Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 83 I won't save anyone

The young couple was still immersed in extreme regret, hatred and sadness, but they had to follow the short and strong man to escape.

Behind them, the zombies were coming.

The young couple had no tools in their hands. Their daughter had just died. They ran with tears in their eyes and looked at the short and strong man at a distance.

"Kill him!"

"Revenge for my daughter!"

"Isn't this cemetery absolutely safe? Why are there still zombies!"

"It must be the people who manage this cemetery who lied to us, damn it! Trash."

The three of them ran to the cemetery.

Dozens of zombies lay on the sea of ​​red flowers, as if someone had arranged them carefully.

The huge black willow tree swayed its branches without any leaves in the wind, like tentacles.

The green fog wall that looked like fog and fire surrounded the whole place, surrounded by a tall door.

The first time they saw the cemetery, they were all shocked. What kind of scene was this?

But then they realized that this should be what was said on the radio.

A place that is absolutely safe and has abundant supplies.

Otherwise, what are these things?

Otherwise, how to explain the corpses of zombies on the ground?

It must be safe inside! It must be the best place to live!

But at this time, the short and strong man who had been rushing in front stopped and looked at the door in front of him with a serious look.

In fact, his original job was a corpse carrier in the funeral home, and he had been to this cemetery many times.

After the outbreak of the zombie virus, he has been hiding in the funeral home and eating sacrifices.

For three months, he has eaten all the moldy things, and even ate maggots to survive.

When he heard the news on the radio yesterday that this cemetery is an excellent place to survive, he was ready to commit suicide.

His first reaction to the news was also a sneer.

Has he never been to this cemetery? There is nothing here, except dead people.

However, after putting down the knife for suicide, he thought about it carefully and decided to come out and fight.

So he rushed over in his car, and the car broke down halfway, so he got out and ran.

But he didn't expect that the cemetery would become like this now.

It's not a normal defense system at all. It's more like purgatory than a defense system.

He has worked in a place like a funeral home for a long time and believes everything.

So he stopped. There must be something fishy about this door. Look at it, it looks like it's soaked in blood.

The young couple didn't know what was going on. They ran to the cemetery hand in hand.

"Quick, push the door in quickly, the zombies are coming."

"Don't let that man in, let him be bitten to death, my daughter!"

Without saying a word, he pushed the door hard.

However, in the next second, the man's big hand directly touched the thing that looked like a layer of blood putty.

Blue flames suddenly burst out from the crack of the door and directly swallowed the two people holding hands!

"Ah!!!" The two screamed in pain.

The short and strong man exclaimed and stepped back immediately.

He tripped over a stone behind him and fell to the ground with a plop.

In just one or two seconds, the two people who were alive just now were directly blown into countless pieces of flames by the blue flames.

At this time, the zombies behind him just arrived.

Countless pieces of flames splashed directly onto the zombies, and the blocks of blue flames were like a torch that set the prairie on fire, directly setting two or three zombies behind.

All the zombies that were splashed with corpses were set on fire.

The short and strong man was frightened by the scene in front of him, and he collapsed there, trembling all over.

However, he could not be afraid at this time.

The zombies that were concentrated by the rubble and now surrounded by the sea of ​​fire were only one or two of them.

After the remaining three or four zombies arrived, they rushed directly to the only living person.

The short and strong man quickly got up, his crotch was already wet, but he still picked up the steel bar and kept waving it.

He retreated and fought at the same time.

However, he was just an ordinary person, although he was very strong, but after all, he had consumed too much.

How could he resist the repeated attacks of the zombies?

He was getting more and more tired.

The speed and power of the steel bar in his hand were getting weaker and weaker.

At this time, the nearest zombie suddenly pounced on him.

The short and strong man shouted loudly, raised his hand and pierced the zombie's eyeball with the steel bar, which went straight through the back of his head.

The zombie fell down with a low roar, taking away the short and strong man's only self-defense tool.

The second zombie pounced on him immediately, and the short and strong man's arm was bitten instantly.

With a tearing sound, a large piece of flesh and blood was taken away by the zombie, revealing the blood-red muscles and burst blood vessels inside.

The short and strong man groaned in pain, and he was no longer able to resist.

Let the zombie pounce on him and bite him.

At this moment, a tall figure appeared behind the zombie.

Qin Feng looked at the scene in front of him, frowned, and pulled the steel bar out from the face of the zombie who fell to the side.

He walked over and swept the remaining three zombies.

The short and strong man could already feel his body being bitten by those teeth, cracking, skin and flesh being torn, tendons and bones being broken.

But the next second, these zombies made a popping sound behind them.

Then they all fell to the ground, and a handsome man appeared in front of him.

"Are you still alive?" Qin Feng asked without emotion.

"I" the short and stocky man was actually only bitten on his limbs, not his neck. He spoke in a fairly clear voice, "I'm still alive, save me! I can still be saved!"

Qin Feng looked at the short and stocky man and couldn't help but sneer.

He saw everything that happened just now.

The little girl who was thrown into the pile of zombies, and the young couple who were designed to run at the front.

Qin Feng didn't sympathize with those people. After all, they were all here to steal his territory.

However, it is enough to prove the character of the man in front of him.

Still want him to save people?

"Then let me ask you a few questions." Qin Feng asked.

Before the stocky man could react, he had been bitten by a zombie and would not survive. He thought the man in front of him was going to save him and just wanted him to answer some questions.

So, he quickly said: "Ask, ask quickly."

"Why do you know there is a cemetery here where people can live? How come you are so familiar with this cemetery?" Qin Feng asked.

"I used to be a corpse bearer at a funeral parlor," the short and stocky man said, "I come here often, so I'm familiar with it."

"Then why do you know that people can live here in the cemetery?" Qin Feng asked patiently.

"The radio said, please help me, please help me," the short and stocky man begged hoarsely.

Qin Feng looked at him coldly and smiled: "I never save people who have nothing to do with me."

"You are going to die and you don't save people? When you see an injured person like me and you don't save them, do you still have a conscience?"

Qin Feng snorted coldly and leaned against a tree to wait for the man to turn into a zombie: "How dare you come to my cemetery and want to go in and enjoy my things. If I don't kill you, I already have a conscience."

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