talking.

It’s a bit scary to think about the members present today. The big stomach king of Ming Guangshu seems to have gathered in Yanhui Mountain without knowing it.

Wu Ke: “Haha, eat and eat!”

The rice is the smell of snatching, Wu Ke is also considered a courageous person. Without raising his head or opening his eyes, he snorted a bite of rice and pulled it into his mouth.


Unexpectedly, the first thing that was passed on to his tongue was not the flavor of various spices or seafood, but deer blood.

Wu Ke didn’t know how to describe the taste of deer blood. He searched the intestines for a long time. He thought that the taste of deer blood was actually similar to the feeling of steamed pure chicken blood being fried in a big iron pan. It’s more like, very fragrant, very strong, but it definitely doesn’t have the wild and harsh smell.

Wu Ke licked his lips.

“This blood smells a bit fragrant. I never thought that deer blood had this smell.”

The others nodded.

Lin Chou disagrees.

“There is still some deer blood left in that basin. How about you taste the taste of deer blood?”

There was nothing left of Face to Wu Ke—the deer blood had gone through so many procedures, and the original flavor that could be left was actually very small.

If it weren’t for adding some raw deer blood to stir-fry at the end, Wu Ke might not be able to taste the taste of deer blood at all.

Wu Ke was still wondering what the smell of deer blood really was, and the overbearing fragrance of wormwood oil had already begun to explode.

The corners of his mouth are a little woody, his lips are a little numb, but the tongue feels a bit of cool breeze, and the whole face starts to get hot.

“Fuck… what kind of spicy taste is this… this is too weird…”

Wu Ke continued to chew, the special scent of rice fragrant deer blood and the fresh scent of various seafood bloomed in his mouth at the same time. The colorful taste that has been integrated is like a private party in his mouth. The meat is soft and soft. Crisp, the enthusiasm in it can infect everything.

Especially when the tip of the tongue touches the rice grains that are soaked in the soup at the bottom of the plate,


Wu Ke’s eyes are full of light, brighter,

“It makes no sense!”

“This fried rice is so delicious that there are no friends!”

“Why doesn’t it shine? Such delicious egg fried rice should shine! After eating it, you will add special effects *10086!”

Lin Chou looked at him faintly,

“Don’t beep, your exaggerated expression is so angry.”

Su Yourong relentlessly contemptuously said,

“Wet Tiger didn’t want to charge you any money, too fake!”

Wu Ke immediately bowed his head and ate silently, assuming that nothing happened just now.

In one second, a normal person can probably deliver rice from a bowl to his mouth, or chew if he moves fast.

As for Kungun, Lin Chou only heard a few “kachakacha” sounds, and Master Kungun had already begun to dance.

Twist left, twist right.

Twist right, twist left.

Tigers and tigers are majestic and majestic.

This is the Queen’s way for Master Gungun to express satisfaction with food. It can’t be imitated even if one million circulation points are given to others.

——Emmm, if you can make this kind of soft movement with a huge body made of six balls, you still have to worry about that small one million?

Sister Big Breast took off most of the rice from the plate a few times, stretched out her hand, and muttered to You Rong,

“Um… Yourong peel me a clove of garlic, thank you.”


The big breasted sister swiftly results in garlic cloves,


After taking a few more mouthfuls of rice, fine sweat immediately came out on his forehead.

Lin Chou asked with a smile,

“How is it, is it delicious?”

Big breasted sister nodded, and said to her boss very sincerely,

“Boss, this is the best thing you have ever made!”

Lin Chou: “…”

Not this handsome, but he has cooked so many dishes! Are you complimenting me or scolding me?

Lin Chou hadn’t eaten the food on his plate, and suddenly it went dark in front of him, and he couldn’t see anything.


I knock… this meal… there won’t be any hell side effects again…

For a long time,

“Fuck, the screen is black?”

The system turns the subtitles into flash,

“Dip, the energy reserve of this system is about to run out, and the technical error is still within an understandable range. Please don’t beep, thank you.”

Lin Chou: “Fuck!”

This damn boss will make up for you first, and then take the taxi and roll, thank you.

“Di, congratulations to the host for making the recognized dish Bazhen Fried Rice (uncompleted version).”

“This dish is an unfinished version due to the limitation of basic ingredients. In addition, [Buryat Steamed Buns] has already occupied the quota of unfinished dishes, so this dish will not be added to the system’s additional attribute skills for the time being.

Skills: Jade broken tiles, rabbit and fox sad.

Effect: unknown, unknown. ”

“I hope that the host will continue to work hard to complement the recipe preparation method with more reasonable and system-approved raw materials, and the system will not hesitate to reward this…”

System: “Fuck… Why is the screen black again… Said…”

After the system shut down, Lin Chou almost fell to the ground.

Boss Lin yelled in disregard of his image, with a loud voice.

“Am I pretty? You have a black screen from beginning to end, okay… hiss… my head is so dizzy…”

The flash subtitles produced by the dog beep system are so exciting.

Lin Chou felt that his own brain was boiling, bubbling.

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