Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 150 You are not qualified to negotiate with me

The blood curtain can only last for a while. When all the guards on this floor died under the attack of the blood curtain, the blood curtain was retracted little by little.

On the ground, there were drooping human skins, flesh and bones that were peeled and exposed to the air.

Blood condensed on the ground.

Qin Feng hugged Li Ruohan's waist and stepped on it one by one, dissolving bloody footprints one by one.

Li Ruohan stared at the blood on the ground, her stomach was rolling and her throat was sour.

She felt that if she smelled a little bit of stench now, she would need this little bit of stimulation.

She might vomit directly.

Fortunately, she never smelled it, so she endured it.

Qin Feng took Li Ruohan to a dead corner and put her down.

When she touched the ground, Li Ruohan gasped and kept patting her chest to endure the gloomy breath.

"Are you willing to cooperate now?" Qin Feng asked.

Li Ruohan couldn't speak well yet, so she nodded with difficulty.

The man in front of her was not only strong, but also very strange. He could kill so many guards in front of him.

She couldn't confront him head-on, so it was best to agree.

After a while, Li Ruohan finally caught her breath: "So, what do you want?"

"Take me to the place where you study mutant zombies," Qin Feng said, "Then, call all your researchers to come to me and line up in front of me one by one."

Li Ruohan nodded and said, "That's no problem. Then, where is my brother? Young Master."

"Your brother?" Qin Feng snorted coldly.

"Yes," Li Ruohan said, "If I help you lead the way and do what you said, you have to let him go."

Qin Feng leaned against the wall, his tall and strong body leaning gently.

Even though he didn't make any threatening moves, his aura made Li Ruohan a little breathless.

"Do you think," Qin Feng said, "you are qualified to negotiate with me now? You are in a difficult situation, and you can't even save yourself."

Li Ruohan took a breath of cold air. The man in front of her could kill her instantly, and she really had no right to negotiate.

She was lucky to be able to save her life now.

But, her brother

A trace of calculation flashed in Li Ruohan's lowered eyes.

"Okay," she said, "but my brother has escaped now, and even if we catch him, we may not be able to bring him back."

"So, I can't guarantee whether you can find him."

"But I can take you to other places, okay?"

She looked up at Qin Feng, her tone was a little begging.

Qin Feng looked down, trying to find some emotion on Li Ruohan's face, but he couldn't find it for a long time.

He squatted down, looked at Li Ruohan level, and said: "I'm not worried about this, his sister is in my hands. This company is also in my hands, it doesn't matter whether he is here or not."

Li Ruohan's chest was stuffy.

Qin Feng really didn't take any threats or intimidation.

Apart from the goals he wanted to achieve, he didn't take any other threats or intimidation seriously.

But now, what can Li Ruohan do? The coercion, inducement, and first suppressing and then praising that she used in the business world are completely useless in front of Qin Feng.

And she herself, apart from the identity of the general manager of Ark Spiral and the eldest daughter of the Li family, has no means of defense.

She is just a weak woman.

If Qin Feng just moves his little finger, she will definitely be gone.

It has been more than an hour since Li Ruohan met Qin Feng, and she has warned herself for the third time.

Stay calm, don't confront him head-on, you have to outsmart him.

This is the first time in her life that she has met such a man who can be completely unreasonable and doesn't consider his retreat at all.

If ordinary people break into the underground city and hijack her, they must want to leave safely.

This man wants to go underground and go to the place where mutant zombies are studied.

That's the bottom of the underground city.

But, it's okay, once we get there.

This man can't get away even if he has wings.

After being silent for more than ten seconds, Li Ruohan slowly got up, and Qin Feng also got up, with no intention of helping Li Ruohan up.

Li Ruohan said: "Then let's go now, I will take you there, but"

She covered her chest and said: "Let me put on some clothes first."

She was very tall, a standard model height.

But this bath towel is only this big, even if it is wrapped around, it will not show the top or the bottom.

"Still want to delay time?" Qin Feng said, "Have you ever seen a robber give the kidnapped person time to put on clothes?"

"But I"

"Don't worry," Qin Feng said, "I have no interest in your body at all, it's like an apron."

Li Ruohan: Is she standard? How big does this man need!

"Don't talk nonsense, by the way, tell me here," Qin Feng didn't want to take care of Li Ruohan's emotions, "Now, immediately, let's go."

Li Ruohan had to wrap herself in a bath towel and walk in front to take Qin Feng down.

The underground city built by Ark Spiral Company has a total of 27 floors.

The first ten floors are all human living areas, and the area is basically the same size as a human town.

The tenth floor can accommodate about 200,000 people in total.

The area of ​​the seventeenth floor below is getting smaller and smaller, but the confidentiality is getting higher and higher.

It is also the internal working place of Ark Spiral Company.

The floor where Qin Feng and Li Ruohan were at the beginning was the seventeenth floor, which was the resting place of the senior executives of Ark Spiral Company.

To reach the underground city below, you must take a special road.

There are no more than five of these roads in the entire underground city.

"Starting from the 20th floor," Li Ruohan led Qin Feng and said as they walked, "They are all our research institutes. There are many things that benefit mankind here."

"Genetically modified test fields, marine fish, freshwater fish farms, and some places for raising poultry and so on."

"The underground city has a complete ecosystem. Our company is also for the benefit of mankind."

Li Ruohan is very good at beautifying his shortcomings, and beautifying a matter that was already full of loopholes.

The nature of a businessman.

Qin Feng couldn't help but sneer after hearing this.

And benefit mankind? If it benefited mankind, he wouldn't study those mutant zombies.

Now I don't know how many mutant zombies are scattered on the ground, with strong attack power and high infectiousness.

The horror of these mutant zombies is several times that of ordinary zombies.

Although he doesn't care, these mutant zombies give him better corpse resources.

But these people just want to make a profit for themselves, but they say it so high-soundingly.

It's really hypocritical.

But this underground city.

Qin Feng still appreciates this point. Although this underground city is a deformed concept, it is undeniable.

This underground city has indeed established an ecosystem.

And being underground, it is not easy to be harassed by zombies, which is indeed a good choice.

"We are here," Li Ruohan said, "This is Zombie Research Room No. 1, do you want to go in now?"

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