Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 332 Gene Potion

After Nan Ming showed his ability, Qiu Nan was very happy at that time. Fortunately, it was not her who discovered the two of them, but Team Han, if it were herself.

They certainly wouldn't even be able to rescue the two of them, let alone bring them back. But fortunately, they met the Korean team, so they wouldn't die in the chaos.

But to be able to come to the research institute and do one's best for the research.

And this was just Nan Ming. When Nan Ming showed his strength, Qiu Nan felt that the Korean team's decision was very correct.

Nan Ling used one morning to renovate the entire research institute front to back, and also renovated all the weapons.

The cold weapons became sharper under her hands, and the firearms were also modified by her. Not only did they become more brand-new, but their performance was also improved by leaps and bounds.

Although the two of them have no talent in combat, one of them has extremely incredible hands-on ability, and the other is extremely sensitive to machinery.

When these two people are together, they can unleash terrifying power.

It is precisely because of these two people that the firm can become better and better. It can be said that the firm's achievements today are inseparable from these two people.

At this time, Qiu Nan discovered that this military vehicle was full of weapons, and the weapons looked very strange, but judging from the picture just now.

Although these weapons are very strange, they are not weak, and they can pierce that person's chest in the blink of an eye, if such a thing didn't happen right in front of you.

Even if Qiu Nan was killed, he would never believe it, but such a weapon could make the enemies, who were so numerous, just watch the three of them leave, not even daring to step forward to stop them.

What kind of weapons are these and why do they look so strange?

Do you remember Li Shiyi?

Li Shiyi, remember, what's wrong?

Could it be that you got all these weapons from him?

Yes, and you may not believe it when I tell you. The pistol in my hand was given to me by him. He said that this weapon is not very powerful and can only be used for self-defense.

But you have also seen the power of this weapon. It is not about whether it can defend yourself or not. I have never seen such a powerful weapon.

So I couldn't help but start imagining other weapons. If those weapons were really like what Li Shiyi said.

So I can't imagine how many difficult tasks such a vehicle of weapons can accomplish.

Captain Han's eyes were filled with passion, which he could not imagine at all.

But he and Li Shiyi had known each other for so many years and said that he had basically never deceived anyone, and every word was true, so the Korean team imagined the grand scene of him using these weapons to complete the mission.

Yu Qi was also very interested in these weapons. She took out a metal box from under the seat, and then opened the buckle on the box.

Then he exerted a little force, and the box was opened. After the box was opened, the contents inside were exposed to the air.

Yu Qi's eyes widened when he saw the contents inside. He saw that there were many parts inside the box, although Captain Han didn't know what these things were.

But Yu Qi could see what these scattered parts were at a glance. After understanding, she started assembling them without saying a word.

Seeing that Yu Qi had already started assembling the weapons, he also slowed down the driving speed of the vehicle in order not to affect Yu Qi's operation.

Yu Qi's hands were very dexterous, and his fingers were flying back and forth on these parts. These parts seemed to be alive in his hands. These scattered parts were assembled by Yu Qi at an extremely fast speed. .

Only then did Qiu Nan understand what the parts in the box were. She saw that Yu Qi was holding a very technological firearm in his hand. This firearm was a sniper rifle.

Different from the current sniper rifles, this sniper rifle has been innovative in all its appearance. It is very easy to hold in the hand, and it can also be neurologically connected to the user's brain.

Obtaining more data will also make the use of this firearm more convenient, faster and more accurate, and the assembly process of this firearm is also very simple, just like building blocks.

But no matter how simple it is, giving it to the Korean team is still more difficult than climbing to the sky. After seeing this firearm, Yu Qi smiled. He seemed to like this gun very much and couldn't put it down.

Seeing Yu Qi's appearance, Team Han felt that his trip was not in vain. At this time, he suddenly remembered what was in the pocket on his chest.

He immediately interrupted Yu Qi who was adjusting the firearm, and then handed Yu Qi a tube of glass-encapsulated medicine in his hand.

This tube of medicine is nothing else. This tube of medicine is naturally the medicine developed in the fortress that Li Shiyi gave him. This tube of medicine can give the injector very powerful power.

And it can also turn the injector into an evolved person. You must know that the gap between ordinary people and evolved people is insurmountable. Even ordinary people, no matter how powerful they are, cannot defeat any awakened person or evolved person.

Because the gap between the two sides is not just a gap in strength, but a gap in genes. Medicines can make up for the defects in human genes, thereby allowing humans to gain powerful power.

Becoming a very powerful Awakened One with powerful combat effectiveness, and most importantly, this is the reason why the Korean team must obtain the genetic medicine no matter what, that is, as long as the genetic medicine is injected.

You can gain the ability to be protected from virus infection. In this apocalypse, if you can be protected from the virus, you will be able to survive better in this apocalypse.

This is a genetic potion that can turn you into an evolver. Drink it quickly.

Team Han said this. Yu Qi immediately pulled out the cork on the reagent after hearing this. Then she raised her head and drank the liquid in the test tube. The cold liquid passed through her esophagus.

It entered the stomach like this, and after a while, he felt that his body was very hot.

Something seemed to be awakening. At this moment, Yu Qi's eyes immediately turned blood red, so red that blood could ooze from them.

Her power continued to gush out from all parts of her body, like an engine, able to continuously output power, and the weapon in her hand was constantly trembling in her hand.

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