Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 129 There is something strange about this village

Qin Feng felt a pain in his balls as he listened to the man crying.

What does it feel like to be squeezed dry all your life until your pelvis is broken?

No wonder this man is so resistant to women, even the innocent Chen Qiaoying glared at her several times.

"That place is simply a hell on earth." The man said.

After Qin Feng heard this, he had another idea.

He looked at Chen Qiaoying beside him.

Maybe Chen Qiaoying can feel real humanity in that place.

After the man finished speaking, he wiped his tears again and said, "These women are usually sanctimonious. When they get to bed, they look like wolves. Yes, wolves!!!"

"On the last night, I was fed more than a dozen pills. I even urinated blood and refused to stop! I couldn't do anything anymore, and a group of women called me a waste!?"

"Smelly bitch"

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth twitched. Should he sympathize with this brother for a second now, but why did he want to laugh?

Qin Feng stood up and asked, "Where is that place?"

"Just a little further here," the man said, "Brother, you don't want to go there, do you? Your second brother doesn't want it anymore?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "My abilities are extraordinary."

The zombie king is over, are you still afraid of women?

Moreover, can any woman climb into his bed?

"It's not just this problem," the man said, "women's rights are taken to the extreme there, and men have no dignity at all."

He seemed to remember some horrific scene and was trembling all over.

Qin Feng had another idea after hearing this.

He felt that this women's village was not that simple.

Is it simply an organization where women are the overlords and bully men?

He didn't believe that these men didn't resist at all.

"Why didn't you resist?" Qin Feng asked, "Do you deserve to be bullied?"

"We thought so too," the man said angrily.

There is a story.

Qin Feng felt that he could no longer listen to this brother. He had to go to the women's village to see for himself.

He said to Chen Qiaoying: "Let's go."

Pulling Chen Qiaoying to leave, the man rushed over and hugged Qin Feng's leg: "Brother, you can't leave!"

Qin Feng's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

"Kill me and then leave! I really don't want to live anymore."

Qin Feng:.

"You," Qin Feng asked, "do you want me to kill you with one shot?"

The man straightened up and nodded: "That's the best. I've lived enough in the doomsday."

Qin Feng suddenly sighed. In fact, sex is good for men.

To die under the peonies is to be a ghost.

But if this peony flower can suck human blood, it will not be romantic.

I sympathize with this big brother for a second and hope that he will die in the bed of a good woman in his next life.

Pull out your gun and quietly end the man's life.

The sound of gunfire ricocheted through the woods, but quickly dissipated.

Chen Qiaoying looked at the man who fell to the ground and tried to let herself accept the feeling of killing.

Qin Feng pulled Chen Qiaoying and said, "Let's go, I will take you to the women's village."

"Do we really want to go see it?" Chen Qiaoying said.

"That place is dominated by women's rights," Qin Feng said, "Go and check it out. If it's suitable, you can stay there."

Chen Qiaoying followed Qin Feng, and she whispered: "I don't want to leave."

Qin Feng heard it, but Qin Feng didn't want to be soft-hearted.

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying both walked very fast and arrived outside the Women's Village in no time.

But as the man said, the defense here is really good.

There is a high iron fence with electric cables on it.

Without loopholes, it would be difficult for zombies to get through.

No men were seen, but there were many women, most of them shirtless.

Some are smoking and some are playing cards. This posture is really bold and bold.

There are also many women with big shoulders and round waists patrolling with guns in hand.

"Is it her?" Chen Qiaoying said suddenly.

"What? Do you know anyone?" Qin Feng asked.

Although the two of them were far away from the women's village, they both had good eyesight. Chen Qiaoying saw an acquaintance at a glance.

"My cousin's classmate, I forgot her name," Chen Qiaoying said, "But I'm not sure this is her, because that sister is a believer, and she usually eats fast and chants Buddha's name. How could she do it now?"

The bare arms and legs were once bulging forward and backward, but now they are covered in fat.

If it weren't for the conspicuous big mole at the corner of her mouth, she might not have been able to recognize it.

Qin Feng chuckled: "The more repressed your life is, the more you can explode when it's time to explode. Isn't it strange?"

Chen Qiaoying nodded, that's what she said.

"Let's go," Qin Feng said, "Let's go in."

"Ah?" Chen Qiaoying was pulled away by Qin Feng before she could react.

Qin Feng didn't want to see the "scenery" outside, it was so irritating to his eyes.

What he noticed were the neat rows of bungalows in this woman's village.

It was very noisy outside, but Qin Feng listened carefully and could still hear someone screaming inside.

Qin Feng took Chen Qiaoying to a deserted place, but the fence here was five or six meters high.

Qin Feng said: "Jump up."

Chen Qiaoying: "...I, I can't jump over."

"How will you know if you don't try?" Qin Feng asked, "Don't you want to follow me?"

Chen Qiaoying looked at him: "I want to follow you."

"Then jump in." Qin Feng said.

Chen Qiaoying looked at the fence in front of her, hesitated for a moment, and tried to jump.

However, unlike what she imagined, she really jumped over.

She was not mentally prepared, and fell flat on her face when she landed.

Qin Feng covered his head. Chen Qiaoying, the zombie king, was really unaware.

Qin Feng jumped and jumped to the side of Chen Qiaoying.

He bent down and helped Chen Qiaoying up. Chen Qiaoying looked at Qin Feng and blushed: "I have never jumped so high in my life."

"You can jump higher." Qin Feng said.

The power of the zombie queen has not been activated yet. Now it is only five times the power of ordinary people in human form.

Think about how much effort she had to put to press Chen Qiaoying in the crystal coffin when she turned into a corpse.

It was like a fight.

Chen Qiaoying nodded, looking at Qin Feng holding her hand, her face flushed.

But what made her blush and heartbeat even more was the sound coming from a bungalow not far away.

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