Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 107 This is the Cemetery

"Are you sure you want to do it here?"

"Where else do you want to go?"

"There are a lot of corpses behind the car, why don't we deal with them?"

Qin Feng patted the bag on his waist, and with a few buzzes, all the corpses behind the car disappeared, and the smell of decay in the air instantly became much less.

Chu Rou opened her eyes wide in surprise, this, this is simply too awesome.

"Now?" Qin Feng smiled, "Do it?"

Chu Rou took the initiative to untie: "Of course."

A prompt sounded in her mind.

[Ding, the host helps Chu Rou improve her physical attributes by 0.5 points]

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and put on their clothes.

It took a long time, and Chu Rou's legs were a little weak: "Damn, why do you feel more, more powerful than last time in the laboratory."

Qin Feng smiled without saying anything, after all, his speed and endurance finally increased to six times that of ordinary people.

He also took into account Chu Rou's physical strength and let her go, otherwise he would have to carry her in.

Let Chu Rou rest for a while.

Qin Feng said, "Let's clean up the scene. These stupid dogs have made a mess here."

Four bulldozers with smashed driver seats and several guns scattered on the ground.

The whole cemetery looked messy.

"What should we do with these?" Chu Rou still felt a little weak in the legs, so she just sat on the front of the car and didn't get up. "Drive them all in? It takes up a lot of space. Let's throw them away."

Qin Feng looked at it for a while and said, "Let's burn them."

Chu Rou had a question mark on her face. How to burn them?

Wouldn't there still be a shell after burning? But it was all black ash, which was even more difficult to deal with.

Qin Feng walked over and fixed the steering wheel in place.

Opening the accelerator and jumping out of the car, a bulldozer crashed directly into the gate of the cemetery.

The moment the car touched the teleportation gate, a blue fire burst out directly from the contact point, and surrounded the entire bulldozer in less than three seconds.

The blue flames rose in an instant, and the airflow sound of the flame fluctuations came from the air, and there were also the sounds of the flames exploding.

Five seconds later, the entire flame collapsed.

Such a large bulldozer just now turned into ashes in an instant, leaving only slag.

Chu Rou sat in the car and watched all this with her eyes wide open. She was a little unable to restrain herself.

"This, this" Chu Rou said in surprise, "Is this door an incinerator? No, no, no, this is even more terrifying than an incinerator."

Chu Rou looked at the door flashing with a faint blue flame and couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

This door doesn't look like an ordinary door for people to pass through.

It's a bit like the door of hell for ghosts or zombies to pass through? This description seems wrong.

But Chu Rou couldn't think of any other words to describe this door.

Qin Feng continued to set the direction of the other three bulldozers, opened the throttle and rushed over.

Some hit the portal, some hit the green fog wall, and burned one by one.

Blue, green, two weird colors of flames reflected each other.

The red sea of ​​flowers and the black willow trees were floating, and Chu Rou's mouth was always slightly open, unable to suppress her surprise.

Qin Feng threw the gun on the ground over again, and after about half an hour, he finally cleaned it up.

The wind blew, and the black slag was blown into the sea of ​​flowers and became their fertilizer.

Qin Feng returned to the side of the off-road truck and said, "Close your mouth, you are really thirsty?"

Chu Rou quickly closed her mouth and jumped out of the car excitedly, but her legs softened and she almost knelt down, and was supported by Qin Feng.

"Wow, wow," she said excitedly, "This is too magical, how did they do it? I can't explain the scene in front of me, but it really happened."

"Although this place looks weird, every blade of grass and every tree is magical!"

"With this place, zombies will definitely not be able to get in, and those fools outside can't get in either."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Then you will live here from now on, this is my territory."

"Really, really?" Chu Rou's face flashed a blush, and she said, "Can I always be with you?"

"Probably," Qin Feng said, "If I'm not bitten to death by zombies here at the end of the world."

Chu Rou hurriedly said, "Don't worry, it won't happen. I'll protect you when zombies come! Those bastards can't touch you!"

Qin Feng smiled, carried her to the car, got in the car and started driving.

The off-road truck drove all the way to the green fog wall on the bluestone road. The bulldozer just burned directly when it touched the wall and the door.

When Chu Rou was about to touch the green fog wall, she was so nervous that she sat upright.

However, their off-road truck and the two of them actually passed the green fog wall without any obstacles.

The green fire fog gradually unraveled in front of them, revealing the scene behind the green fog wall.

The car stopped, Chu Rou opened the door and slowly crawled down. Although her legs were weak, her eyes were reluctant to leave the grass and trees here.

In the huge cemetery, there were tombs with steps going up one by one, all of which were hollowed out and only a deep tomb was left.

Unlike the tombs above, the five graves at the bottom were very large, and the soil was a bit like it was soaked in blood, exuding a strong bloody smell.

And if Chu Rou herself was not dazzled, she could also see the green light running in the grave.

Just like a person's blood vessels, it flashes from time to time and disappears quickly, but it can be seen that it is all over the grave pit.

Qin Feng patted his pockets, and the zombie corpses in his pockets appeared on the ground in full, like a pile of hills.

"These tombs haven't been upgraded yet," Qin Feng said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow, there's no rush."

This was the first time that Chu Rou, the genius girl, had a brain freeze. She couldn't accept all the magic in front of her all at once.

After a long while, she reacted and couldn't help but applaud: "Wow, so amazing"

Qin Feng looked at the materials that had been buried before and piled up next to him. He pulled Chu Rou over and took out a large bottle of mineral water from it.

"Do you want to drink water?" Chu Rou asked.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng opened the lid and didn't drink it, but turned around and poured it directly on Chu Rou.

"Wow!" Chu Rou exclaimed in surprise.

The cold liquid flowed down from her neck, caressing every inch of her inside along the texture of her skin, making her tremble.

She reached out and grabbed Qin Feng, asking: "You, what are you doing?"

"There are so many bloodstains, aren't you going to wash them?" Qin Feng saw that the bloodstains on Chu Rou were almost gone, and turned around and poured the rest on himself.

Unfortunately, he was too tall, and this little bit was not enough.

So he took out another bucket, opened it and continued to pour it on himself.

Chu Rou couldn't help laughing: "It's the end of the world now, and there is a shortage of supplies everywhere. You, you actually use mineral water to take a bath? It's too extravagant."

Qin Feng put down the bucket, took Chu Rou's hand and said: "What's the big deal? There are plenty of such supplies. And you have to get used to it, maybe there will be more in the future."

Chu Rou couldn't help laughing after following Qin Feng, why did she feel a little bit like being supported by a local tyrant!

"Let's go," Qin Feng said, "I'll take you to see my villa, and by the way, say hello to the two people inside, uh, no, it's one person and one corpse."

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