Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 103 Someone disturbed the cemetery

The appearance of the cemetery has not changed much. To ordinary people, it seems that it has not been moved.

However, Qin Feng's connection with the cemetery is not sensory but systemic.

Just like something stuck in the flesh and blood, once it changes, it will feel it.

After Qin Feng got off the heavy truck, he stepped on the soft black soil with a slight bloody smell unique to the cemetery.

A crackling sound came from the soles of his feet.

Qin Feng looked at the familiar cemetery in front of him, his eyes like eagle eyes, scanning the surroundings, carefully distinguishing every detail here.

This place must have been moved by someone.

The large red sea of ​​flowers was rippling with the smell of blood, and the black willow trees were still floating in the wind.

Qin Feng walked to the front of the portal, and there was a pool of black fragments on the ground that had not been cleaned up in time.

The dark blue flames moved back and forth in the fragments, but soon disappeared.

It was a human corpse.

Some people who were not afraid of death climbed this portal.

And along the portal to the outside of the green fog wall, there were many similar corpses, all of which were humans burned to death by the portal and the green fog wall.

Qin Feng stood up and sneered. It seemed that he could not leave the cemetery in the near future.

He had to treat these people well.

Suddenly, a small "puff" sound came from the air.

Qin Feng subconsciously dodged and moved away. The soil where he was standing was actually knocked over, and the black soil splashed everywhere.

Someone was sniping him from a distance, and a silencer was used.

Before Qin Feng could see clearly who was shooting, the second bullet came again.

Qin Feng dodged and turned to run towards the heavy truck not far away.

As he moved, the sound of gunfire rang out in the distance.

More than a dozen bullets per second were all fired at him, da da da da, following him all the way.

Qin Feng accelerated and rolled to the side of the heavy truck. A series of gunshots on the iron sheet sounded on the other side of the truck.

Fortunately, this heavy truck was modified.

Whether it was the material or the structure, it was of the top level and not so easy to be penetrated or broken.

And these people obviously had no intention of killing him, but seemed to want to capture him alive.

All the guns and ammunition were fired at his feet, and when they fired at the truck, they did not aim at the fuel tank.

They just tentatively hit the body of the truck.

Qin Feng turned over and jumped onto the truck, but the dense artillery fire immediately focused on his legs and hands.

A bullet hit his calf, and Qin Feng fell into the truck.

Bang! The sound of flesh hitting the truck moved the whole heavy truck.

The artillery fire in the distance went out, and soon, a soldier-like man who was fully armed and even had a gas mask on his face came over.

There was a walkie-talkie on his shoulder, and it was obvious that the people who came should be a team.

The soldier quickly came to the rear of the heavy truck, and the gun was pointed at the car, fearing that Qin Feng was not dead.

However, for a long time, the soldier not only did not see anyone, but also did not hear human breathing.

He kicked the rear of the car with his feet and pulled it up hard, and saw clearly what was behind the heavy truck.

Qin Feng lay face down on the truck, lifeless.

The soldier smiled with satisfaction, jumped off the truck, and said to the intercom: "Report to the captain, we have dealt with this person. But we didn't capture him alive, what if he was killed?"

"If he dies, he dies," the man on the other side said, "Such a weak man, I don't know how those people died in his hands before."

"You watch there, I'll send someone to take the body and report to the boss."

The soldier replied: "Yes."

The electric sound of the intercom disappeared, and the soldiers patrolled here with guns.

They have been watching this cemetery all night, and finally someone appeared here.

And this person is the man with a knife who claimed to be the owner of the tomb.

Because it is said that one person dies when one comes, and two disappear when two come. In short, no one who was led into the cemetery by the company before has successfully entered.

When they first came, they also climbed over like this, or climbed over the green and sticky wall that was like fog and fire.

As a result, everyone they touched was burned into pieces and ashes.

At that time, they decided to ambush the owner of the tomb.

After waiting for a whole night, the tomb owner finally showed up, and he came back from outside.

They were still nervous.

If they couldn't kill such a strong man, would he find their location and come over to kill them?

Now the soldiers knew that no matter how powerful he was, the facilities in this cemetery were powerful.

This tomb owner, he was not that good.

Just like the captain said, he was a weak chicken. They fell to the ground and died after one sweep of their guns.

This man only bullied those survivors who had no weapons in the doomsday. If he met their regular mercenaries, wouldn't he die directly?

"Oh," the soldier was happy in his heart, sighed, "I have made a contribution this time. I can get supplies, marry a wife, and live in a public house when I go back."

"I really don't know what's so good about this cemetery. It's not as good as a public house."

"I must show off to those people when I go back. I shot this idiot to death with one shot, hahaha."

The soldier laughed very happily, but the next second, a knife was across his neck.

The cold blade touched his skin, and the blade scraped down, instantly cutting the skin on his neck.

"Who, who!?" The soldier froze, and someone directly controlled him from behind.

"Can you go back and marry a wife if you have done merit?" Qin Feng smiled, "You shot and killed this idiot of mine?"

"You, you're not dead?" The soldier was surprised and said tremblingly, "No, it's impossible. I obviously hit you, I aimed."

He realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly wanted to shut up, but it was too late.

Qin Feng said: "Go to hell and think about why you didn't kill me."

After cutting the throat and bleeding, Qin Feng did not abandon the body and run away, but hugged the body and jumped into the car.

Turn around and leave here.

More than a minute later, a team of several people came over carrying a stretcher. Like the soldier, they were all fully armed and wearing gas masks.

And there is experience.

These people did not touch the sea of ​​flowers and willow trees easily. Instead, they ran on the bluestone road, all the way to the vicinity of the heavy trucks.

"Report," the leader said, "Captain, we have arrived."

"Collect the body and leave."


On the other side of the intercom is a mountain in the distance, and a base point has been established on the mountain.

The tents were set up and fenced with barbed iron spikes to prevent zombies from invading.

The captain sat in the tent and couldn't help but sneer.

A person next to him asked: "Captain, is this cemetery so attractive? Why does the company have to attack this cemetery?"

The captain smiled and said: "Young man, you don't understand now."

"Now that the apocalypse is coming, the most important thing is not to have a safe territory. I don't know what device is coming from the defense system outside this cemetery. As soon as our people touch it, it will be reduced to ashes."

"Then as long as you live inside, don't you have to worry about zombies coming? When the time comes to expand the scope, you can establish a new order for mankind."

"The company will not let go of this lucrative job."

The man nodded repeatedly. Such a powerful place should really be put to good use.

"Now he is the owner of the tomb," the captain's eyes were cold. "If he is still alive, it would be better to capture him and torture him to see if he can recruit. How is this cemetery made? Unfortunately, even if he is beaten to death, he is still a loser. chicken.

I guess he is just a fool pretending to be the owner of the tomb. "

The captain and the people next to him laughed mockingly.

At this moment, the walkie-talkie in front of him buzzed, and the captain couldn't wait to take it over: "Catch, what's going on?"

"What's going on?" Qin Feng said to the walkie-talkie, "In thirty seconds, I will find your location and then destroy you."

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