Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 169 Leveling the Cemetery

Ark Helix Company, conference room of the second headquarters.

The last scene of the helicopter was of it swooping towards Qin Feng, while two flames quickly shot out from behind Qin Feng.

Pierced through the helicopter glass and through the pilot's head in front of the camera.

Because it was a three-dimensional projection, this picture almost shocked the dozens of investors who were projected in through virtual images, thinking that the two black fires were rushing towards their own facade.

He was so frightened that he fell off his chair in the projection room, and the sound of chairs falling could be heard everywhere.

Li Ruohan:

In fact, she was also startled by the feeling that the man left on her body, the two black flames harvesting her brother's limbs, leaving the severed limbs in pieces.

Li Ruohan was deeply impressed.

But after all, she has a strong heart. By the time those investors returned to their seats after being shocked, the shock on Li Ruohan's face had gone away and turned into the treacherous and calm expression of a businessman.

"Don't panic, everyone," Li Ruohan said, "This is just a drill. This mutant is the 001 experiment we studied. Have you seen his power?"

"If this mutant can be mass-produced, General Na will directly build a powerful doomsday army for you."

There was still a little cold sweat on Li Ruohan's forehead, but the investors, who were mostly shocked, couldn't tell.

Several investors who regained their consciousness coughed a few times to cover up the embarrassment of falling off their chairs, and stood up to express their thoughts.

"Indeed, your mutant project is very good, and we are interested in investing in it."

"But how is your production speed? Is it fast? I think I want to have an army of mutants quickly."

"Humans are easier to control than zombies. My eighth wife was bitten by a zombie last time, which made me marry another one that night."

"However, I also have a question. This mutant seems to be difficult to control. Is your company confident in making one that is easy to control?"

Investors still had a sharp eye, and they immediately saw the problem.

Li Ruohan took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, we can quickly clone mutants as long as we use cloning technology."

"As long as we have enough experimental space, we can create various mutants and quickly replicate successful mutants."

"And, before they form their own consciousness, directly control them and become your own killing machine."

Li Ruohan always spoke from the perspective of investors, and he quickly confused all investors.

All the investors nodded one after another and said, "That's good, we will invest in this plan."

"I hope your company will not let us down again."

The meeting is over and all projections are interrupted.

Li Ruohan looked at the empty conference room in front of him, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead and back.

She sat in her original position, panting slightly.

"General Manager," the temporary assistant came over at this time and said, "Look at this video, it was just uploaded."

Li Ruohan took the transparent tablet from the temporary assistant's hand and brought it over. What was displayed on it was a video shot by someone else.

In the video, Qin Feng bent down to pick up a camera and said something to the camera.

"Is your Ark Spiral a bullshit ointment? Can't you get rid of it?"

"Also, Li Ruohan, are you reading right?"

"Don't let me find you. I'll find you once and torture you once, just like your brother."

"I don't kill women, but when you plan to attack me, you have no gender here."

Li Ruohan's hand shook and he almost lost the tablet.

"General manager," the temporary assistant said, "this, how should we deal with this? Should we increase our efforts and destroy the cemetery directly?"

Li Ruohan took a few deep breaths, and began to think about various plans in his busy mind.

After a while, he said: "Of course we must increase our efforts."

Li Ruohan asked tremblingly: "Has the mutant zombie plan reached a new stage? Have the alien zombies been researched?"

"With those zombies in their normal form, they can't hurt that man at all!"

The temporary assistant could see that Li Ruohan was panicking, so he quickly said: "Professor Li said it's almost done. There are a few giant zombies that should be available."

"But, do you still want Professor Li to continue the mutant project?"

"Of course we have to continue," Li Ruohan said, "Mutated zombies have to continue, and so do mutants. I don't believe it, I can't deal with a little tomb owner!"

"Go ahead, all the company's investments will be put into the mutant zombie and mutant human plans, and they must be completed as soon as possible."

"Also, send out the giant zombies and level that cemetery for me!"

"Yes." The temporary assistant sighed.

However, this giant zombie is said to be neither afraid of fire nor water, and the skin on its body is still the last. In the test, steel bars could not be penetrated through it.

That man must be dead this time.


Qin Feng returned to the bloody villa where a big hole had been broken by Chen Qiaoying, opened the cross coffin and lay down in it.

As soon as he entered the cross coffin, the missing flesh on his body quickly grew back.

Itching replaced pain, and Qin Feng didn't react much to this shallow pain.

"Well," Chu Rou opened her eyes slightly and climbed onto Qin Feng, "hug."

"Yes, hug." Qin Feng said, reaching out to hold Chu Rou's slender waist.

"I want one too." Chen Qiaoying on the side also turned around and yawned a little, with sleepiness on her charming face.

Qin Feng held one in each hand, and the soft feeling made him sigh slightly.

"Qin Feng," Chu Rou on his body opened her eyes and said, "Are you worried?"

Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "I'm worried, no. But I'm thinking about a question."


Qin Feng said, "I think, should I build an underground city as well."

"Underground city?" Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying asked in unison.

"Yes." Qin Feng nodded.

This time he went to the Ark Spiral to take a look, and he felt that the concept of the underground city was still good.

The cemetery is covered by the sky and the ground is the bed, which is easily eroded.

If the cemetery is underground, and the underground city he rules is piled up, he won't have to worry so much.

"But," Chu Rou said, "Do we have to take in other people? In this doomsday, people's hearts are unpredictable, and the more people there are, the more difficult it is."

Chen Qiaoying nodded in agreement, and the three of them are actually not bad.

"No," Qin Feng said, "I run an underground city, not a shelter. You must have certain abilities to enter."

What he wants is to build an army of his own in the doomsday.

A loser wants to enter his underground city? Do you think he's running a charity? Dream on.

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