Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 79 Bloodthirsty Battle Ax

After rinsing, Li Shiyi planned to take Xiao Hei back home. After all, he didn't lack any supplies now. If he had to mention it, it would be the dimensional space stone.

But this thing is indeed relatively scarce, and until now, Li Shiyi has not been able to save enough for the next upgrade.

Li Shiyi was sitting in the car, opening the system panel and checking his supplies. Suddenly, he discovered something strange.

Bloodthirsty battle ax fragments*100 (can be synthesized).

When did you save enough? Why didn't I notice it before?

Li Shiyi touched the words on the fragments, and a line of words popped up on it [Consume 100 fragments to synthesize the blood-thirsty battle axe, whether to synthesize it]


Without thinking at all, Li Shiyi chose to synthesize. There were enough fragments and it did not consume other resources, so of course he had to synthesize them.

Moreover, at this time, he kind of liked the feeling of close combat.

Long-range has the advantage of long-range. Although it is safe, it does not have the thrill of close combat.

As long as safety can be ensured, it's not bad to engage in close combat once in a while.

Of course, Li Shiyi still remembers that his system is a god-level chariot system, and physical enhancements and other things are additional. The chariot is the foundation of his life.

Thinking of this, Li Shiyi looked at his beloved Santana. Although it looked old and worn, this did not affect Li Shiyi's love for it.

After all, who doesn’t love a chariot?

mua Li Shiyi blew a kiss towards Santana.

[Ding, the bloodthirsty battle ax has been synthesized]

A red light flashed, and Li Shiyi had a strange-shaped weapon in his hand. He said it was an axe, but it clearly looked like a chain hammer, but it was really strange to say it was a chain hammer and it was also called the Bloodthirst Tomahawk.

Li opened the panel of the Bloodthirsty Battle Ax at eleven o'clock.

[Name: Bloodthirsty Battle Ax]

[Stage: 0]

[Energy crystals required to upgrade to the next stage: 0/100000]

[Description: Sealed weapon]


Li Shiyi frowned. This was the first time he had seen such a strange thing after having the system for so long.

And it seems that there are many stages, but this upgrade requires too many things. 100,000 energy crystals are the same price as the Essence Body Enhancer, and this is just from stage 0 to 1.

Based on Li Shiyi's experience in playing games, the higher the stage, the more energy crystals required.

Isn't this a scam? Why do everything require energy crystals? Can't they be cheaper?

It seems that we will continue to hunt zombies. Li Shiyi murmured.

Killing a zombie only gives him ten energy crystals. This method is his current main source of energy crystals.

But in fact, this method is very slow. Just by driving Xiao Hei with him, he may not be able to save 100,000 in one day.

I remember that the system prompt showed that killing ordinary zombies would give you ten points. It seems that there are more advanced zombies that can get more energy crystals.

But even after thinking of this, Li Shiyi did not immediately set off to find high-level zombies.

Because safety comes first, he will find higher-level zombies sooner or later, but only after he is ready.

He knew that there must be more powerful beings in the mountains and forests outside the city, because he could feel that there was a very powerful aura in the mountains and forests.

Even in Su City, there is an aura that is not weaker than his.

It gave him a sense of urgency, but he wasn't worried.

You asked him where he got his confidence?

He will tell you that confidence comes from the system.

In this way, Li Shiyi drove in Su City and started looking for zombies. Of course, he deliberately avoided those powerful auras.

There are so many here.

While walking, Li Shiyi suddenly saw a large group of zombies again. He couldn't wait to pick up the blood-thirsty battle ax, took Xiao Hei out of the car, and rushed towards the zombies in front.

For some reason, it was his first time to use such a strange weapon as the Bloodthirst Battle Ax, but it was surprisingly easy to use, and he felt like he could use it like an arm.

And his fighting spirit became more and more high as he fought.

Hoo, ho, ho.

Li Shiyi didn't stop until he eliminated the last zombie in front of him.

But he was shocked to find that the number of his energy crystals did not change as much as he imagined, and only increased by about half of what he expected.

He suddenly thought of the Bloodthirsty Tomahawk and quickly opened the panel of the Tomahawk.

[Name: Bloodthirsty Battle Ax]

[Stage: 0]

[Energy crystals required to upgrade to the next stage: 1357/100000]

[Description: Sealed weapon]

It seems that if you kill zombies with the Bloodthirst Battle Ax, the rewarded energy crystals will be directly used on the Bloodthirst Battle Ax.

Li Shili became more interested in this strange weapon.

With such a unique piece of equipment, Li Shiyi was already looking forward to what kind of effects it would show in the later stages.

Just when he was secretly happy, he heard a noise from the side.


Li Shiyi quickly looked at the source of the sound and assumed a fighting stance.

I mean no harm. Seeing this, the other party stretched out his hands forward so that Li Shiyi could see his palms to show that he was not holding a weapon.

I am a member of the Su City Special Forces. My name is Li Wei.

Li Wei, what's the matter? Li Shiyi saw the other party's actions and put down the blood-thirsty battle ax he raised. Of course, he didn't completely give up his vigilance. As long as the other party made any moves, Li Shiyi didn't mind inviting him. Eat a piece of cake!

Don't get me wrong, I saw your battle scene, and I want to invite you to join our army and help us destroy the zombies.

Li Wei paused and then continued: You are so powerful, you should make a contribution to protecting the people, and I saw you killing zombies along the way, I must be a righteous man.

Are you following me? Li Shiyi frowned when he heard this. He clenched the blood-thirsty battle ax in his hand tighter and could launch an attack at any time!

Although he had noticed Li Wei's aura just now, he mistakenly thought it was a zombie, so he didn't pay attention!

No, no, I'm in charge of patrolling this area. My task is to record the location of these large zombie groups. I just happened to see you killing zombies, so I took the liberty to come up to you.

After listening to Li Wei's explanation, Li Shi nodded, his murderous intention reduced by half. At that moment, he thought the mayor had sent someone to follow him, and he was ready to kill and silence him.

Fortunately, the other party explained quickly.

But this does not mean that Li Shiyi can completely trust the other party.

I won't join your army. I have my organization. You go back and ask your mayor. He should know. And don't follow me casually in the future. If I accidentally hurt you, I won't take any responsibility. What responsibility.”

After saying that, Li Shiyi burst out with all his strength, randomly found a direction and ran, disappearing from Li Wei's sight in a few seconds.

The reason why he didn't drive was because he didn't want anyone to stare at his Santana and track him down, and then just come back later.

At this time, such broken cars are all over the street, no one will care, and Li Shiyi has already torn off the license plate, so he will not be recognized!

Not long after Li Shiyi left, Li Wei took out a phone: Hey, boss, I found someone suspected of being an 'organization'. Yes, they have been videotaped. I will rush back to report to you.

However, Li Wei didn't know that all of this was recorded by an inconspicuous Santana not far away.

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