Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 331 First encounter

Who are they and why are you in conflict?

I don't know who they are, I just know that they seem to be from the underground research institute. They suddenly appeared out of thin air from the ground.

I'm afraid this is all within the scope of the institute, but it's too big. Yu Qi and I have already come here, and we haven't even left the scope of the institute yet.

This research institute is too big, it can actually be extended here.

Team Han nodded: I got the structural drawings of the research institute and Nantian base from Li Shiyi. I can't understand them. Please take a closer look.

While driving, the Korean team found a white blueprint among the large number of firearms on the ground, and then handed the blueprint to Qiu Nan, who was sitting in the back row.

He couldn't understand these things at all. This drawing was too complicated. It was divided into upper and lower layers, and there seemed to be a middle layer, which seemed to be a place for storing things. .

But although this drawing clearly shows where the place to store things is, it is clearly written on this drawing.

If you want to enter the blocked central area, you must have very high-level permissions, but it does not indicate how many levels of permissions are required.

But no matter how many levels of authority it requires, for Team Han and Qiu Nan who are not part of the Nantian base, even the first level of authority is equivalent to a restricted area for them.

After all, they do not have the authority of the research institute at all, if it is the authority of the Nantian Base.

That is relatively easy to do, but I am afraid that the authority of the Nantian Base and the authority of the underground research institute are not interoperable. If this is the case, then things will become troublesome.

Is the underground research institute so big? If it weren't for this drawing, no one would be able to imagine that the existence of the Nantian Base is just to cover up the research institute underneath it.

That is to say, I didn't believe it when I first heard the news. But until I saw this earth drawing, although I couldn't interpret it in detail,

But judging from the drawings, there is such a large research institute underneath the Nantian Base.

As for the audio you recorded and sent to me, I finally found someone to verify it, and that's when I found that although what he said was correct, there was something wrong.

That is, the predecessor of Nantian Base was not a shelter. The predecessor of Nantian Base was a prison, and it was a prison for serious criminals.

Prison? But what does this have to do with the underground research institute?

What do you think this underground research institute mainly studies?

Researching genes, what's wrong?

So, is it possible that a research institute that studies genes will use artificially bred mice for all experiments? Absolutely not. They definitely want to use real humans for experiments.

After all, only in this way can they more intuitively feel the effect of the genetic medicine they made.

But where do these experimental subjects come from? Is it possible that they want to arrest people for experiments? Their experiment itself is a prohibited experiment.

, so they would not do such a big and eye-catching thing, so where did their experimental subjects come from?


That's right, it's the prison. It was the existence of these death row inmates that allowed their experiment to progress, so they pursued the victory and did not discover it late at night.

In this way, a research institute covering an area larger than that of the Nantian Base was built. This was the earliest research institute. The reason why no one knew about it was

That's because all the staff in the prison were secretly replaced by people related to the research institute.

And in the end, do you know where these researchers and experimental subjects ended up?

Where have you gone?

Team Han did not respond, but took one hand off the steering wheel, pointed to the ground with the other hand and said: Those prisoners were eventually transformed into monsters, and some of the successful experiments were also imprisoned in the research institute.

They were locked up at the lowest level of the research institute and heavily guarded.

Then they encountered the apocalypse?

Yes, and then they encountered the apocalypse. These researchers were all unarmed, and they were completely unable to fight, so the moment the virus broke out, they had turned into zombies, and the rest were fine. The researchers have all become zombies one after another, as well as the experimental subjects who have been injected with various pharmaceuticals. They are basically teenagers and girls. The life and death of these people are now uncertain, and how dangerous the underground research institute is now is unknown. No one can know.

And these things were all learned by Nan Ming through investigation. I have to say that Nan Ming is really powerful and can even know such information.

Team Han couldn't help but sigh. Before the end of the world, Nan Ming was a technical geek. He discovered it during a mission. He was the only one at that time. .

His sister Nan Ling protected him, and the two found a place to build a shelter.

But because they didn't expect the zombies to be so numerous and powerful, the shelter they carefully built was destroyed.

After the shelter was invaded by zombies, they were unable to resist them. At this time, the Korean team discovered them and rescued them from the dire straits.

If it weren't for the Korean team, they would probably have died long ago. It was the Korean team who rescued them from danger and brought them back to the research institute. When they were first brought back to the research institute.

I beg the man to be unwilling. After all, these two people do not have any fighting ability.

You must know that this is the end of the world where people eat people without spitting out their bones, and the institute is not a charity and cannot raise people like them who have no fighting ability.

But as the Korean team who brought them back, he knew their abilities, so he gave them a chance, but they did not let him down.

As a technical geek, Nan Ming immediately upgraded all the programs in the entire institute and even modified all the computers in the entire institute.

Not only did they build a security system with a high safety factor for the entrance of the institute, but they also upgraded a large number of programs. Such things immediately shocked Qiu Nan.

The key is that such an upgrade has made the entire institute's task processing capabilities more powerful, and such a powerful security system has made the entire institute safer.

As soon as Nan Ming took action, Qiu Nan was already shocked.

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