Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 80 Undercurrent

He called the other person boss on the phone, which was interesting. Isn't this Li Wei the mayor's man?

After Li Shiyi saw Li Wei leaving through the chariot, he took Santana back and entered the different-dimensional space.

The phone call before Li Wei left made him very concerned. He originally thought that he was exposed and was being targeted by someone arranged by the mayor.

But now it seems that this Su City is really just like the mayor said, it is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. This boss should also be the leader of an organization.

The organization the other party mentioned should refer to the organization he pretended to be, but only the mayor and the mayor's cronies should know about this matter.

Have their people already infiltrated the mayor's side? Or is it that even the mayor is one of their people?

Or maybe the mayor himself is the boss and he has a dual identity, or maybe this organization is affiliated with the mayor? Li Shiyi sat on the sofa, touching his chin and thinking.

He had to think about the fact that in this kind of apocalypse, there were dangers hidden everywhere. Some came from the harsh environment of the apocalypse, and some came from the monsters.

Others come from people.

Just because he has relied on the system to live peacefully in the apocalypse until now does not mean that he is really safe. In order to survive, he has to pay attention to everything or people that may threaten him.

I just don't know what they mean by approaching me. Now in their eyes, my 'organization' should have exposed three people.

The first one is my identity as a trader with the mayor. Let's call him a trader for the time being.

The second one is the identity of the person who jumped from the building in the video on the Internet. Let's call it the jumper. After all, the video contains footage of the nano laser cannon firing. The mayor will naturally think that person is from the 'organization' .”

The third one is today's identity. Fortunately, the golden armor was used to cover the mask. Otherwise, Li Wei would have to be killed, and there would be no way to know the information about the 'boss'. This identity is called the golden mask. Bar.

Suddenly, the phone rang briefly, interrupting Li Shiyi's thinking.

He took out his cell phone and looked at it. It was a message from the mayor: Hello, sir, I have something to ask you.

Did he really come? The mayor really couldn't hold himself back. It didn't take long before he actually came to see me directly.

Li Shiyi slandered a few words, and then replied to the mayor: You can tell me what happened. Also, don't call me sir anymore. Just call me 'Trader'. This is my code name.

Okay, Mr. Trader, here's what happened. This morning, a soldier from the Special Forces met a gentleman wearing a gold mask on the street.

From what this gentleman says, he seems to be one of yours. I want to confirm this with you.

Are you trying to find out about our internal information?

Li Shiyi raised his eyebrows and sent out such a message.

That's not the case, Mr. Trader, I just want to invite that gentleman to my place as a guest, have a casual meal, and apologize by the way.


The Hongmen Banquet is pretty much the same.

Li Shiyi sneered and continued to communicate with the mayor.

His name is Jin Mask. He's one of our nice people. You can apologize, but the meal is free. But since it's an apology, it has to be sincere, right?

What kind of sincerity does Mr. Gold Mask want?

What do you want?

Li Shiyi was stunned for a moment. Although he wanted to get some benefits, he did not seem to be lacking anything now. He now had a large reserve of food and water, living space, and even weapons and various resources.

If there is something missing, it would be——

Rare metals, that is, rare earths.

No problem, as much as you need.

Why don't you ask us what we need rare earths for?

The mayor's reaction was a bit beyond Li Shiyi's expectations. Rare earths are mostly used in the manufacture of military weapons.

And when he asked the mayor for rare earths as an organization, the other party didn't refuse, nor did he ask about the purpose, but directly asked him how much he wanted, which was a bit strange.

I can guess the purpose of rare earths without asking, but your organization is an important partner of ours, and your organization has not shown any malicious intent and has been cleaning up zombies, so we believe that your organization can obtain it. Our support.”

Okay, since you said so, we won't let you suffer losses. Two kilograms of crops plus two kilograms of meat will be exchanged for one kilogram of rare earths. As for the amount of rare earths, just give me the maximum amount you can supply. .”

Li Shiyi gave a price that he thought was reasonable.

That's great, Mr. Trader, but when and where is the trade?

Let's go to the place where you meet the golden mask. The time is up to you. Once you prepare the rare earths, we will trade them. Oh, by the way, just let Li Wei come by himself. Don't bring anyone else. ”

In an hour, okay?

no problem.

After finishing the chat, Li Shiyi immediately got up and came to Santana.

Enable war mode.

War mode is on. A cold electronic synthesized voice sounded in the car.

Open the war system upgrade panel.

After Li Shi finished giving the order, a blue panel appeared in front of him.

Let me see, life scanning function, communication shielding function, optical hiding function, EMP electronic pulse function, I rely on these functions, it is a big killer.

Let me see what I can upgrade. The materials are only enough to upgrade the life scanning function and communication shielding function. Okay, that's it.

Then, an imperceptible light flashed on the surface of the car body, and the upgrade was completed.

It's a pity that I don't have optical related materials, otherwise I will definitely upgrade the optical stealth function.

Li Shiyi felt a little pity about this.

After the upgrade was completed, Li Shiyi drove to the agreed transaction location.

In less than five minutes, Li Shiyi arrived. The zombie corpses he killed were still lying on the ground. There were no other zombies wandering over to eat these zombie corpses.

Li Shiyi parked Santana at the last stop according to his memory, and then gave instructions to the chariot.

Turn on war mode and scan for signs of life around you.

Received, war mode is on and scanning is in progress.

Then a light curtain appeared in front of Li Shiyi. There was a radar-like pattern on the light curtain. There were a few red dots scattered on it, representing zombies, and a green dot in the center, representing himself. .

They really didn't arrive.

With that said, Li Shi got out of the car and hid in the ruins of a nearby building.

About ten minutes later, Li Shiyi saw a black-painted car and a green-painted transport truck driving over and parked on the side of the road.

Then ten soldiers got off the black car, the leader of which was Li Wei.

Act as planned, hurry, hurry, hurry. As soon as everyone got off the car, Li Wei quickly gave orders

Yes. The rest of the soldiers answered in unison, and then everyone hid nearby.

Seeing this, Li Shiyi had to sigh. The military quality of these soldiers was indeed very strong. If he hadn't seen these soldiers hiding with his own eyes, he would not have been able to tell where these soldiers were hiding.

Of course, for him, it is meaningless no matter how much the other party hides, because he can see their aura clearly.

What a pity, I saw it.

Li Shiyi sighed, then took out his mobile phone and contacted the mayor.

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