Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 197 Are these zombies committing suicide?

Zombies, the three of them are very familiar with them.

"Are these ordinary zombies?" Chu Rou was a little surprised at the two halves of the corpse on the ground.

Mutated zombies usually cut out many different things, such as green and yellow water, the flames just now, etc.

However, this one is just like an ordinary zombie, with organs and intestines mixed with white brains and bright red blood and shattered all over the ground.

Chen Qiaoying frowned and kicked over the half head of the zombie lying on the ground.

"It doesn't look like there is any obvious mutation," Chen Qiaoying said, "I can even feel its zombie veins."

Qin Feng nodded, but if there is no obvious mutation.

The speed just now, the wind blown by this zombie was very fierce.

This must not be the so-called ordinary zombie.

The black flame barrier faded in just two or three seconds, and Qin Feng and others saw the zombie in front of them clearly.

The roar of uh uh uh, ho ho ho, made Qin Feng seem to have returned to the time when he first came to this world.

Too common, this voice is heard too often.

However, the more common it is, the more alert Qin Feng feels.

His intuition tells him that these zombies in front of him are not simple.

"If that's the case," Chen Qiaoying adjusted to the zombie form, "leave these zombies to me."

Activating the commander skill, Chen Qiaoying rushed towards the zombies.

However, it seemed that only a part of them was fixed, and most of them were motionless, still roaring.

One of the zombies was not controlled and rushed towards Chen Qiaoying.

The speed was very fast, but the power was very weak.

This power was so weak that Chen Qiaoying could directly hold the heart of the zombie with a poke, squeeze and pull hard, and the purple-black heart was pulled out.

The zombie fell to the ground in response.

Chen Qiaoying threw the heart in her hand away, and black blood dripped from her fingertips.

"What?" Chu Rou rolled her eyes. "It's so simple. This underground city is really half-baked. Nothing has been built."

"Just these zombies are not enough for me to kill. Come on, Chen Qiaoying, I'll do it!"

Just as Chu Rou was about to take a step forward, Qin Feng immediately grabbed her and said, "Don't move. It's not that simple."

Chu Rou looked up and saw that Qin Feng's expression was very serious under the dim light, with his brows furrowed.

She didn't dare to move immediately, and her eyes became serious.

The second zombie also rushed over, and unlike the first one, this time he was faster and rushed straight towards Chen Qiaoying.

However, when Chen Qiaoying raised her hand, she was about to do the same as the previous zombie.

Poke through the flesh and grab the heart.

However, just when Chen Qiaoying raised her hand and was about to hold it, the zombie turned!

Chen Qiaoying turned around and scratched again, and with a sound of "sla", she pulled out the zombie's head and threw it on the ground.

It was still killed instantly.

"What!?" Chu Rou was subconsciously shocked. This zombie avoided Chen Qiaoying's attack?

Before Chu Rou finished speaking, the third zombie rushed up

After repeating over and over again, the two people watching the battle and the two people fighting gradually saw the problem.

These zombies are more powerful than each other, so they can avoid Chen Qiaoying's attack?

Qin Feng frowned and looked for a long time, thinking: "It is true!"

"Qin Feng," Chu Rou said with a trembling voice, looking at the zombies that were entangled with Chen Qiaoying for longer and longer, "These zombies are very wrong."

Qin Feng nodded and said: "These zombies have learning skills."

He looked at the scene in front of him and said: "The first zombie attacked Chen Qiaoying and was killed by Chen Qiaoying's heart."

"The second zombie knew how to avoid Chen Qiaoying's actions, but was grabbed by Chen Qiaoying and killed by pulling out his head."

"The third zombie avoided the first two ways of being attacked. We can only use the third method to kill him."

As soon as Qin Feng said it, Chu Rou understood the general idea.

A person's attack methods are limited, but these more than one hundred zombies, nearly two hundred zombies, must be fought with two hundred different moves.

And they must be fatal injuries, but the zombies can only be killed by beheading, piercing the heart, or being completely destroyed.

As long as zombies rush over one by one, the zombies behind will learn skills and dodge skills.

And this skill is accumulated, not single.

Then, they may not be able to beat the last one, or the last few zombies.

"Chen Qiaoying can still kill now," Qin Feng said, "Don't go up first, let her kill zombies well. If you go now, it will give them the opportunity to learn double skills."

"Okay," Chu Rou was slightly worried. Although Chen Qiaoying was the zombie king, she had never encountered these perverted zombies in front of her, "I understand."

The fighting scene in front of them was really getting more and more intense. Chen Qiaoying's killing speed was getting faster and faster, and the speed at which those zombies rushed towards Chen Qiaoying was also getting faster and faster.

Countless broken pieces of corpses flew up and down, and black blood stained all the clothes on Chen Qiaoying's body in the center of the battle scene.

Although they were still fighting calmly, Qin Feng and Chu Rou both found that Chen Qiaoying was getting more and more exhausted.

And those zombies continued to rush towards Chen Qiaoying, but they had no interest in the two of them.

"If this continues, Chen Qiaoying will probably die of exhaustion," Chu Rou said worriedly, "We have to think of a solution."

Qin Feng also knew that this was not a solution.

He said, "Protect yourself, I'll go help her."

"Okay, be careful." Chu Rou said, retreating to look for a gun to see if he could deal with these seemingly ordinary but extraordinary zombies.

Qin Feng drew out the black flame golden knife, and a huge black flame rushed up.

He was thinking that if he learned one move at a time, he could make these zombies stronger.

It would be better to kill them all at once at the beginning.

Learn? You have to have a chance too.

However, just when Qin Feng was about to rush to Chen Qiaoying and fight side by side with her.

A huge impact force flew from the side.

A black shadow hit Qin Feng directly with a bang.

It took Qin Feng all the way to the wall on the side, and the whole underground city shook instantly, and dust flew.

"Qin Feng!"

"Qin Feng!"

Qin Feng was hit into the wall by the black shadow, with great force, and it would definitely be shattered to pieces if it were someone else.

But Qin Feng was different, he was not injured or killed.

Instead, he used the black flame to hold it up, preventing it from pressing him into the wall.

"Uh uh uh, ho ho ho"

The thing in front of him was definitely a zombie.

But the zombie's voice was so hoarse, a bit like someone scratching their throat to make a sound.

At this time, a prompt sound came from his mind:

[Host is detected to be in an extremely dangerous state]

[Fearless state activated, sensory enhancement activated]

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes. This black shadow pressing him was more troublesome than those zombies with learning skills.

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