Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 108 The two women met for the first time

The building similar to the medieval European castle was actually the first one Chu Rou saw.

But there were too many incredible things about this cemetery. As a person who grew up immersed in "science", Chu Rou really couldn't explain everything in front of her.

So she, the genius big sister who usually walked sideways in school and the laboratory, now followed Qin Feng like a good girl.

Like the cemeteries outside, this villa was strangely cold everywhere.

There were gusts of wind in the hall, and before they walked far, the clothes on the two of them were almost dry.

Qin Feng took Chu Rou into the bloody villa, and Chu Rou looked around like a little girl entering an amusement park for the first time.

Turning around, a zombie with a knife on its neck suddenly appeared. Chu Rou was startled and pulled Qin Feng over.

Qin Feng didn't react, and was pulled back two steps and almost fell down.

Chu Rou was about to take out her gun: "There are zombies here, don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

Qin Feng:.

He stepped forward and pressed Chu Rou's hand, and took the gun from her hand: "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you."

The gray eyes and purple skin as hard as rubber are no different from other zombies.

The throat faintly emitted the unique ho ho ho and uh uh sounds of zombies.

The only difference is that it didn't even look at the two humans in front of it, and walked out crookedly.

"Its name is Xiaotong, it is considered a zombie worker here," Qin Feng said, "It is responsible for helping me throw the bodies into the grave, and also for simpler things such as carrying things."

Qin Feng took the opportunity to tell Xiaotong: "Don't throw away the bodies outside, go outside and tidy up, don't let the bodies be so messy."

Xiaotong turned around and went out woodenly, with her body still rattling.

Chu Rou waited for Xiaotong to go out before she completely relaxed and let out a long sigh.

Qin Feng shook his head helplessly.

But it is true, even if Chu Rou is a scientist, she is still an ordinary person after all.

The things in this cemetery are too weird. He, a person with a system, is surprised every time he gets something, let alone them.

It will take a while for her to accept everything.

"Qin Feng," Chu Rou sighed, "it turns out that you still have so many things I don't know. Oh my God, I feel that my own books have been read in vain."

Qin Feng flicked her forehead and said, "It's not that you read in vain, but that you have not seen enough."

Chu Rou smiled and covered her forehead.

Qin Feng said, "I am the owner of this cemetery. No one can enter the cemetery through the walls and doors outside without my permission."

"The graves in the cemetery can bury zombie corpses to obtain supplies, so my supplies are endless, and I also need zombies."

"Xiaotong is a puppet I refined, you can think so."

"As for this villa, it is my residence. It is just a big house, ordinary, okay."

Chu Rou nodded while listening to Qin Feng's words, like a student who listened carefully in class.

"Then," Chu Rou pointed to the two obvious coffins in the lobby, "Then, what are those two? Are they the coffins where you put the bodies?"

The crystal coffin and the cross coffin were parallel, and the cross coffin blocked the front of the crystal coffin.

Qin Feng said: "That one, that's where I sleep."

"You sleep in a coffin?" Chu Rou said in surprise, "Are you a corpse ghost?"

"I am," Qin Feng had the idea of ​​playing a prank, "Are you afraid?"

He smiled so grimly that Qin Feng himself felt scared.

Chu Rou looked at him and replied after a few seconds: "No, I don't care who you are. When I heard the news about the cemetery on the radio, I thought of your love of collecting corpses, and I had a hunch that you must be here."

"I drove out without thinking at the time."

"I thought about it when I came, and I don't care who you are. Good or bad, or even whether there is a cemetery."

Chu Rou looked at Qin Feng, her eyes full of smiles: "I just want to follow you, hehe."

Just want to follow him, so a girl crossed more than 2,000 kilometers and killed all the way here?

Qin Feng looked at her. It was rare that he would feel soft in his heart at this doomsday.

Qin Feng took her to the two coffins. Needless to say, the cross coffin was the most attractive to women. The crystal coffin that was transparent and emitting cold air and flowing with wisps of white mist.

What's more, there was another woman lying in the crystal coffin at this time.

Chu Rou walked over and looked at Chen Qiaoying directly without speaking for a long time.

Qin Feng leaned against the cross coffin and said, "Her name is Chen Qiaoying. She was a girl I saved when I teleported there for the first time. Unfortunately, she was bitten by a zombie and could only stay in this coffin."

"But I have found a way to save her now, just like what I did when you were scratched by a zombie last time."

"It will take more than half a month before she can become a human again."

Qin Feng looked at Chu Rou quietly.

It is said that women are naturally repelled by the same sex. Where there are many women, there are all kinds of intrigues and jealousies.

Qin Feng has no time and mood to face these things, and he hates that kind of dog-blooded things.

If he gets jealous of a woman, he will chase her away even if it is Chu Rou.

Chu Rou said: "Wow, she is so beautiful. She seems kind, you saved her. She looks different from those ungrateful people!"

Qin Feng:.

"But do you mean that you have to have sex with her to save her?" Chu Rou asked.

"Yes," Qin Feng said, "and it has to be a specific time, about half a month, because I saved you last time."

Chu Rou subconsciously touched her back, and the feeling of being scratched by a zombie still lingered on her back. She was scratched by a zombie, but logically speaking, she should have become a zombie.

But nothing happened later. After thinking about it, the only different thing was that she had sex with Qin Feng.

And she was raped.

It seems that Qin Feng really saved her.

"Is that so." Chu Rou narrowed her eyes and slowly walked towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng just looked at her like this to see if Chu Rou was the kind of girl who only knew how to be jealous.

However, Chu Rou came over and directly supported her hands on the cross coffins behind Qin Feng on both sides.

"In that case," Chu Rou said, "then are all the tadpoles from more than half a month ago mine?"

"Little, little tadpoles?" Qin Feng laughed, "Do you like tadpoles?"

"Yours are my favorite," Chu Rou said, "Are mine?"

Chu Rou looked at Qin Feng expectantly.

Qin Feng said, "Yes."

Chu Rou stepped forward and said, "Then continue, come again?"

Qin Feng pressed Chu Rou on the cross coffin and asked, "Are your legs sore?"

"Aren't you going to move?" Chu Rou said innocently, "I'll just lie down, and then, you go a little slower. You, you're too aggressive."

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