Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 104: Die together?

Qin Feng didn't have a telescope, but his eyesight was very good.

The small stronghold seemed to him to be no bigger than a mung bean, but he could clearly see what was on the "mung bean".

This group of people dared to come over, and they were fully equipped, uniformed, and armed.

It seems there is a big boss behind it.

In this case, the big boss behind this must be watching him, right?

First, it was spread that this cemetery was an excellent place for shelter, allowing waves of survivors to come and disturb him.

Now another team came, attacking the cemetery blatantly and trying to snipe him in the dark.

Is it really possible to bully him into not being able to attack people like them behind the scenes in the cemetery?

Then just go ahead and come over. If Qin Feng lets these people touch a grain of mud in the cemetery, his name will be written upside down.

Qin Feng jumped on the heavy truck and took out the mortar from the pile of things in the heavy truck. Because the space was limited, he just brought this one-shot cannon.

Quickly set up a fort, load it with explosives, and aim at the target.

Qin Feng fired without hesitation.

The captain saw everything in the telescope. He panicked and wanted to retreat, but the shell passed through an arc and reached the stronghold directly.

However, it was obvious that the person who fired the cannon was using it for the first time. He fired it crookedly, but it also blew up the entire rear of the stronghold.

The flames spread to the stronghold and they had to retreat.

"Let's go, let's go!"

"Quickly retreat!"

In Qin Feng's view, the people there were like ants, evacuating in confusion and panic.

Unfortunately, there was only one cannonball, and it was the first time he fired it, and it missed the target.

Forget it, it’s just a warning to those people anyway.

Come here again and be careful to kill his whole family.

Qin Feng was in a slightly bad mood, so he jumped out of the car and came to the people who were rolling on the ground with their limbs cut off by him.

Kneel down and ask: "Which company are you mercenaries from?"

The soldiers screamed, but no one answered.

Qin Feng sneered, raised his hand and chopped it off with his knife. The first soldier was left in mourning.

The remaining soldiers were shocked when they saw it, but their hands and feet were chopped and they had no strength to get up.

He could only keep squirming against his body, trying to hide.

Qin Feng came to the second soldier and asked, "Who sent you?"

Still not answering, Qin Feng raised his hand and dropped the knife, killing him.

The same goes for the third, fourth, and soon the last person.

That man had witnessed all of his companions die at Qin Feng's hands, and was trembling all over.

Qin Feng didn't even bother to squat down. He pointed at the blade and asked, "What do you mean?"

The man hesitated for a moment and said: "Ark Helix Company, we are just mercenaries, getting paid to do things. No, I don't mean to offend."

"Doing things with money?" Qin Feng sneered, "So you shot me and then called me a fool?"

"I, I didn't shoot, I just came to collect the body. No, no, no, I was passing by!"

The soldier was begging for mercy, but Qin Feng became interested in the four words "Ark Spiral".

In Nanzao City, it was the helicopter with the spiral logo that bombed the base.

Back at the base, the people who worked on the base had the same spiral logo on their clothes.

And these people

Qin Feng raised his foot and kicked a corpse. The corpse turned over and the lower left side of its chest still had the same spiral shape.

"Ark Spiral." Qin Feng sneered, "What kind of company is this? It's really awesome."

At this moment, the soldier who was still alive saw Qin Feng distracted and knew that his opportunity had come.

Although the tendons and hamstrings of his hands and feet were severed, he still had some strength.

He took out a grenade from behind with difficulty, slowly rubbed his body, and brought the grenade to his armpit.

He wanted to clamp the grenade and pull the tab open with his mouth.

The explosive power of this grenade should be enough to take him and Qin Feng away. Looking at Qin Feng now, he just wants to kill someone.

Then he will carry Qin Feng on his back even if he dies!

After all, his hands and feet were severed, so he could only hold it under his armpits and hold the ring in his mouth.

This position was still a bit difficult. The soldier moved several times, covering up the small movements with moans in his mouth.

"You must pull away before this man reacts!"

"I want to die with him!"

"The devil, he is the devil of the end!"

"If you die, you will die. You must support him!"

However, in this strange rubbing posture, a black knife penetrated his shoulder directly from top to bottom.

The shoulder was detached, and the grenade without the ring rolled to the side.

The soldier screamed and looked up. Qin Feng had arrived beside him at some point.

"Why, do you want to die together?" Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, how about it!" The soldier changed his cowardly attitude and cursed, "I just want to die with people like you!"

"You kill us, so what if you kill me? You only have one cemetery, and our company is now the leader of all China!"

"Without our company, you'd be screwed! The world would be destroyed."

"If we fall, the company will continue to send people over. If you kill me, I will wait for you on Huangquan Road! Look at you being crushed to pieces by our company's big bulldozer, and your flesh and blood will be bloody!"

"It's great to have a cannon? Bah!"

A mouthful of thick phlegm was spat out at Qin Feng, but he didn't spit it out and instead smeared his face.

Qin Feng sneered, pulled out his long knife, and pointed it downward at the man's eyes.

Crystals explode, plasma spurts, and brain tissue is damaged.

No more words.

Qin Feng drew out his knife. The black gold knife soaked in blood was even more bizarre, flashing red light.

Qin Feng put the knife back, picked up the grenade and put it on the car.

He kicked the corpses one by one onto the soul-hanging willow tree, which had been madly thirsty like a surging flood.

The sound of willow branches piercing the flesh.

All the corpses fell on the tree, like lanterns on the tree, very bizarre.

However, Qin Feng stared at the willow tree full of corpses, and his heart was slightly gloomy.

This Ark Spiral Company has set its sights on him, and these teams are just testing the front.

If a larger organization is sent, how should he deal with it.

"The leader of China?" Qin Feng couldn't help shaking his head, "It's bombing the military district to seize territory, researching mutant zombies, and robbing the cemetery. This leader's ambition is really not small."

Qin Feng raised his head and strode towards the heavy truck.

He was not afraid of gods or Buddhas, Ark spirals or twisted zombies.

Come on if you can. He wanted to see what other tricks these people had.

A day passed, and the distant stronghold was no longer in charge. Those people didn't know where they went.

Qin Feng lay back in the coffin to rest, but in his mind he was rehearsing what would happen if more people came to rob the cemetery.

And on the next day, before dawn, the sound of a huge machine running woke Qin Feng up.

Qin Feng jumped out of the coffin and looked at the direction outside the cemetery with a murderous look in his eyes.

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