Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 196 There are other zombies here!

Throughout the space, green flames and black flames were flying everywhere.

Flame fragments splashed out everywhere. If it weren't for the blood curtain, Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou would be like the surrounding stone walls.

Big holes were made one after another by this high-temperature, seemingly invisible flame.

The black flame is no longer as sharp as a blade or an arrow.

Instead, they were like hammers and iron ropes, constantly thrown towards the flaming zombies.

Bang bang bang, a constant sound of blows.

However, it was impossible to maintain it with just a few, so Qin Feng exploded with more black flames and attacked the flaming zombies.

Amid the blood curtain, Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying were protected and safe.

The two of them observed the battle scene in front of them through a layer of bright red blood.

Seeing Qin Feng fighting zombies with ease, Chu Rou couldn't help but jump up, applaud, and shout.

But Chen Qiaoying's face was solemn and her brows were furrowed.

She activated her commanding skill at this time to help Qin Feng contain the zombies.

But it was difficult. Even if her control broke through the layer of green flames, she could only control it for a few seconds.

The fire on these zombies immediately engulfed her consciousness.

Therefore, I can only watch Qin Feng fighting the zombies alone.

The flames on Qin Feng's body are inexhaustible, but controlling those black flames requires a lot of mental power.

For Qin Feng, the consumption of mental power is huge.

Especially connect the mental power, and immediately cut off the mental power control and cut off the black flame before the green flames rush to the black flames.

This kind of stripping away takes a lot of effort.

And it's not just controlling one or two black flames, but hundreds and thousands of black flames. The attack power and attack trajectory of each black flame must be accurately calculated.

This is not a consumption of mental control that ordinary people can imagine.

For Qin Feng who has just adapted to mental control, this should be an extraordinary performance.

However, it had a miraculous effect, and soon, the green fire that connected like a curtain on these flame zombies was "cracked".

Some parts of the zombie's body have been damaged by Qin Feng, and there are gaps in the flames!

"It has a miraculous effect!" Chen Qiaoying couldn't help but exclaimed. At this time, the purple blood vessels on her body swelled sharply, the whites of her eyes gradually increased, and her commander's skills were perfect.

He attacked the zombies directly through the gaps in the flames. In an instant, almost all the zombies stopped.

"I can't control it for too long," Chen Qiaoying shouted, "Qin Feng, hurry up!"

Qin Feng reached back and pulled out the Black Flame Golden Knife at this time. With his blessing, the black flame on the Black Flame Golden Knife grew exponentially.

Black fire started a prairie fire.

The black flames that were originally as thick as a thumb suddenly became thicker, bigger, and more powerful.

One after another, black flames were like soft but hard iron rods waving in the air. Bang bang bang, aiming at the places that Qin Feng had opened before that were not disturbed by the green flames.

"One, two, three." Qin Feng took a deep breath, "It's done."

He crossed his swords and slashed downwards, and the black fire formed a huge cross in the air.

He rushed towards the zombies who were immobilized by Chen Qiaoying with great force.


There was a loud noise, and the green flames were hit by Qin Feng's black fire.

The sounds of broken bones came one after another. The two people in the blood curtain took a closer look and saw that the ground was full of bone residues burning with green residual fire.

This method really works! The remaining zombies are just a few minions, and they will be gone after a few hits.

Qin Feng was able to deal with the remaining few with ease. He quickly broke out the green fire on their bodies, and thousands of black flames rushed towards the gaps in the zombies.

Plunging in, it's like ten thousand swift-moving blades, a meat grinder.

"Uh-huh! Ho-ho-ho!!"

The zombies were strangled to pieces, and finally all the zombies were eliminated.

Qin Feng was a little exhausted, and drew out two black flames to support him behind him, and sat on the black flames.

The blood curtain on the side disappeared, and Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou hurried over to check on Qin Feng's condition.

"Qin Feng!" Chen Qiaoying said, "Are you okay?"

She participated in the battle inside and knew how terrifying these zombies with special flames were.

When her commander skill is activated, it means that her consciousness must control these zombies.

But as long as the consciousness comes into contact with the surface of the zombie, the green fire will backfire, if the control is not taken back in time.

Maybe, the whole person will be buried in the green sea of ​​fire in an instant.

"It's okay," Qin Feng said, "It's just that the mental energy consumption is a bit high."

He had just learned this skill not long ago. Although it was true that he had 12 times the mental control power of an ordinary person, such fine control and such huge consumption were still too much for him.

"This zombie can counterattack spiritual power?" Chu Rou was a little surprised.

"It should be, I knew it," Chen Qiaoying sighed and said, "I almost got a backlash when I used the commander skill. These fires are specially made."

When Qin Feng heard this, although he was still resting, his mind was thinking about the little girl who had appeared in the picture in his mind before.

That is, the little girl who was clamped by countless electric clamps and wires and could not move at will.

According to the little girl, these flaming zombies are "defective products" that were genetically modified from her body.

Then if these defective products are so powerful, then that little girl should be very powerful.

"These burning wounds," Chu Rou said, "can't they be mutant zombies again? How big is the plan of the Ark Spiral? Could there be such powerful and perverted zombies in such a remote place?"

Qin Feng shook his head and said, "Impossible."

"I've been to their underground city, it can't be like this," Qin Feng said, "The things here are messy. Although the buildings are complete, many facilities are actually missing."

"The Ark Spiral is so rich, unless someone abandoned the car halfway and didn't want to move this cemetery."

"So, the zombies here may have nothing to do with the Ark Spiral."

It's just my own shame.

"Let's go," Qin Feng stood up with the black flames, and said, "If we want to understand what these zombies are made of, we should take the source away first."

"Let's go up."

Several people were about to go back up together, and at this time, a strong wind blew over.

Qin Feng, Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou reacted almost at the same time.

The black flames on Qin Feng's body surged again, forming a black flame cover to protect the three people.

However, due to the huge mental consumption before, the speed of the black flame's surge was slightly slower.

With a bang, the edge of the black flame hit and chopped up the zombie that rushed over.

In the air, the smell of burning was floating. Qin Feng, Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou looked at the zombie body that had been broken into two halves under their feet with some surprise.

Several people turned around at the same time. Just outside the entrance of the passage just now, there were about a hundred zombies standing.

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