Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 118 Tide of Zombies (2)

The live broadcast screen is switched in the background.

When the aerial camera flew in front of Qin Feng, the camera just cut away.

This made everyone in the live broadcast room stunned, and then several girls exclaimed.

"Wow, this man is so handsome."

"It's so dark and the camera cuts so fast. How can you tell he's handsome?"

"Cut it back, cut it back!"

"Wait a minute, didn't this aerial camera just take pictures of the sky? Is this man sitting in a tree?"

"How is that possible? How could he be at such a high place."

"Damn it, cut it back!"

However, the screen just cut back.

Before the focus could be adjusted, a black light flashed past, and a spot of light came towards me.

The light spot quickly approached, and I saw it clearly, it was a knife!

However, as soon as he saw it clearly, the knife hit the aerial camera accurately.

A snowflake flashed directly through the lens, and with a crack, the screen went black.

The screen then cut to other aerial cameras, and the people in the live broadcast room looked confused.

"Did that knife just hit the aerial camera when it was thrown over? Is it so accurate?"

"Did that man throw it here?"

"It's smashed. Damn it, I can't see anyone's face clearly."

"If that man really smashed it, then that man was too strong, right?"

There was a praise in the live broadcast room, and Li Tianfang was really pissed off.

It's just an aerial camera that was hit. What's there to praise? It's not as accurate as his darts.

Li Tianfang quietly called his assistant: "Intensify your efforts. Is this live broadcast just to make this man look cool? Hurry up and destroy this cemetery to make me happy! Otherwise, you will have a hard time."

The assistant wiped the cold sweat from his head.

Master, all the zombies in the dozens of mutant zombie testing sites within a few dozen kilometers of Hongteng City have been carried there, regardless of whether the experiments were successful or not.

It will take some time for the zombies to walk over. You can't let them fly over. It will be great if they accept the instructions.

Of course, this was the assistant's inner complaint, but on the surface he was still respectful.

Go get in touch to see if there are any zombies that have been deliberately mobilized.

Everyone knows the importance of this mutation experiment, but Young Master Li Tianfang has always been a willful person.

Everyone is mobilized at once. I wonder if the eldest lady will be angry when she finds out.

Forget it, he is just a person who obeys orders anyway. No matter how much the eldest lady blames him, she can't blame him.

However, the assistant contacted him and all the zombies near Hongteng City were mobilized.

The remaining ordinary zombies cannot be used because they have not been tamed and injected. Using them rashly will be counterproductive.

The assistant had no choice but to stand behind and watch the live broadcast quietly.

The aerial camera was shot down, and emergency adjustments were made in the background to finally change it to a more suitable angle.

Being able to overlook the scene of the entire cemetery being besieged by zombies at an angle. After adjusting to this attractive scene, everyone gradually stopped admiring Qin Feng.

Their eyes were attracted by the scene in front of them.

More and more zombies surrounded the cemetery, stepping on the clusters of blooming red flowers in the dim light, making a crunching sound.

The sound collection function of the aerial camera is really good, and the creaking sound is completely captured.

Mixed with the low roars of the zombies and the constant burning sound, the scalps of these rich kids who have been well protected since the outbreak of the zombie virus are a little numb.

What an exciting doomsday game.

As the number of zombies gradually increases, the zombie ladders beside the green fog wall are getting higher and higher, and they will soon be full.

The next zombies use these zombie ladders to climb up step by step.

Sacrifice one and trample the other underfoot, approaching the wall step by step.

But Qin Feng on the tree was still unhurried, and he was looking at the aerial camera that he had stabbed with a black gold knife.

The camera had been damaged by him, but the rest was still intact.

The light is a bit dim, but you can still see clearly.

Qin Feng saw the very familiar twisted spiral logo on the aerial camera.

"It's this company again," Qin Feng sneered, "It's such a dog-skin plaster, I can't get rid of it no matter what."

He threw the aerial camera down. It seemed that when this time was over, he would find time to go to this company to do something.

Qin Feng saw that these zombies were almost destroyed by the green fog wall. Seeing that the next zombies could completely climb over the green fog wall and come in, it was time to take action.

As soon as he made a move, he was immediately captured by the aerial camera.

People in the live broadcast room were shouting, "Damn it, that man is down!", "Are you going to die?", "Jumping from such a high place is looking for death.".

The shadow of the knife passed by, and Qin Feng jumped to the ground in the cemetery. Only then did he see clearly the attributes of the zombies in front of him.

"Um, are these ordinary zombies?" Qin Feng said, "There are also semi-finished products, 1.2 times that of humans, 1.4. Wow, what a waste of my feelings. I thought they were so awesome."

Qin Feng suddenly wanted to put away his knife, or use only one knife, but these zombies wanted him to kill them with two knives.

So insulting.

However, just when he was hesitating whether to go up or not, a short gunshot rang out far behind him.

The first zombie that climbed to the top of the wall was shot in the head and fell directly from the wall of green mist, with its brains and black blood splattered everywhere.

Not only Qin Feng, but also the people in the live broadcast room were stunned.

Why did he kill him directly?

Qin Feng looked back and saw Chu Rou, dressed in clothes, holding a gun on the second floor of the bloody villa.

She had a special pair of glasses on her face, with the red lenses covering her eyes.

She held the gun and pointed it at this side. She fired the shot just now.

The distance here was already very far, but she could still hit it. Her marksmanship was good.

Live broadcast room:

"Damn, how come a woman came out?"

"Can you still hit it from such a distance?"

"How many people live in this cemetery? How come everyone is so powerful?"

Chu Rou continued to hold the gun, loaded the bullet, and aimed at the zombie's head.

Of course, there were more than one zombie climbing up, but Chu Rou fired very resolutely and quickly.

Bang, bang, bang, the heads of the zombies climbing up the green fog wall were blown off one after another.

With Chu Rou as a line of defense, Qin Feng didn't have to do anything at all.

He stood on the ground and admired Chu Rou's gun skills for a while, then swung his knife backwards, and flew directly to the second floor platform of the villa with the help of the blade, and landed next to Chu Rou.

Chu Rou was focused, bang bang bang, and continued to shoot.

Countless zombies climbed up the wall, and were shot down by Chu Rou as soon as they showed their faces or half of their bodies.

About ten minutes later, all the zombies were killed.

There were puddles of black water on the ground, and the bursting brains covered the corpses of the zombies that fell.

Seeing this, Chu Rou retracted his posture and said, "Fuck, I thought there were so many zombies, I can't get enough of beating them."

Qin Feng smiled and touched Chu Rou's head.

Turning around, he stabbed the drones flying in the night sky. The black gold knife flew up quickly and accurately stabbed the frame of a drone.

The camera was not damaged.

Just pull it down and hold it in your hand.

The live broadcast room just happened to see this scene, the shaking camera, and the handsome face magnified when it recovered.

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