Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 335 Prosperous Martial Arts

Yu Qi felt very dangerous like this, but this abnormal state only lasted for a short period of time.

Then she quickly adjusted her state.

Therefore, even the Korean team who was very close to her did not notice her abnormal state.

How's it going? Do you feel anything?

Seeing Yu Qi trying to feel the power, Captain Han understood that he could not easily disturb her in her current state, but he still couldn't help it.

I...feel...the wind...


Hearing Yu Qi's voice, Captain Han was a little confused.

But the next moment he understood what Yu Qi meant.

As soon as Yu Qi finished speaking, he suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes.

A very terrifying aura continued to emanate from her body to the surroundings. Such terrifying power shocked everyone in the office.

Team Han, the most powerful person in the firm, feels this power even more intensely. After all, this kind of power is like a big stone weighing heavily on his heart.

Yu Qi felt that the power in his body existed as the power of wind.

So after she gathered these powers, a breeze immediately appeared in the bedroom. The snack bags on the bed were shaking in the breeze, and her own hair was also dancing in the wind.

Because this was in the room, she didn't dare to really use all her power. She only dared to let a small part of her power appear, and then there was a small storm in the room.

But this kind of power alone is enough. Through the aura on her body, Team Han has already felt that she has awakened a very powerful power, and the power is displayed through the wind.

Wind is not a physical object, but a kind of energy, an invisible thing. This kind of power is also very hidden when used, which happens to be very suitable for Yu Qi's identity.

After all, he himself is a killer, a very powerful killer. In addition, she has now obtained the power possessed by an evolved person. For her, it is like adding wings to a tiger.

Now that you have awakened your power, I'm relieved. By the way, you are already very tired from completing the mission recently. I won't disturb you. You can have a good rest now. You can all disperse. Take the There are other tasks coming down.”

There are a lot of people recently, and everyone has to work overtime, but now is a special moment. More commissions means we can get more rewards.

But you don't have to be mentally burdened. Although there are a lot of tasks, I haven't taken on those thankless and troublesome tasks at all. I have taken on tasks that are relatively leisurely, so recently everyone has Work overtime, and after this period of limelight has passed, we will be able to relax, and then I will share all the rewards I received in completing the task with you without leaving a penny.

So everyone, don't be sad. Only when you have a job can you get paid. This is all corresponding.

Besides, don't you want to try out the latest batch of weapons I got back? Now it's a team mission, just enough for you to test the weapons, how about it?

Although the few people looked tired, they still nodded. After all, the office did not receive tasks every day in the past, and the number of tasks recently was very large. Logically speaking, they should be happy.

Okay, go quickly. I've asked the helicopter to pick you up. Look at the time, the helicopter should be arriving by now.

Team Han, I also want to join the mission!

You'd better have a good rest. Awakening power is very exhausting and requires adequate rest. If you continue to complete the task now, I'm afraid it will cause irreversible damage to your body. This is something I don't want to see, and This mission is not too difficult, and the new weapons purchased this time also require very detailed combat data, so this mission must be completed, and you have been overworked recently, so you can take a rest.

Okay, then I wish you, Team Korea, immediate success and good luck in martial arts!

I'm going for a rest.

Okay, without further ado, let's set off now. You all should check your belongings and personal firearms. After the inspection is correct, we can leave.

At this moment, there was a loud roaring sound outside. This sound was not the sound of something exploding, but the sound of a helicopter propeller.

The helicopter's propeller was rotating rapidly, driving up the surrounding airflow and forming a storm in the sky.

In the end, the helicopter stopped on top of an apron designed at the top of the office. Team Han and others packed up their supplies and weapons.

After explaining the situation to each other, everyone boarded the plane, the propellers turned rapidly again, and the helicopter immediately rose high into the sky.

He led Captain Han and others to fly towards the mission location, but Yu Qi fell asleep not long after they left because the awakening power and the recent characters were too heavy.

The next place that Team Han and others will go to is another base. This base was suddenly attacked by a group of zombies starting last night.

They then notified various offices, hoping for support to help them survive this disaster, and Team Han and others from Ankuai Office also accepted the invitation.

Moreover, this mission also has extraordinary rewards, so this is why Team Han continued to run around non-stop with other people in the institute as soon as he came back from the outside without resting.

Because the purchase of weapons this time also cost a lot of materials, even if he and Li Shiyi have a very deep relationship, it is impossible to take away the other party's weapons for nothing, so he still paid Li Shiyi Corresponding supplies, but the other party still offered a lot of discounts, but even so, those weapons are still expensive, so now there is a shortage of funds in the office.

As long as this support mission is successful, it can make up for the firm's recent capital turnover, so even from this aspect, this character must complete it.

After all, nothing can be obtained without hard work. Even in the end of the world, if you want a better survival, you can only work. This is human nature and a rule that everyone should abide by.

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