"What you do is anti-human!"

"You will be punished"

The short, stocky man died before he even finished the last sentence.

Qin Feng looked at his body and sneered: "I'm waiting for the day when I get my retribution."

Ten seconds later, a new zombie was born, and it stood up and wanted to bite Qin Feng.

Qin Feng waved a steel bar and knocked out the zombie's head. He threw it away and the steel bar made a dull click on the ground.

The burning zombie corpses lying on the ground also lost their flames. Qin Feng counted and found that there were only nine zombie corpses.

He patted the space parcel that he had been carrying with him and pocketed the nine killed zombie corpses and the zombie corpses transformed from human corpses, a total of 37 corpses.

"Wow, this is really a remote place," Qin Feng scratched his head, "It's been a long time, and there are only about thirty zombies. Are you just sending them away to beggars?"

After complaining, Qin Feng still focused his attention on the place where the short and stocky man died just now.

The man said that he was informed of his arrival by radio?

Qin Feng frowned. The person who made the broadcast was definitely not him.

Then who will make the broadcast? And he also said that there is someone here who can help?

Who posted it?

Qin Feng thought for a moment and remembered the helicopter with red dots flashing over his head yesterday, and the team that came to dig up his cemetery and brought mutated zombies with them.

He didn't think it was that simple.

Those people were dead and speechless. But that helicopter

It was probably the people on it who spread the news.

Oh, if you have such a feng shui treasure land, you don't occupy it yourself. Instead, you broadcast a notification to others to grab it.

What is this idea and mentality?

Qin Feng's eyes were full of gloom. After a while, he raised his head and sneered: "Oh, it seems that someone is interested in the cemetery. I can't bear to do it. I want these people to rush to the street and die first."

Two groups of people came today, and even though there were only four of them, they were killed instantly.

But Qin Feng felt that more people would come here soon.

It seems that he won't be able to go out for a while, and will have to wait here for those people to fall into the trap.

He doesn't care about those who know what's interesting and leave.

But whoever dares to break in, don't blame him for being ruthless.

This is not Notre Dame, and there is no reason and will not admit any survivors, except those he wants to let in.

Qin Feng sneered and turned around and entered the cemetery.

With the clue of the broadcast, Qin Feng went back and searched for a long time among the things he had plundered from the villa.

Found a scrapped radio, the battery still worked, but some of the components were broken.

I took it and tinkered with it a few times. After all, what could I do if I was a top student in my previous life?

Turn the channel knob, and the sizzling sound will come out from inside.

Qin Feng slowly adjusted the channel and finally heard the so-called broadcast on the 75 Hz channel.

This broadcast has a standard broadcasting tone, and it also has a work number, making it sound like an official one.

"Attention, attention, all survivors of the apocalypse, attention."

"We found that a cemetery in the outer suburbs of Hongteng City has a good defense system and a large amount of supplies inside. It is absolutely safe. I repeat, absolutely safe."

"All survivors can be accommodated there, but the number is limited. Survivors who are still looking for a place to stay are asked to go to the Red Vine City Cemetery."

These words kept repeating, and Qin Feng felt a little headache.

Just when he was about to raise his hand to turn off the radio, he said something else again.

"Someone just sent word that there are zombies in the cemetery on the outskirts of Hongteng City, but there are no zombies in the cemetery."

"As long as you go in, it's absolutely safe. Repeat, as long as you go in, it's absolutely safe."

"But now a group of people has occupied it. All survivors, please bring weapons for self-defense."

"In the last days, human hearts are more dangerous than zombies."

Qin Feng paused and took his hand back quietly.

"The report is so fast, what is the origin of that helicopter?" Qin Feng murmured, "Does it have anything to do with the people who came to dig the cemetery? Are they all from the company with the twisted logo?" "

Qin Feng raised his hand and turned off the radio and threw it aside.

It doesn't matter what is being announced or how many people are coming.

No one can rob the cemetery, and no one can enter without his permission.

For the next few days, life in the cemetery was quiet.

Qin Feng gets up early every day, eats, decorates the Bloody Villa one by one with everything in the villa, and then goes to bed, repeating the process over and over again.

Qin Feng didn't seem to be affected by the broadcast at all.

He also found fresh ingredients among the buried supplies, and Qin Feng was in a good mood and even cooked a dish.

When I had time, I even had a cemetery tango with Xiaotong.

It doesn't look like someone is facing a huge enemy and all their belongings are being cared about.

No survivors came back.

First, the zombie virus has been breaking out in Hongteng City for a long time, and there are not many survivors.

Second, the radio said that there are defensive measures in a cemetery. How many people can believe this?

Third, the cemetery is located in the suburbs, with no village or shop in front of it. It is basically impossible to get through without complete preparations.

Not many people dared to try it. Those who tried it were bitten by zombies within a few steps without good protection.

So basically those who come here are long-distance convoys.

Everyone spent three difficult months trying to survive in search of the so-called safe areas that officials said were safe.

But along the way, if you don't reach a safe area, you will either be bitten to death by zombies or starved to death.

Or, you will be killed by your own compatriots.

Zombies can at least be prevented.

Without food, water, or even self-defense guns, ammunition, knives, etc., they are all fatal.

Especially food and water.

In the three months of the outbreak, many stores in cities were robbed, and the survivors ignored their usual face and morality.

They fought for their lives to grab food.

Without food, they would be on the verge of death in a week at most.

Starting from this three-month period, this doomsday catastrophe wiped out another batch of humans.

Qin Feng didn't have to worry about this, because he had enough supplies to last for more than half a year.

Moreover, he would have enough supplies after burying the zombies.

There was no need to worry about food and drink.

The only thing he might worry about was that there would be no more zombies to kill in the future, and the supplies would probably be useless.

And just as Qin Feng sat on the steps of the bloody villa, watching Xiaotong throw the zombies into the grave.

There was a commotion outside, and Qin Feng stood up immediately.

Well, I've been waiting for several days, and it's finally here.

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