Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 128 Women's Village


Qin Feng turned back for this reason, and he walked to Chen Qiaoying.

Chen Qiaoying saw Qin Feng coming back and walked over in surprise.

Qin Feng walked past her and went straight to the corpse.

Chen Qiaoying was stunned for a moment, looking at Qin Feng's back, knowing in her heart that he must be too disappointed in her.

She followed behind obediently, not saying a word, not disturbing Qin Feng.

Qin Feng squatted down, his eyesight was very good, it was half dark that day, but he could still see clearly.

He turned the corpse over with his feet.

It was a man, and the clothes on his front and arms were severely worn.

His face was dark and blue, so it was not because of the zombie bite that he died.

It seemed that his energy was drained.

Because he crawled over by hand, his fingers were already bloody and fleshy, and he didn't know where his nails were turned.

Chen Qiaoying's occupational disease also came over to see.

Her ability was five times that of an ordinary person, and her eyesight was also very good.

"Ah," Chen Qiaoying suddenly exclaimed, "He, his lower body."

Qin Feng looked over and saw that the man's lower body was a bloody mess.

The scary thing was that it seemed to be broken somewhere, connected by flesh and skin, hanging on the side.

"Is this broken?" Chen Qiaoying said in surprise.

Qin Feng hummed, and he stretched out his hand to press the man's crotch.

It was actually broken.

It can be pushed, and a piece of bone protruded a little from the man's lower abdomen.

If Qin Feng's hand was a little harder, this bone might pierce the skin.

"The pelvis is broken," Qin Feng said, "What the hell?"

Chen Qiaoying also felt it was magical. The man's lower body was destroyed, and the pelvis was broken. What kind of operation.

Qin Feng became interested, got up and walked to the place where the corpse crawled over, and Chen Qiaoying followed.

The two walked all the way. The light in the forest was very dim, but the two people were walking like in the daytime.

After all, one is nearly seven times that of a human, and the other is five times.

The ability is naturally self-evident.

Chen Qiaoying tried her best to follow Qin Feng. When Qin Feng said he was leaving, she suddenly came to her senses.

In fact, the so-called human nature cannot be compared with Qin Feng. She wanted to stay with Qin Feng.

As the two walked along, the air was filled with a stronger and stronger smell of blood.

Qin Feng was not unfamiliar with this smell. Anyone who lived in a cemetery could smell it, bloody and rotten.

But it was too strong.

Chen Qiaoying couldn't help but cover her nose and squint her eyes to look ahead.

"Uh~~" Not far away, a man's uncontrollable groan of pain came.

This was not a groan when doing something, but a groan of real pain and dying.

Qin Feng glanced and found a figure sitting under a big tree.

The painful groan came from there.

"Let's go," Qin Feng said, "Let's go and have a look."

Chen Qiaoying nodded immediately and hurried to catch up with Qin Feng, not daring to leave him too far.

Sitting by the tree was a haggard man who looked almost the same as the corpse before.

His face was extremely sallow, his eye sockets were deep, and even in the dim light, one could still see his deep dark circles.

He closed his eyes in pain, and seemed not to notice Qin Feng and the others coming.

Qin Feng glanced at him, and sure enough, the injuries were all in the same place, and he looked so painful that he was motionless.

His pelvis was probably broken too.

"Is he dying?" Chen Qiaoying suddenly asked.

Hearing the woman's voice, the man was obviously stunned for a moment, and then trembled violently.

He opened his eyes with difficulty and said tremblingly: "No, no, get out, you bitch."

Qin Feng: Why does this look like someone raped you?

"Hey, brother, let me ask you something," Qin Feng said, "What's wrong with you guys, why are you all destroyed down there?"

The man looked up at Qin Feng and was stunned.

Qin Feng thought he didn't hear it, so he repeated again: "I asked you why."

Unexpectedly, the man suddenly cried, and he couldn't move his lower body. He rushed over and hugged Qin Feng's feet.

Looking at Qin Feng, he seemed to see a close relative, and cried: "Brother, brother! A man, you are a man!!"

Qin Feng:.

Chen Qiaoying:

The man is still alive, but the injuries he should have suffered are almost the same.

That thing, broken, pelvis, broken.

Anyway, he is disabled.

After Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying settled the man, they looked around.

Only then did they understand where the strong smell of blood came from.

There are corpses everywhere, all men, without exception, and the place is bloody.

The man is a rare living person, but the injuries are almost the same, and he is about to die.

He seems to be afraid of women. As soon as Chen Qiaoying approaches him, he keeps shaking.

Keep pushing towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng had a black question mark on his face and said, "What's going on? If you have something to say, just say it, don't come over."

The man then shrank back in dismay. After a while, he sighed and said, "You want to know what happened here, right? Let me tell you, we are all going to die anyway."

It turned out that there was a survivor base nearby.

This base was established by a wealthy woman, and there were nothing else but women in it.

So it was called the Women's Village.

The defense measures were first-class, and the wealthy woman installed a lot of weapons, so she was not afraid of zombies at all.

Of course, the Women's Village also accepts men, and there is no limit on the number of people.

Food and accommodation are provided, and you just need to work. Food and other things are distributed uniformly.

The most important thing is that there are more women than men there, and men are basically in high demand.

"Basically, when a man goes there, he is served by several women in turn," the man said, "In the first few days when I went there, the women I slept with were never the same."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Isn't that good?" He thought that his ideal in his previous life was to be squeezed dry by women.

The man was angry: "At the beginning, everyone thought it was good because there was a safe place to live and women took turns to serve. But the problem is."

"These women are simply squeezing us men to death!" The man was so angry that he even glared at the innocent Chen Qiaoying, who was confused by the glare.

"We do the heaviest work and eat the least."

"We are as tired as dogs during the day, and we have to serve those hungry women at night!"

"It's okay to have a good figure, but a few women weighing two or three hundred pounds have strong desires and great power. After being squeezed dry, they take medicine to continue!"

"I don't know where they get so many medicines."

The man sobbed as he spoke, and reached out to wipe his tears: "The most terrifying thing is that when those women see that the men don't want to move anymore, they take the position themselves."

"All of our pelvises were broken by sitting, and my second brother was directly broken."

"Once you lose your male ability, you will be thrown out like waste."

The man pointed around: "Look, it's all here."

He was talking about the hundreds of discarded male corpses here.

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