Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 151 Someone is ambushing

Qin Feng looked up at the coordinates here.

"-24F, Laboratory 1".

"Twenty-fourth floor?" Qin Feng asked, "Didn't you say that the mutant zombie research laboratory is on the bottom floor?"

"We have many kinds of mutant zombies," Li Ruohan said, "This is one of them."

Qin Feng thought of the green eyes and the two mutated zombies with black and yellow skin.

This laboratory is located at the end of a series of corridors, and the iron door coated with white metal skin remains motionless.

No cracks are exposed to peek inside.

It's sealed very tightly here.

Moreover, just outside this doorway, there are four high-efficiency exhaust vents.

It can be said that there is no smell at all in this corridor, and the sound is covered by the whirring sound of the fan at the exhaust vent.

"This iron door is probably half a meter thick," Qin Feng thought, "Does the research room need to be so tight?"

Qin Feng sneered and said in his mind: "Enable sensory enhancement."

In an instant, all of Qin Feng's senses became extremely sensitive, and the whole world became magnified and transparent in his current perception.

The first amplified sound heard in the ears was the whirring sound of the fan, and then the sound of Li Ruohan's breathing.

Finally, there was the sound of slight breathing behind the iron door and the sound of a gun being loaded.

With his sense of smell, he smelled almost a hint of gun smoke in the air, as well as a stronger zombie stench.

There are people behind, probably more than one group, holding guns.

There are zombies inside, but they don't seem to be awake.

"Now, do you want to go in?" Li Ruohan asked, "If I go in, I will"

Before Li Ruohan finished speaking, Qin Feng pulled out the black flame golden sword, and black flames burst out instantly.

The tongue of fire suddenly wrapped around Li Ruohan's neck, and the burning sensation penetrated into her skin.

"I brought you here!" Li Ruohan exclaimed, and then said, "What else do you want!"

"Treachery? Are you a man!?"

Facing Li Ruohan's questioning, Qin Feng said softly: "Stop pretending."

Li Ruohan asked: "Me, what am I pretending to be?"

"The place where I found you was on the seventeenth floor, and this is the twenty-fourth floor," Qin Feng said. "When I came down, I found someone chasing after me."

"But after you brought me in here, nothing happened when I turned left and right."

"As you said, Ark Helix Company has a first-class defense system. How could it allow me to reach the 24th floor so safely?"

"Unless you want to lead me somewhere."

Qin Feng felt that it was not too smooth all the way here. Although there was a direct elevator, Li Ruohan did not take it.

Unexpectedly, Li Ruohan said angrily: "I really want to bring you here. Do you just want to see the mutation laboratory, mutant zombies and researchers?"

"How could I not do this? This is the place with the most researchers."

"Our Ark Helix family has a great cause, and we can still afford it if you destroy such a laboratory."

"Do I need to lie to you!?"

Li Ruohan's eyes flashed with sincerity and looked real.

But Qin Feng still looked at her coldly, not quite believing her.

Li Ruohan took a deep breath and said, "Then I'll open this place now. Why don't you step back? I'm the one who will die."

Qin Feng snorted coldly and took back the black flame, but the black flame golden knife was not taken back and was still held in his hand.

Li Ruohan secretly rolled his eyes and turned around.

Apart from the researchers here, she and Li Tianfang were the only ones to open this door.

The twenty-fourth floor is also the zombie testing site with the lowest research cost for their company. There are many newly captured zombies or semi-remnants of the experiment to recreate.

Low fees.

This man seems to want to destroy the laboratory, so just destroy it for him.

And those scientific researchers, go to hell.

As long as Li Tianfang and Ark Spiral are fine.

Li Ruohan covered a scanning screen at the door with her palm.

"General Manager Li Ruohan, identity confirmed."

"Li Ruohan?" Qin Feng repeated her name.

Li Ruohan trembled. Why was it that when Qin Feng said his name, it was as terrifying as the God of Death announcing that he was about to die.

She calmed herself down, bent down, and scanned her irises one last time.

"Confirm to open Laboratory No. 1."

Just as the electronic sound on the door sounded, a burst of white air leaked out of the door.

The large round iron door slowly moved to the right, and the smell that Qin Feng felt when he heightened his senses just now became a hundred times worse, rushing toward his face.

Before the door was opened, the white air that could easily dissipate was still swaying.

The red dots came through the white air and hit the two people densely.

"Why is there an ambush?" Li Ruohan was stunned for a moment.

She must have been in danger. The company's senior management had long expected that she would bring Qin Feng to the laboratory on this floor, so they laid an ambush here.

But she has her plan, and these people can't mess around here.

A hundred soldiers can be instantly killed by Qin Feng!

Li Ruohan finished thinking for a second and said loudly: "Don't shoot, I am Li Ruo, general manager of Ark Spiral Company."

Before Li Ruohan could finish speaking, a strong force rushed from behind.

Qin Feng grabbed Li Ruohan's waist and pulled him back to him.

The curtain of blood fell instantly.

Countless densely packed bullets hit the bloody curtain!

These guards want to kill her, no, they want to kill them!

Li Ruohan looked at the blood curtain in front of her with shock, her eyes widened.

She was not shocked by the scene in front of her, but surprised. She had shouted loudly, why did these people still shoot?

Were they not here to save her, but to.

Before Li Ruohan could finish thinking, countless sharp bloodshot burst out from the blood curtain, like countless arms rushing towards those who were shooting behind the white smoke.

Some penetrated the gun, some penetrated the flesh.

The blood curtain could not be penetrated, and these people could not resist the blood curtain.

"Yo," Qin Feng did not feel nervous at all, but mocked, "Aren't you the general manager? Why would they shoot at you?"

"You, internal strife?"

The speaker did not mean it, but the listener took it seriously. Li Ruohan herself felt that there was a ghost in the company.

This time, she almost confirmed her thoughts.

"It's really interesting," Qin Feng said, "Okay, let it kill for a while, I'm too lazy to do it."

Li Ruohan stared, observing the soldiers outside who were gradually showing up.

It was still the familiar scene of human skin being peeled off alive, and the bloody flesh was torn apart in an instant.

These blood threads even knew how to cut off the weapons, the muzzle, the gun body and the arms were directly cut off.

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the soldiers outside who were fighting against the blood curtain, and suddenly laughed: "There are still people who are deserters? How can they escape!"

The black flames flowing from the knife on Qin Feng's body quickly enveloped his whole body.

He left a sentence: "If you don't want to die, stay here and watch my performance carefully."

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