Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 336 Preparation for the Arena Competition

Li Shiyi is also very busy now. He is busy with the trials in the base. She wants those warriors who won the trials to be injected with genetic drugs. After all, the number of genetic drugs is too small to cover the entire base. All the soldiers have genetic medicines that they can use, so they can only use this strategy. Of course, they can also see their own base using the skills of those soldiers, which is also a killing two birds with one stone.

The Korean team who came a few days ago helped him organize this arena match, but now the Korean team has gone back, so these tasks naturally fell on him.

Li Shiyi was really too busy, so he had to take out the walkie-talkie from his waist. After adjusting to a channel, voices came from it.

What's wrong, Eleven? Do you want to see me for something?

Oh, that's right. You are really good at predicting things. I really have something to ask you for. Didn't my aunt say some time ago that I want to hold a group competition? Lao Han was helping me a while ago. , but now he has left, so I am solely responsible for this matter, but there are too many things to do, so I came to you. If you have nothing to do, come over now. I Just in the open space outside the fortress, you can see me as soon as you come out.

Okay, I understand, just wait a moment and I'll be there soon.

The person talking on the other end of the intercom is naturally Xue Lang. Li Shiyi usually comes to him when something happens, so he is used to it now. As long as Li Shiyi has something happen to him, he will definitely arrive as soon as possible. , and no matter what he does, he is very fast and efficient, so this is why he will seek out the blood wolf every time something happens.

And this mission is indeed not one that he can easily complete alone, because there is no place in the fortress that can build such a ring, and even if there is such a place in the fortress, he does not dare to carry out it easily. Such activities, after all, these warriors have all kinds of strange powers, and no power here is strange. However, if you accidentally damage the facilities in the fortress during the battle, or injure the researchers who are studying in the fortress, .

So after thinking about it, he asked people to pull the materials needed to build the arena outside the base through military vehicles, preparing to complete this huge project outside the base. Although there are machines and smart facilities, the construction There will still be noises during the process, and this is not outside the fortress, it is outside, and it is not as safe as in the fortress, so making huge noises outside is undoubtedly a direct wave to those hungry zombies, taking the initiative Tell them there is food here.

So during the construction process, there will be zombies in all directions, and the fortress is not in the wilderness. The location of the fortress is in the city, but this city happens to be far away from the twelve areas, so it can be said that it is full of dangers, but Even so, there is nothing that can be done. After all, no matter what, there is absolutely no way to build a ring in the base, because these warriors are not like Li Shiyi who can always pay attention to everything around them when fighting. Once these warriors fight, they will definitely kill them.

Even if Li Shiyi has notified him in advance, this battle is just to compare who is stronger and weaker, and there is no need to kill him. But even after such notification, there will definitely be deaths in this battle. After all, Now is the post-apocalypse, and there are no rules and regulations to restrain these people, so even if Li Shiyi said this, when it comes to the battle, no one will be able to remember what he said, and they will definitely be killed by tricks. Move, go straight to the vital point, very vicious.

But although the location of the fortress is not in the center of the city, there are still high-rise buildings everywhere. Although the streets are already very clean, when the apocalypse breaks out, the situation here is not as good as it is now. When the apocalypse breaks out, whether it is The streets everywhere must look exactly like the scene of a large-scale car accident.

After all, when the apocalypse breaks out, these people will no longer obey the traffic rules and start to be self-centered. Although there is no way around it, after all, everyone will choose to do this in order to survive, but crowding is actually meaningless, because Crowding will not only increase casualties, but also block roads, making it impossible for anyone to leave safely.

But when the apocalypse broke out, no one paid attention to such things at all, so the roads at that time were very blocked. The consequences of the traffic jam were very serious. Not only was no one able to escape from here, And even now after the apocalypse, traffic congestion has a very serious impact on later construction.

But this is not a problem for Li Shiyi. Li Shiyi has dispatched a group of heavy-duty vehicles a long time ago, and the purpose of this group of vehicles is naturally to clear out all the vehicles blocking the road. The vehicles he sent out were very heavy, enough to push all the vehicles blocking the road away, making way for a very wide road. As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, build roads first. This principle is even today after the end of the world. It is still very useful.

If Li Shiyi had not had the foresight to clear the road a long time ago, it would not be so convenient now. You must know that due to time, these vehicles are almost stuck to the road. Fortunately, he has already cleared the road in advance. The roads have been dealt with. If this were not the case, then he might still be busy dealing with the roads outside the fortress.

But it's different now. It's precisely because he has foresight that he can prevent these roads from being so blocked when he needs them. Moreover, no one passes through this road. At most, only his own people are walking on this road. , and you usually drive when leaving the base, because there are a lot of vehicles in the fortress, and these vehicles are also very sturdy and durable, so even if you drive every time you go on a mission, there are still a lot of these vehicles in the warehouse. .

After all, Li Shiyi is a very cautious person, so even when it comes to roads and vehicles, he is meticulous and does not dare to neglect at all. After all, he is the one who deceives in the end.

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