Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 117 Tide of Zombies (1)

[Choose whether to make Chu Rou pregnant]


[Choose whether to make Chu Rou pregnant]



"Choose, don't get pregnant, don't get pregnant!"

Qin Feng yelled in his mind. The system asked this question every time it ended. It was annoying.

Finally, it was all over. This time, Chu Rou lay down: "Oh, shit, I don't know if I can last so long."

"Qin Feng," Chu Rou lay in Qin Feng's arms and murmured, "You've asked me so many times, will I get pregnant?"

"No." Qin Feng said firmly.

He rejected the system's questions millions of times in his mind, but he couldn't get pregnant.

Not to mention that a pregnant woman's fighting power will be weakened, it's a problem where to put the baby and how to raise it.

When he was sixteen or seventeen years old, Qin Feng thought it was good to be a father.

Later, he realized how much it restricted his freedom.

Father's love is like a mountain, and this mountain is not easy to be.

This doomsday, don't be a mountain, you will be chopped down when you come.

Chu Rou said "oh" but didn't say anything.

Qin Feng hugged Chu Rou and asked, "Why, do you want to have a baby?"

"Well~~~ I don't want to," Chu Rou said, "I can't take care of the baby, and my figure will be out of shape, and the most important thing is..."

Chu Rou held the soft flesh and said, "This is big enough. If I get pregnant again, it's so heavy that my waist will break. You don't know, this thing is very heavy."

"I think it's heavy too." Qin Feng said honestly.

Be honest and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Chu Rou shyly patted Qin Feng.

Just as the two of them were in love, there was a sound of flames exploding outside.

Qin Feng sat up immediately, staring at the bloody villa with sharp eyes.

"What's going on?" Chu Rou asked, is there anyone here?

The sound of beeping did not stop, and it became louder and clearer, as if one fire after another was lit.

The sound was continuous.

"I'll go out and take a look," Qin Feng quickly got up and put on his clothes, "There should be something climbing the wall."

"Ah, wall?" Chu Rou was stunned. Could it be that the thing Qin Feng was talking about was the fog-like thing?

These yellow and black zombies rushed towards the cemetery. They just received the order but had no consciousness.

They all rushed towards the green fog wall and the portal. When the zombies touched the wall and the door, they would be burned by the flames that came out.

The green fog wall and the portal, the two devices can only be passed by Qin Feng and those allowed by Qin Feng.

For Qin Feng and Chu Rou, this green fog wall is fog, just walk over it.

But for other people or things, it is a wall of flames more than ten meters high.

Touch one and burn one, and all of them are in the sea of ​​fire.

In the live broadcast room, all the audience can feel the weirdness of the scene through the pictures sent back by the drone.

It's like watching zombies pass through the gates of hell, exciting.

"Wow, this cemetery is really amazing. Is it surrounded by flamethrowers?"

"Uh, why is it like the gates of hell."

"It looks good, like fireworks. But how can we surround it? It's all burned up."

Li Tianfang sat in the front row, frowning as he watched the scene.

Are these flame walls and flame gates so strong?

This zombie burns when it touches it, and it's getting bigger and bigger. How can we continue like this?

He waved his assistant and said, "How many zombies did you drop this time?"


Li Tianfang sighed, "Don't we have hundreds of them? Throw them all in."

"The rest are unfinished semi-finished products, or ordinary zombies that don't have mutation drugs. Maybe they can't go far."

"Can they kill people?" Li Tianfang rolled his eyes, "If they can, then send them all in!"

"And do you drop zombies every few kilometers? You also want zombies to climb the wall, can't you just airdrop them into the wall?"

The assistant wiped the cold sweat from his head and said, "Master, it's not that we don't want to drop them in, but we can't drop them in. There seems to be something wrong with the magnetic field there."

Those helicopters, once they flew over the cemetery, would malfunction inexplicably, and then they would lose control and fall to the side.

Many times, if their pilots hadn't retreated quickly enough, they would have been destroyed in mid-air.

They retreated until they were outside the cemetery, and then they could fly normally.

Now their drones dare not stay over the cemetery, and they only dare to take pictures outside.

Therefore, they all chose to invest outside the public offering, but they never thought that the wall and door of this cemetery were so powerful.

It caught fire when touched.

Li Tianfang was furious and stared at the screen as if he wanted to stare a hole.

However, after a while, his brows relaxed, and the audience behind him burst into exclamations and then chattered discussions.

On the screen, the drone captured it.

The zombies were burned, but the fire seemed to only kill the zombies but not burn them.

Piles of zombies were formed on the wall, gradually piling up, and actually formed a ladder of zombies. As long as they continued to pile up, there would be zombies that could climb over.

Li Tianfang immediately ordered: "Throw all the zombies over, hundreds of zombies, I don't believe that we can't pile them up!"

"This tomb owner really relies on this equipment to bully people in it."

"But, Dad is here, your father Li is here to teach you how to behave!"

"One zombie is not enough? Give you a hundred or a thousand."

"We don't have much in the Ark Spiral, except for the zombies we have in reserve."

"I'll make your scalp numb in a little while, and you'll kneel down and call me daddy!!!"

What Li Tianfang was thinking about was the tall man in black in the photo, Qin Feng.

What his sister Li Ruohan was saying to him was indeed what he was saying.

His eyes became more and more vicious, staring at the screen, and even hoped that he would appear in front of Qin Feng at this moment.

He watched Qin Feng get scared and timid because of the zombie siege, and finally get bitten by the zombies.

Hundreds of zombies were quickly extracted from the mutant zombie pilot area dozens of kilometers around Hongteng City. These zombies were more or less injected with mutant drugs.

Now more than half of them have mutated.

Two helicopters pulled, and disgusting yellow-green pus flowed everywhere.

All the way over, they arrived at the designated location, and the railings under the zombies opened.

Dozens and hundreds of zombies were thrown to the edge of the cemetery, and there was a sound of breaking bones with a bang bang bang.

Gragra, the bones are reset.

The zombies staggered towards the cemetery, and soon, a group of zombies surrounded the green fog wall of the cemetery.

Mutated, mutating, and not yet mutated, surrounded in a thick layer.

Qin Feng was sitting on a tree at this time, watching everything happening in front of him, and a drone flew past him.

A red light flashed, and it sped away.

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