"Does that mean we need to screen them?" Chu Rou asked, becoming somewhat interested.

"Well, of course," Qin Feng said, "We will collect those who are beneficial to us, not all the garbage."

The two women smiled at each other, and what they said was right.

Chu Rou asked, "But if we build an underground city, how can we find people? In this doomsday, there are only zombies at most, and we haven't seen many people."

So, let alone capable people, we may not even see them.

Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "By the way, Chu Rou, do you know electronics and mechanics? Or computers?"

"Yes," Chu Rou said, "I have a doctorate in biology and mechanics. Computers are not bad."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "That's good, you go make a broadcaster, and I'll get a computer from a villa area."

"Take a look at how to build a network and connect it to the network of Ark Spiral Company."

"Use their system to build momentum for our underground city."

Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying were stunned when they heard this. Is this going to be promoted among the survivors?

"But if that's the case," Chu Rou said, "then there will be too many people coming, and they are uneven. Why don't we collect them slowly?"

"In the doomsday, we have to live safely and happily," Qin Feng said, "It's not okay to waste time collecting talents."

Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying nodded. Qin Feng was a very thoughtful person. They didn't need to say much, just follow him.

Qin Feng thought about it and said, "But maybe it's not bad to collect people while walking."

"Go?" The two were confused again, "This, the cemetery is not needed?"

Qin Feng shook his head and said, "Of course not."

If Qin Feng had been worried before, because the cemetery could not be moved.

Those people are really like flies.

The problem is, if there are not more people coming every time, they come one by one, and their combat effectiveness is so weak.

Sometimes he is embarrassed to take action.

Qin Feng sometimes even thinks that he will just sit there, and then his two women will come.

Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying are chopping in front, and he is watching the show in the back.

From time to time, he handed them a glass of water, and then asked, "Do you enjoy the fight? Do you want to wait for more people before continuing to fight?"

So, Qin Feng decided not to eat such small heads.

He moved first, and then saw if he could build an underground city, and then use this underground city as a base to attract more people.

These people must be capable and obedient.

Form an army of his own, and then go out to fight zombies collectively, and he will be responsible for burying them.

Will this Ark Spiral be allowed to have more people?

Qin Feng looked at Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying, who were still confused, and said, "Don't worry about this matter, I have my own way. During this period, Chu Rou, you should complete what I said before, but don't notify me first."

"Understood." Chu Rou said.

"Then Qiaoying," Qin Feng said, "you are strong, come with me to a secret base and move all the weapons inside."

"After a while," Qin Feng's eyes rose with ambition again, "we will move our family to the cemetery, and wait until I am fully grown, and then these flies will come and kill them all."

Qin Feng is a man of his word. Once he said he would do something, he would start in a hurry and plan.

Throwing a bunch of tools to Chu Rou, he and Chen Qiaoying moved the weapons that Mr. Guo left for him day and night.

Fortunately, the cemetery is also very large and there are many open spaces.

And both of them are very strong, and there are transportation tools for transportation.

Soon, the cemetery was full of transported weapons, as small as boxes of grenades and small pistols.

As large as mortars, anti-aircraft guns, etc., tank parts were moved over bit by bit.

Chu Rou, who was studying things, couldn't help but sigh: "Wow, you are really scary. If these things are moved here, people will die."

At night, Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying went to the secret base again, and the two walked through the forest.

At the end of the world, the forest looked particularly gloomy.

The moon was still covered by dark clouds. If it weren't for their superb eyesight, they might have lost their way in this forest.

A gust of cold wind blew, Chen Qiaoying shivered, and couldn't help but approach Qin Feng.

"Why, are you scared?" Qin Feng asked, "You are the zombie king, are you afraid of these?"

Chen Qiaoying smiled embarrassedly: "I am in human form now, so I am afraid for sure."

"Wow, you are too embarrassing for zombies," Qin Feng looked at Chen Qiaoying's initiative to approach her soft face, and couldn't help but teasing, "The zombie queen is too timid."

Chen Qiaoying pretended to be angry, and in the night, a trace of blush appeared on her beautiful face.

Walking in front, a rare girlish state

Qin Feng shook his head. This girl was so quick to kill that it really felt like the first time he saw her.

The two of them had not walked for long when Chen Qiaoying suddenly stopped.

Qin Feng was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Qiaoying frowned and lowered her voice, "It seems that something is wrong. There are zombies."

Qin Feng's eyes also darkened. As the zombie king, Chen Qiaoying was extremely sensitive to zombies.

Even though this forest was quiet, Chen Qiaoying said so, there must be something wrong.

Qin Feng said softly, "Turn on sensory enhancement."

In an instant, perception became extremely sensitive and sharp.

He looked in the direction Chen Qiaoying was looking at and was also stunned for a moment.

He felt a huge force, yes, a huge force.

A huge monster.

From the perception, this huge monster is undoubtedly a zombie.

However, this one is too big.

In the past, whether it is an ordinary zombie or a mutant zombie, they are all normal human size.

At most, some people who were quite big in life would become zombies with relatively large bodies.

However, the zombie that Qin Feng sensed was as big as a tank.

"Fuck," Qin Feng said, "Is this zombie so big?"

"Yes, a giant zombie," the purple blood vessels on Chen Qiaoying's neck began to float again, but this time her eyes just turned white, and she did not lose her mind, "But it's still far away from us, more than ten kilometers away, who turned into this person, this is too big."

Chen Qiaoying retracted her gaze and said, "Is this also a mutant zombie developed by that company?"

"Maybe," Qin Feng said, "Forget it, it's still far away, so let's ignore it, but be careful."

"Okay." Chen Qiaoying said.

The two of them unconsciously quickened their pace, but in the night, there were actually several people supporting each other and rushing towards them.

They were panting but walking hurriedly, as if they were running for their lives or rushing to somewhere.

Qin Feng looked at the direction they were coming from and couldn't help but sigh: "Damn, another survivor heading to my cemetery?"

There were three people coming, no, it should be said that there were two people dragging one person.

They were soon approaching the place where Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying were staying.

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